The Lie NASA Told – The Imminent Demise of the NWO
. The First Thing the Human mind has to grasp is that you are not ‘seeing’ things correctly. Esoteric Laws are the Laws that Govern the Creation, which is defined as ‘A Construct’. These Laws are the program parameters and are based on Energy and Energy Exchange. The Esoteric Law is ‘Those Below may not see Above, But those Above May see below.’ What this means is that there is a barrier of sight that is based on the laws of energy God created and this makes an Energy barrier. Everything has a ‘Spirit’ attached to it. A Spirit is a living being, which is ‘A Person’ whose ‘Atomic’ speed vibrates at a higher rate…. ‘Higher Frequency’, ‘Higher Wave Length’ ‘Out of Visible Light Spectrum’ are other terms commonly used to attempt to describe this same concept. The higher rates of speed put this being ‘Out of Phase’ with us and thus out of ‘Sight’ and out of ‘Touch’. The next thing the human mind has to grasp is that the Priesthoods, All of them lied not just about one thing but about ‘everything’. Then you have to follow the money to understand it is the Priesthood which Ultimately owns NASA which is why NASA doesn’t just lie about one thing, it lies about Everything. As a matter of Policy, as ordered by the Coven Priesthood. To keep their Lie they put on Hoaxes, such as the alleged ‘Government Shutdown’ or more recently. Israel closing their Embassy. All government corps world wide are owned by the same Coven Priesthood which issued all charters to the Nobility. It is the Vatican Corp. which granted to the Nobility, all Titles, Lands, Powers, Privileges and Rights. Both historically and today Under Canon Law 108. This made the Vat ‘The Umbrella Corporation’ and the ‘SIGIL’ for it is on the Papal Robes in plain sight. As per Coven Canon Law. Every other Coven, Priesthood or other incorporation is owned by the Vatican via the system of Shell Corporations it created beneath itself. Which allows it to give the appearance of separate ‘governments’ and separate ‘religions’. It is all one group and they have an older name.
The Lie NASA Told – The Imminent Demise of The NOW (PART ONE)
VIDEO Link:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c69vZyE74Zg
Some peoples minds are trapped by the dogma of Religion, others are trapped by the dogma of Science. These are all one group owned by the same people. They have re-written your History and giving us a false time-line. This was done within the last 100 years. By removing the Coven Law they were able to stretch the timeline using same images of the same people. What happened in Babylon wasn’t a mystery it was simply removed. By renaming hieroglyphs and altering the definitions of words. They altered your concept of what the word meant. The relabeled ‘West Gate’ as ‘Gate of Man’. They removed the definition of the term ‘The Creation’ and renamed ‘The One’ All Father and Father of the Branch of Man ‘Pa’ (Origin of ‘Law of ONE’ “Atum”. Altered our Concept of what ‘Heaven’, ‘God’ and other words are and gave us religion to discredit all of it. Kennedy knew what the Royals and the Priesthood had done too. He caught onto Rothschilds and Bilderbergs too and demanded from NASA an answer to who the ‘Greys’ were and why they were here and that’s when he was taken. The following information is only a small review of the now removed History once taught, concerning Babylon & the creation of Pharaoh & Coven Caesar & Coven Ant. The sole purpose is to expose you to some of the hieroglyphics & esoteric terms as they were used in order to correct what was altered. For a full detail of the History at a slower pace & better image quality look for the corresponding Video “Mystery Babylon No More” …. I couldn’t find a video with the exact title given :-(
His common name was Alexander (Marduke/Son of Ea) (showing pics of AZAZEL (hebrew) BAPHOMET(Egypt) Coven CAesar, MASSAWA “The Great Architech God” Coven Freemason (Babylon), “The Horned God” Coven WicCA (latin “CA” Coven Azazel) Babylon God El (oheim) Vatican (German – “Vater” Father “I” of German/Saxon “kan” Kin) and the story went he was experimenting on mankind and the ‘Father’ of the ‘Branch of Man’ said he had no right to do this and this launched a war for the souls, of mankind, on Earth. They Stripped Man of their 12 strand DNA and reducing Hu-Man size they were also using that 12 strands DNA to create Reptiles with more manlike appearance. The Reptile Brain is the known behavior source of all ritual, hierarchy, selfishness & baser instincts and is the source of all Sociopathic behavior. By placing everyone in a hybrid body it meant that either ‘branch’ could ‘seal’ the individual at the end of the ‘cycle’ rather than strictly the originating ‘branch’. It allowed the Reptile ‘branch’ the specific Predator of Man, the ability to camouflage and enter our societies. (showing pic Queen Mother and Elizabeth, Scary looking Pope and Dalai Lama). If you gave them your ‘oath’ then they were allowed to ‘seal’ you. We are souls and our bodies our our vehicles. You are a ‘Mirror’ of your ‘Spirit’ which is your ‘Double’. Everyone will go back to their family branch at the ‘call’. Alexander (Son of Ea) attacked they pulled Earth through the ‘Eye’ and their territory called the ‘Abyss’ then drove the ‘Father of the Branch of Man’ out through the ‘East Gate’ and ‘Lilith’ Daughter of ‘SET” “An” gained control of the System ‘Key’, locked us in, and him out. The ‘Kiest’ was used to capture life and bring it back through the ‘Gate’ while the ‘Ankh’ was used to put them back under the ‘Veil’ and erase the memory. Elizabeth who was ‘Lilith’ married her brother ‘Ea Son Alexander’ when she was young. When he was killed in the uprising she married her fraternal twin George. This earned them their name ‘The Incestuous Twins’. When George was killed she married her son Charles ‘Charlemange’ to keep the Coven Custom of a Diarchy. When all of this became and embarrassment, she used the ‘Ankh’ and put everyone back under the ‘Veil’ again. This is why it was known that ‘THE COVEN AGE’ created ‘ALL RELIGIONS’ and that they were called ‘Snake Worship’ because they were the ‘branch’ of “SET” whom the Sumerian called ‘An’ and the Hebrew and Muslim called ‘Solomon’ and every single ‘Coven’ from Buddha to Christ,
the follower becomes incorporated which gives ‘Silent Consent’ for them to ‘Seal’ you at the time of ‘The Division of the Families’.”Nephilheim is NOT the name of a RACE”, it means ‘Reanimated Body’. ‘Lilith’ is Queen of the ‘Moloch’. ‘SET’ is the Origin of ‘CUBE WORSHIP’. Both the ‘El’ and the ‘Moloch’ are the two offspring branches of ‘SET’ and this is in ‘THE COPTIC RECORD’. ‘SET AN’ became ‘Saturn’. A(z)gartha Tunnels and Hollow Earth are just a pretty myth. You are dealing with the underworld and their purpose is to add you to their ‘ARC’. The illusion is that you are dealing with a species of Man whether its the ‘Nephilheim, GFL (Galactic Federation of Light) of Jesus’. Attached is a picture of what SET looks like in the ASTRAL. He eats his share of the ‘Division of the Families’. This is the war between Satan ‘Saturn’ and ‘God’. The Coven Age created all religions 1901.A look behind the Curtain of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ - (Everyone gets the red pill)
“We lied about Everything” Bellcomm/NASA Insider.Their are only Three Locations (Heaven, The Abyss and The Underworld). The Abyss is negative space. It is a ‘Binary’ System fueled by the Black Sun and Home of the ‘SITH’ Lords and ‘Demons’ which are beings of ‘Negative Polarity’. It has an ‘Elliptical Orbit’ and travels between our Sun and a Black Sun that is 32 billion kilometers away. The definition of ‘The Creation’ is ‘A Construct’. The Planets are on ‘Poles’ which are the Origin of the 7 Candlesticks. They can leave their ‘Pole’ and follow the ‘Tracks’. NASA SOHO images have been capturing countless UFO’s by the Sun. Google Earth sky view is now showing another anomaly by the Sun what appear to be Giant Cables running from the Sun to other areas in space. Could the two be related? Are these cables being used to harvest energy from the Sun? Are they navigational aids? What is going on around our Sun? (see attached pic)
She then goes on to say we don’t see the Planets as they really appear. This is called an ‘ARC’ (shows a picture “Attached” of the Pinecone that stands in Vatican Courtyard). Taught as ‘ARC of COVEN ANT’. Each ‘branch’ has its own ‘ARC’. This is the ‘Exterior of The Construct’ (see attached pic). The Degree Lines on this image are not drawn in they are Physical (see ‘Earth Lines’ Pic attached) this is called the ‘Map’. This is an image of Venus as she really appears taken Feb 25th (see attached pic). This is an image of Earth taken March 10th (see attached pic). Each branch has a ‘Father’, ‘Mankind’ is special because it is the only ‘branch’ who’s specific Father is God. The ‘Seal’ is a device, it marks the individual as belonging to that Specific ‘Family’. This allows them to be transported to the ‘ARC’ at the time of the ‘division’. The Book Of Life is a record of all Life that the Father of a ‘branch’ sent into the creation. It is used to recall the Family Members when it’s time to return to their ‘ARC’. NASA which is DOD owned and ‘All The Other Space Agencies’ are owned by The Vatican and Elizabeth. They do not tell you that your are in The ‘Abyss’ because they are owned and operated by the ‘SITH’. It is Coven Law that each ‘Coven’ must identify itself with a registered Coven symbol which is called a ‘SIGIL’.
The ‘VECTOR’ symbol as on ‘All Space Agencies Logos’ is the ‘SIGIL of the SITH Laws which are the ’7 Sister Laws’. These are The 7 Candlesticks of ‘BA-EL’. The “7″ is the 7 Luciferian, “Council of 7″ which are the Planets ‘Saturn Jupiter Neptune Uranus Mars Venus Mercury’. The 3 dots represent the ‘3 Kings’ and the ‘3 Ptolemy’s’ (Saturn Jupiter and Mars). Then goes on to talk about the VECTOR symbol again in the video.
At (18:15) in the video it shows an image of the ‘SITH’ at the Sun, they had complete control of Planet Earth, no mortal man could fight them back and he who didn’t comply were killed (allegedly). They owned the Corporations which ran the Sciences and Education, and this is how they we’re able to lie about the true Nature of Space. At (18:36) Eric Dollard talks about the Sun and says that their is no inside structure ‘The Sun is not what we have been told’ says theirs only a surface when the man asks him ‘is it hollow?’ There’s nothing inside, he says its not burning anything, theirs no fusion in the Sun, it’s only in the flares you get fusion that’s where all the x-rays. The flares are arcs and the x-rays and the microwaves or whatever is result of fusion in the arcs. Their is no fusion in the Sun, they don’t know how the Sun works. He reckons it’s a transformer and transforms from some other dimension. It’s not burning anything, it doesn’t have to. It’s a Converter… of what? I don’t know he says, nobody knows… ‘You can’t see the Sun in free Space’ its only invisible when gross matter becomes involved like the Earths Atmosphere and Envelope and the Surface of the Moon or whatever, that makes the ‘Light’, otherwise there is no light, you can see the Moon you can see the Earth but you can’t see the Sun and you can’t see the Stars but you can see the Planets and the Satelites? Yes he says… You can see material objects but not you can not see the sources of light their is no Light until theirs a material object. So that means theirs no time delay so the whole time delay thing is meaningless. It doesn’t take light years, they’re are no light years cos theirs no light, so that means that the Light you see from the Distant Stars isn’t 4 million years old it could be only minutes old or instantaneous. All the current theories collapse when you can’t see the Stars in Outer Space. (end of interview) ‘Lilith’ put a Fire Wall around the Black Sun to mask it from our view, it also hid the ‘Eye of Horus’ and the ‘Papal Key’ which is their ‘Gate’. The stolen map is wrapped around ‘Ans ARC’ Otherwise we would find out that we were in the ‘Abyss’. This is the ‘Yellow Sun’ we see. The Yellow Sun is the ‘Torch’ The Black Sun of the ‘Sith’’ is behind her. When Earth Fell in Battle we were pulled through the ‘Eye’ to an area that sits below ‘Heaven’ We are ‘Fallen’. This area is the Abyss which is their Territory. This is why the Branches of SET make all the Laws for this area of Space. As the War continued, ‘An’ & ‘The Others’ continued to capture Mankind with use of the Kiest & insert them into this area. The ‘Foot’ (Stair) stayed down and attached when we were pulled in. Earth ‘Fell’ in Battle and ‘God’ the Father of the Branch of Mankind whom is called the ‘All Father’ & ‘Pa’ in Egypt was forced through the East Gate and back into the Domain of Heaven. Elizabeth ‘Lilith’ was then in control of the Ankh (Atuwa) which is the system key and she locked the gate closing the surviving Mankind in and God the All Father Out. There is no such word as ‘Palimpsest’ it has no root word. It was taught as ‘Pa Limps East’ which is the direction of the gateway into the Domain of Heaven. The ‘gateway’ is also called the ‘Eye’. Evil is not allowed through the East Gate.’Heaven’ is defined as Man’s place of origin. West Gate is Left Hand Path of SET ‘Underworld’
The EM Field around Earth is not a protection it is an AI Net raw put around us to hold us captive. It is the origin of the Smith Program, The Holographic Sky. NASA represents it on patches as an electron field surrounding Earth. The Greeks called it ‘The 12 Ethers’ Then she shows a video clip explaining that the ‘Masts to Polarity’ on the planets and their purpose is to divide polarity amongst the Populations and Negative Polarity is drawn to the left ‘Mast’ the Positive Polarity is drawn to the right ‘Mast’. They flash in time with the Suns masts. At the time of the division of the Families The left ‘Mast’ is bound and the right mast moves off which is why they called it the ‘Left hand path of SET’ and why they told you that their were only 2 paths. The right hand path of God and the left hand path of ‘SET’. Another function of the ‘Masts’ is that Extended they act as a Guide Rail along the Tracks which allows the Planet to leave its Pole and Fly independently. One of the things that Anns New World Order did was use HAARP to break off the ‘Masts’ on Earth in an attempt to sabotage our move. God and The Allied Forces worked around this by repairing what could be repaired and bringing in a Tow. We were in T Minus countdown to leave the Pole that held Ann and The A(z)gartha Tunnels. Elizabeth and The Covens and The Rothchilds have run a company store system on the people with the express purpose of stripping the Cash from all the Nations. They have been using our labour and our natural resources to build ships to aid the ‘El’ to fight against the Allied Forces of Mankind who are being led by ‘One’ himself. He’s come for his missing children. The other ‘Branches’ have come for theirs too who are in human form. Time works differently here on this side of the gate its been approximately 100 years on his side its only been closer to 10. He never forgot about us after defeating Ann he sent the entire fleet after us. On Feb 24th 2007 all the Arcs entered as one large force they started plowing the path (24:18). The Mob of ‘Allied Forces’ ‘The One’ video clip shows them Ploughing down the Poles and the Annihilation of Enemy Planets that are getting in the way. Saturn confronts The Mob (NASA removed days of images) White and Black Flashes are massive Energy Weapons Fire seen in the video clip at (24:43) Allies launch Offensive Weapons. Planet Pole – UR Enters There is massive energy firing from The Mob of Allied Forces At the Enemy Antagonist. They use a ‘Parachute’ Weapon has a type of ‘Star’ bom-b connected (you must watch). Deployed Planet Sideways on Pole with Satellite Moons image…at (26:11) it plows through ‘UR’ UR-AN-US although it has Dome Shields up and comes out other side. Bom-b is rotating 2 Dimensional image of 3 Dimensional object at (27:36) ‘Ur’ is trying to run attempting to go back towards the Sun. Neptune Enters the Fray to help Uranus at (28:28) Uranus is trying to out run (to the left) from the Allied Forces (28:44). At (29:15) Moon Falls behind ‘Mob’ Annihilates The Moon. By Sept 2007 The Allies had caught up with Uranus… UR continued to try to flee but multiple impacts can be seen at (30:14) By Jan 9th 2008 Uranus was completely Annihilated at (31:50)
Every branch has a ‘Father’ but it is God personally who is the specific ‘Father’ of the branch of Man, while the Banksters we’re openly stealing Home Steads by the use of Covert means, he continued to plow forward. The Coverns use a dual name system, AT&T was taught as Ann Tearmat(?) and Ter-meal(?). The UN is ‘Uranus Neptune’. It’s owned by Elizabeth and Rothchild. It is a Vatican Charter and while the Vatican and the ‘Ravonat(?) Council’ worshiped God El, he was showing them who God really was and while the rest of the Planet had no idea this was going on, Elizabeth, The Vatican, The Free-masons, The Ill-loom-min-nati, they had direct contact with the 7 Sister Lords and unlike the majority of people. They knew these were called Demons because they are the ‘Negative Polarity’. The Wraith, The Archons & The El (ille) are in The Coptic Record, they were known as brain parasites. The Wraith were Symbiotes and so were the Archons. They require host, feed on humans and Elizabeth and The Priesthood offered their Followers and all of Humanity as a Food Source and she and The Covens have been implanting Humanity and this is how they’ve taken over. Everyone that went to a Bilderberg Meeting became implanted.
Moloch ‘Owlman of Cornwall’ The image of the ‘Owl’ like that at Bohemian Grove in texts is the Anagram for the Moloch Race of the Coven ‘Isis/Lilith’ their Queen. The most common term used in older texts in describing the Moloch Race is ‘The Worse’ The Worse Horror you can Imagine, The Worse Terror you can Feel. The Worse Evil to Mankind. 34:24 shows the ‘Double Eye’ Shape-shifting. Image shown in the Egyptian Hieroglyphics and written of in the Coptic Records. The Coptic Records discussing the parasite are now removed from the public. The public is no longer allowed to photograph the ‘Evil Eye’ images and the majority of the ‘Isis’ images showing them have been removed from the public view too. At 35:10 At the front of the ‘Mob’ are two planet ships conjoined they are making a plow… all the other ships are following behind it in their 1,000’s…This is ‘Ison’ it is a ship (notice they blocked it too as it went around the sun) she says she knows the owner… from around the globe on every continent and every island even hidden in China and Russia amongst the most ordinary and overlooked within our population, are they individuals who stood up at the call of ‘The One’ and while he moves so fast he just leaves contrails and DOD NASA who works for the ‘SITH’ continues to pull images and lie to the Public. The Elite at the top are fully aware of who this is and when the ‘Mob’ arrived they hit Mars and gave it a Coma, they hit the ‘Nephilheim Moon Base’ the Allied Forces then hit ‘El’/Illie home world ‘Mercury’ 24th Dec 2013 and then they parked right over Earth and while the Elite fed their underlings some BS Story they personally went into Full Panic Mode.
Phone Interview with Dr Norton of NASA in response to Gov Shutdown of Space Surveillance Projects and FEMA Military Buildup Introduces himself as Dr Eric Norton worked for 12 years now. He’s worked on many projects monitoring Meteorites etc. and he’s seen some stuff. He said he had to sit down as he was so shocked in his own words says as an array of massive 3 Dimension black Structures in Space in straight line formation advancing in the direction of Planet Earth which moved millions upon millions of miles closer within just months. He says he’ll let us do the maths to how fast these things were moving. He was there with the understanding that it was his job to see what composition these objects were made up of and whether they were man-made, natural or unnatural to anything seen before. Now using the scientific instruments provided by NASA that they are available to use today he was able to discern the fact, these were not naturally occurring materials and that they were to our best but limited understanding some sort of Metallic Carbon Reinforced Material, Several 1,000 times more the Structural Hardness of what we have Today. Whether it be natural occurring Diamonds or Carbon Nanotube type material. The object seemed to be emitting some sort of Force Field that deflected Space Particles from Touching the Surface almost like the Magnetic Field around the Earth that shields it from the Suns Rays as we were taught (LOL). The objects were getting so close we could see the structural features of these things in high detail, they were shaped in the best way he can describe as a 3D L Shaped craft. By January 2013 The objects had been tracked to about 200,000 miles Past the Planet Mars and once they reached this point almost instantaneously the objects vanished from their Telescopes Lenses. I mean completely vanished he says as if they had activated some sort of invisibility Shield at the flick of a switch. They couldn’t see them on any form of Radar they have or any other visual medium available. They were left scratching their heads and by this time he knew the Elite were worried about these things and was under a constant 24 hour Guard by SS A-gents. He didn’t hear anything for 6 months and knew he was been kept an eye on. He contacted a close friend who he’d worked with confidentially on this project at the Mcdonald Observatory. He says his friend was trembling as he was speaking and told him the objects had reappeared and had positioned theirselves behind the Moon. The Blackout of all Space Monitoring programs was essential to keeping the lid on to what had happened. He goes on to say that he knows that these objects reappeared some time earlier this month and have positioned theirselves in a circular type alignment which allowed them to dart to the dark side of the Moon or just above the dark side of the Moon so as to remain virtually invisible to Sky Watchers. The things are up there and are just beyond our view of sight. We don’t know what they are, what they’re doing or what they’re going to do. We do know that they have been already fluctuations in Earths gravity field and the gravity field that links the Moon to the Earth. These things are stationary, no radio signals, no nothing. They are at a standstill as to what will happen next. He says NASA are definitely hiding something. It’s a massive war up there…. End of Interview
One of the key targets was the ‘Fire Wall’ and ‘The SITH’ this is also the location of The Papal Gate… One of the weapons being used is called a ‘Gust Bom-b’ as one launches the other is retrieved. They’ve been launching these at the Fire Wall the entire time as they plowed their way forward. Serpentarius has been removed from the information, much has been altered including the north south east and west direction. It was taught that the 13th sign only arrived at the end of the cycle, on its back it carries The ‘Pit’ as I watched the Pit formed on time, it then slowly moved into our area and while people were saying ‘this large object thousands of times the size of any planet was Hercolubus or Nibiru’ . We knew it was the Filter which is called ‘The Pit’ and arrived on time with Sepentarius. Everyone was watching the ships and cube ships fighting around the Sun (shows picture of Anunnaki Star Ship) (48:00) with massive weapons fire that NASA calls lens flares. The East Gate was the main prize and is the doorway to our domain and naughty ‘Lilith’ had broken it. The ‘One’ repaired it and it started to open. By October 25th 2013 it appeared that ‘The Greys’ lost their Earth Ship ‘Prometheus’ and it became stranded and abandoned at ‘The Eye’ Nov/Dec. 2013 as the doorway continued to open while the fight continued people on Earth started reporting 3 Suns. One of the funnier tales for which I have no images she says occurred at this time (Seal of The One) The Father of Man whom you will meet in person is an old salt after all he built this place. She says I have been openly talking about what she was seeing and what was removed from books and Raul who was working openly with the military set spies on her and whilst she was pointing to one area of space and their spies were reporting this back. The ‘Father of Man’ took a crew and snook around behind them and he caught Raw/Raul by surprise at The Sun and he drew the image of a skull on The Sun which completely freaked Raul out and in a spectacular move in this Wizard of Oz place God stole the Eye right from underneath him and hid it and as of January 2014 The eye was no longer seen at The Sun and no one questions why NASAs mysterious lens flares have suddenly cleared up. The Pit continued to move to its final position and by Feb 2014 it was in place in front of the Sun. There are a number of Planet Ships protecting us now but 2 in particular are in orbit with us. They are maintaining a defensive stance against ‘The Sith’ at the Sun. The key to spotting them is to watch for the light flashing from their ‘masts’ 50:30 As we watched The ‘Papal Key’ (An’s Gate) was struck, the top node was blown off, contrary to what we’ve been told about Space you could see a visible fire and smoke at 50:45 it remained burning for quite some time. The 2 nodes at the bottom are ‘Masts’ this Destroys any hope that the ‘Covens’ had of escape. As we continued to watch the battle from Feb 2014 until now The Allies deployed a ‘Pincher’ array at Venus which captured Mercury. Multiple large explosions could be seen, one been from Venus struck the top of the earth pole while the other from the Sun struck the bottom and The Allies docked Venus and Mercury’s Planet Ships together and remain in this position huddled in a corner. As we watch the changing images 11th March 2014 51:45 we see the ‘Mobs’ image change to the image of a hand. We could see that it had grabbed something and it appeared to be a head grabbed by the throat. It was not till NASA labelled it that we saw that it was Saturn and this is when we knew that Saturn had been captured. We then noticed that a ‘Gust Bomb’ was poised in front of Jupiter with ‘The Mob’ behind them, neither were moving and this is when she knew that all the enemy forces had been captured and held still for our move. Meanwhile on Earth The ‘One’ was holding Earth in a gamma burst which has a high vibratory rate. This served multiple purposes. Anything which emits a low frequency or a negative frequency is zeroed out by the high osculating wave. ‘The Moloch’ and the ‘El’ and the other parasites that have taken human host are weakening and dying. HAARP which is being used to target individuals as well as entire populations with ultra low frequency to increase Fear is also being overwhelmed. Elizabeth ‘Lilith’ and The Vatican we’re claiming an Esoteric Debt on their followers and claiming them for ‘An’. The One used the subconscious knock to offer his gift among those who are redeemable but their minds were so locked in Fear they unwittingly refused his offer. The Gamma Burst is to erase their Debt and their Fear so that they can respond to the subconscious knock and while the Allied Forces kept the enemy busy The ‘One’ moved the ship right out from underneath An. On March 11th Earth took flight off her pole leaving An and the A(z)gartha Tunnels behind and he dropped a nuke down the inside of the pole. On the 11th March we watched captured Saturn slowly move to exit ‘ The Mob’ Saturns cube ships have been destroyed and by the 17th it appeared as though they were going to dock Saturn and Jupiter but on Wednesday 19th March the Allies destroyed Jupiter 54:28. Mars was run into the same corner as Venus where the same pinchers extended and the same explosions occurred. Mars is now docked with Venus and Mercury. By the 21st all Debt Owed to ‘An’ had been wiped out and he has completely lost his share of the ‘Division of the Families’. They will now turn full attention to Earth. The only Debt left is owed to Mankind not just because of the slaughter they had done but because the Covens and their Priesthood had offered their followers up as a source of food and a source of host which allowed the invaders to present his men and spiritually enlightened beings (Ashtar) Sananda, GFL, when in fact all of them were the branch of ‘SET’ and their purpose was to get ‘Oaths’ and ‘Vows’ so that they could ‘Seal’ people at the time of the division of the families without informing people of what that meant or that they had been ‘Sealed’ without their conscious knowledgeable consent to any other ‘branch’ other than ‘Man’. It comes down to the simple truth (shows picture at 56:05 ‘Pulling Back the Last Curtain of The ‘Oz’ Deception) not a single image posted by NASA or any other ‘SITH’ owned operation or Priesthood can be relied upon, instead we have to rely on the information given by The Allies and they say we do not see the Planets as they really are and that this war is between God ‘The One’ and Satan….. and God just won. The following information is from The Allies concerning how we make the leap forward. I will still be using some of the NASA images for lack of anything better as representation. The Allies are parked above us, they are not invading Aliens, Nibiru is not going to cross. You are not going to die. They are moving us out of The Abyss. The Allies say the first thing they will do is rotate Earth to the horizontal position for the purpose of flight. All electricity worldwide will be cut off. In the early morning hours all life that is good will be given the ‘Call’ this unplugs them and they wake up and stand up out of their body. This is when the ‘Veil’ lifts and all Memory Returns. If you have a conscience and can feel regret for mistakes then you are ‘redeemable’ The holographic skynet will have a hard time keeping up with the roll. This gives the appearance that The Sun which was already rising falls backwards below the horizon again as you look to the opposite side of The Sky you will see the ‘Net’ is Open inside the Dome and all life on Earth is racing for the Doorway there. You are drawn to the ‘Positive Mast of Polarity’ and from there your transferred to the ‘ARCS’. The ‘Seal’ which was your choice determines which Arc you go to. This is when the DNA upgrade occurs. It is 2 steams of code which are merged. One stream is provided by you as you come in, the other stream is provided by The ‘Arc’ Your mind and your body are altered depending on which branch you chose. You exit the transporter in an incorruptible body suitable to that ‘branch’ only the one sealed by ‘The One’ who is God go to the Arc of Man and export the transporter as man. This is why your choice of who sealed you was important. Under the law of free will, only you can correct your choice. Because of the deliberate sabotage The One says he has never seen so few Mens names written in his book of life. This is a staggering loss of children even the Indigos. Everytime he went to ‘seal’ his people, the subconscious mind removed his seal because of an Oath or Vow given to another branch that their conscious mind wasn’t even aware had been extracted from them. In order to be sealed by ‘Mankind’ you have to choose Mankind and be sealed by the Father of the branch of Mankind who is God. It is only because of these hybrid bodies that we are in that this choice exsists. Under normal circumstances only the father of each branch may seal their own children because you are human you can make a choice. Once again they say they can evacuate all of Earth in 10 minutes, this is when the net closes and then they draw the ‘Negative Mast’. The One will skin The ‘El’ and The Moloch out of their hosts bodies, unwitting followers can be redeemed but the hierarchy at the top knew full well who they made the blood pact with and why. They are true sociopaths, they enjoyed the slaughter and the profit they gained. They are unredeemable. This is the end of the company store system of Babylon which is run by The Covens of Azazal under the name acronym alias New World Order. The law is nothing of the old may go forward and this will never happen again. Everything that is evil, poisonous, corrupt and non beneficial is drawn to the negative mast. Its is transferred to the pot which is then towed to ‘The Pit’. The Dome is completely cleaned out and nothing evil or corrupt may go through the gate. After he has towed them to the Pit he comes back and he Tows Earth as one group we exit through the ‘Gate’ and on the other side of the gate are laurel(?)worlds, worlds of green life and great beauty, once there Earths mat is renewed, it goes through the same translation and upgrades. There’s a large party with all of the families and we call this The Gathering, after that mankind settles down on the renewed Earth and the 5th Book of Life starts ‘The Beginning’ The one says he is going to do something new, something that we have never seen before. Because of our hardship here we have earned some ‘Fun Time’ Look forward to seeing you at ‘The Time of The Gathering’
is this the ‘kiest’?
‘An’ with ARC & Kiest
‘The Coven Age’ created ‘ALL RELIGIONS’
13 Families of the Nephilheim of SET An
‘SET’ An is ‘Saturn’ & Origin of ‘Cube Worship’. Saturn is the origin of ‘BORG’
‘Lilith/Isis’ is Queen of The Moloch
This is what SET looks like in the Astral. He eats his share of the division of the families
The Abyss
The Definition of ‘The Creation’ is ‘A Construct’
7 Candlesticks for The 7 Churches of the Luciferian Council of 7
Sun – Harvesting Energy??? What is going on at the Sun?
This is called an ARC
This is ‘The Exterior’ of ‘The Construct’
Earth Lines
Venus as she really appears taken Feb 25th
Earth as she really appears taken March 10th
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video The Lie NASA Told – The Imminent Demise of the NWO

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