WE ALL know that there is a great awakening going on. We are seeing all of these scandals and have been waiting very impatiently for the “Cabal” or slave masters to be exposed and arrested… and for Disclosure to occur. I believe those that refuse to wake up do not want to see the truth of their slavery. As long as there is gas in their tank and cable on their TV they are cool.

“Our common defense against these predatory ET types is limited but growing”, says Ed Komarek, speaking about his research on extraterrestrials in UFO Exploiters and the New World Disorder, “Air Forces around the world in the 1950s were estimated to be losing an aircraft a day trying to intercept UFOs, and I suspect that this prompted Five Star General MacArthur, who built extensive UFO/ET files in the 1940’s, to state in 1955 that, ‘the next war will be interplanetary war. The nations must someday make a common front against attacks by people from other planets.’ Fortunately, this dire prediction has not yet come to pass.”
(UFOs, Exopolitics and the New World Disorder, Ed Komarek. Shoestring Publishing, 3301 Highway 93 South, Cairo, Georgia. 39828. edkomarek@yahoo.com,
Exopolitics. Blogspot.com/2012, 372 pages. $16.00.)
Ufo’s Aliens Contact (Full Documentary)
Richard Dolan
.Topic: Worlds Above and Below: How A Secret Civilization Broke Away From Our Own
One thing that a study of the UFO makes abundantly clear: someone is operating technology that is not supposed to exist, and yet it does. Silent craft, for example, that can instantly accelerate, many of which are said to be of non-human origin, but others which are argued to be of classified manufacture. Is there a clandestine infrastructure that has made significant breakthroughs, but which has kept them secret from the rest of us? Richard Dolan answers in the affirmative. He argues that the UFO phenomenon is infinitely more complex than many have previously suggested, and that human and non-human groups are behind what we call UFOs. Within the human, classified part, breakthroughs have leap-frogged over each other to produce a society with substantially more advanced scientific, technological, and cosmological ideas — a society that can accurately be called a “breakaway civilization.” This covert civilization has continued to interact with our own “official” society, but at the same time appears to have interactions or encounters with one or more of the non-human groups that are here on Planet Earth. The result is a clandestine cold war, very possibly with multiple human and non-human factions.
Komarek hypothesizes that two races of ETs are involved: the Greys and a “degenerate faction” of Sitchen’s Anunnaki called “fallen angels”. He summarizes that the “Global Elite” is already attached and this “highly autocratic earth-human society” and are nefariously directing affairs.
The New World Disorder can hide behind questionable images such as faked radar returns, and as elaborate as “Reptilian” appearances to chameleon “amphibian” Aquatic gods. Such highly bizarre claims purportedly avail themselves to lie-detector tests (Page 46).
There are a lot of questions an objective investigator will ask, such as: What happened to the “pencil slate” the UFO witness kept from a 1955 UFO episode (Page 71)? How can the governments of the world sustain a Secret Space Fleet with no possibility of an average citizen breaking The Iron Curtain of Secrecy (Page 121)? It is not surprising that Komarek did not find much skepticism on the Internet about Luca Scantamburlo’s crashed spaceship and aliens on the moon, because the vast Internet audience is bent on “believing”, not skepticism (Page 123). When you enter Komarek’s world, things always seem logical, but accompanying “hard-boiled” facts do not necessarily follow.
By the end of the 1950s, says the author, numerous “bases” had been established for liaisons with ETs. Nellis AFB houses Nordic, Grey and Tall-White ETs. “Only MJ 12 knew the whole story,” says Komarek. The Germans were privy to the first UFO crashes in 1936. Komarek quotes General Benjamin Chidlaw, who says in 1953: “We have stacks of reports of flying saucers. We take them very seriously, when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them!”
Former Air Force Intelligence Officer Leonard Stringfeld is told that they were losing about a plane a day from UFO encounters (Page 80).
The late Dr. Olavo T. Fontes from Brazil reported in a February 27, 1958 letter that American Intelligence officials spoke with him and told him that worldly governments “have absolute proof” of alien crafts, and that six known crashes had taken place with “little men” of about 46-inches. Propulsion was “rotating and oscillating high voltage electro-magnetic fields”. Fontes was told that UFOnauts could be very hostile and tend to treat us as “toys” (Page 83). They have an “ultrasonic beam” that disrupts the molecular cohesion of objects and can freely interfere with all kinds of apparatus.
The goal of perturbing UFOnauts, says Fontes, is control, first with “friendly interference”, but followed by total war and police action, if you fail to cooperate; even the President of the U.S “is not informed of the whole truth” (Page 84). Uncontrolled panic could very well ensue.
To control the situation, governments have resorted to strict censorship and top secret orders for fear of pandemic panic and chaos. Ridicule, death and imprisonment are sometimes used. He quotes a high-ranking military official: “We are not interested in the so-called ‘Inalienable Rights’ of the people. Right or wrong we – the military – are going to stop us.” (Page 85).
Ed Komarek presents case after case of UFO lore that he feels the adequate testimony to bolster these facts, such as the Gene Ruegg recording of a phantom jet being abducted in July, 1968 (Pages 86-88).
Komarek quotes from UFO Crash at Aztec about Baron Nicholas E. Von Poppen’s visit to Los Alamos in November, 1942 to see a retrieved ET craft with 5-foot creatures: “…white…very pale skin, as if they had come from a cold world with little air.” (Page 90).
The physicist Dr. Hans Larson Loberg’s crashed Norwegian UFO was constructed of material that “resisted 15,000-fahrenheit without melting.”
Similar to other reported UFO incidents, competent artillery shells fired at a May 23-24, 1974 UFO at the Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany, “…(were) as if the shells were being absorbed or being vaporized at the explosion by some sort of force field.” There was no radar return on the launch control console. A Chapparral Antiaircraft Missile was launched and exploded on the UFO. The UFO descended to the valley floor.
This incident is important because of the variety of military personnel involved as well as the heavy military five-power, the unknown “pod” attached to the C141 aircraft, and lastly the mysterious disembarking “M-16-carrying crew” the pilot of the C141 left at the Wright Patterson Air Force base. Major Mike Andrews was told that this affair was “a highly classified mission and they were never to talk about it to anyone.” (Pages 98-104).
Chapter Two gets into some rather gruesome and horrifying tales of “human mutilation” by UFOnauts. We’ve heard the suspicions about cattle mutilations, but to have a human mutilation described in detail could be a little worrisome for most readers. This allegedly happened at the White Sands Missile Test Range in New Mexico in March, 1956. The author also gives us the tale of an abduction of a 13-year-old-boy in October, 1953.
A Three Stat General told investigator Timothy Beckley in July, 1989: “The aliens take about 2,200 children a year from the United States and other countries.
The vision that comes to Erdmann’s mind when reading this allegation is his personal after-midnight UFO encounter in 1959 or 1960 as he walked home following a late movie: the UFO briefly hovered, glowing above and near him, changed its shape and shot upwards. He wonders, at times, what if…..?
“Much of this Breakaway Civilization’s advanced technology and its Super-Secret Space Program,” says Kotare, “is based upon reverse engineering extraterrestrial technologies.”
Much of this is done through Technology Transfer Programs (TTPs) negotiated between ET groups and human governments. Komarek refers to this alliance as the Alien Resource Cartel. “…a very important part of the overall globalist’s network of criminal enterprises.” Bill Hose, Aerospace Engineer, commented: “The organization is extremely hierarchal, especially given the needs of compartmentalization. A worker reports only to his immediate supervisor, and direct contacts with members of other departments and higher management are rare.” (Pages 114-115).
Komarek speaks of a Secret Space Program based on electromagnetic and electrogravitic-exotic-technologies; corporations that are major players in the Military-Industrial-Complex. He recited the legend: “Many researchers believe that this Secret Space Program and Space Fleet are capable of not only rapid travel about our solar system with bases on the moon and mars, but deep-space-capable as well, as was indicated by Ben Rich.”
Ben Rich supposedly broached remarks in response to how UFOs fly, he remarked: “How does ESP work?” Lockheed Skunk works Engineer USAF and CIA Contractor Don Phillips added: “The knowledge I have of these technologies came from the craft we captured here. I didn’t see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I certainly knew some of the people that did. There was no question that there were beings from outside the planet.”
Solar Warden, says Komarek, is the Code Word for our Hidden Space Fleet. “We have visited all the planets in our solar system, at a distance of course,” says Open Minds Forum, “except mercury….these ships contain personnel from many countries and have sworn an oath to the World Government also, known as the Bilderbergers: the technology came from back-engineering alien-disc wreckage and at times with alien assistance.” (Page 120).
“All this material shows that NASA and the military never really ended manned explorations as claimed,” Says Komarek, “but continued covert activities in space and on other planetary bodies.”
A Luca Scantamborlo’s story about the triangular ET craft, a mother ship, and an alien base on the backside of the moon is what can be described as a ‘jaw-buster’, so-to-speak, but ‘proving’ it will be a ‘brain-buster’, however. This mission allegedly took place in 1976, consisting of three American astronauts, who trained four-years for the retrieval mission. If anything, at present, it is just a questionable claim looking for a ‘home’ called proof.
An episode is related about soldiers in 1971, Thailand who interacted with as many as 21 humanoid creatures near their craft and take off. During the customary “debriefing” the soldiers were put through “a combination of drugs and hypnosis” as a means to distort, substitute and rearrange their memories of their UFO case. A question arises: do governments use this ‘method’ of Mind Control regularly?
Peter A. Bostrom learns from the Special Forces Team that the Super-Secret organization was referred to as “The Firm” (Page 138). “Whatever they did, it altered our memories – affected it with permanence,” says the officer, now a Lieutenant Colonel, “but there is no such thing as a total block. Those things come in surges.”
Komarek believes the Breakaway Society is on verge of Technical Singularity, including such things as rewriting of our genome and superpowers from copying ET contact, “…global rulers are allowing scientific and technological knowledge from extraterrestrial contact to covertly leak out into the public domain for own benefit…(but not) weaken their hold on power”.
Komarek renders a classical hierarchical belief, as seen in all sentient beings (Page 19): “The slave master only allows the slave knowledge to do his or her job and no more, because to know more would be to invite rebellion. This master-slave concept of need to know has been incorporated into modern-day national security Top Secret classification systems….” The author reminds us that this “national military and business interest” was called by Dwight D. Eisenhower as the Military Industrial Complex, or also called the Corporate Cartel, the Alien Resource Cartel, and the Special Access Programs (SAPs).
Richard reveals that the center of the complex was “….not even DOP personnel, but rather private contractors, mainly attorneys.” (Page 174). He declares that ‘American multiple-national-corporation’, or also called the “Corporate Cartel,” also called The Alien Resource Cartel, “InterEuropean Companies” from Britain, Canada, and France, Germany and Australia.
Komarek mentions Baron Jesco Von Putthamer, a high ranking Nazi official that came to America through Operation Paperclip, a Nazi operation with close ties to Bush and Ford families. Baron Von Putthamer entered America in 1968 and worked at many major aerospace corporations, showing Cartel influence.
Through Reinhard Gehlen’s Nazi Intelligence Network/ MK-Ultra/ Artichoke and Operation Midnight Climax emerged. One hundred and thirty Paperclip dossiers had been cleansed. The CIA’s Dulles, says Komarek, kept things secret from the President. It is a Shadow Government. Dulles wanted no U.S President privy to UFO secrets. “The global criminality and fraud is just staggering and very difficult for people to wrap their minds around,” says Komarek.
Extraterrestrial liaisons included exchanges with Tall White Creatures and Nellis AFB engineers, says Komarek (Page 193.)
One wonders, once again, about any Mafia/government connections as we are warned about “underground tunnels” between Las Vegas casinos and Nellis AFB (Pages 195-196).
Tall Whites programmed “their involvement (that) included fashioning the consciousness of Jesus and sending him to live among earthlings to point to a better way of understanding life and to love.” (Page 199): A rather disruptive conjecture, to say the least. This history won’t be easily accessed or digested, if true. Komarek, however, says: “For them we seem to be a way-station-pet-stop.”: Hopefully not, if Jesus is one of them.
The use of Titanium in space craft is of special interest to Steve Erdmann, as one of the major industries in Carondelet, Missouri is the Titanium plant at the foot of Horn, Weiss and Hoffmeister streets near the Mississippi River in St. Louis. Sometime near 2000, Erdmann and a few other witnesses, spotted a UFO hover over the plant (said to be a police helicopter) flashing a blinding, piercing light (similar to the penetrating light in Spielberg’s Close Encounters film that blinds the Roy Near character) and eventually flew over Maplewood and disappear.
Experiments with Titanium, based on alleged ET UFO crashes, has led to the creation of “Nitinol” or ‘memory metal’. Hidden further in this tale is mention of Project Horizon – which we have already been to the moon and have “out-posts” there in the 1960s. “It would appear that the Globalists have been building their secret empire,” says Komarek, “not only on earth but in space as well.”
One is reminded of the billionaire S.R. Hadden character in Carl Sagan’s 1985 novel (and later the movie) Contact.
Komarek alludes to a space age Higher Morality that includes mixing with various ET cultures: “The galactic human collective” with some difficulty in “the larger playing field” (Page 209). According to inside information given by Jeff Adams, that includes eleven major and 124 minor alien races in our galaxy.
Komarek highlights the Gerald Lights April 16, 1954 letter on the Muroc Edwards AFB/ President Eisenhower meeting with Aliens.
An interesting aspect to the Global Agenda is Komarek’s appraisals of the various “tunneling devices” patented by the government: Nuclear Subterrene Tunneling Machines (NSTMs). “This vast system of excavated underground tunnels, bases, even cities,” says Komarek, “that are part of the secret infrastructure of the Breakaway Society.”
Nobel-prize-winner, Dr. Karry Mullis, is quoted about his Whitley Strieber-type alien contact in April, 1983 in Northern California: “But I don’t deny what happened. It’s what science calls anecdotal, because it happened in a way that you can’t reproduce. But it happened.” (Page 221): The bane of Ufology.
Komarek refers to the string of stories in his book as coherent substantiation, “while not so significant individually, when put together methodically and in context make a very compelling case for the classified Breakaway Civilization.” (Page 226) However, if evidence will forever solely consist of tattered bits and pieces of homogenized narrative with no public or official disclosure, we can only wonder about their reality beyond imagination; or, at least, Dan Sherman’s imagination.
Komarerk introduces us to Project Preserve Destiny, or the Genetic Management Project, started in 1960 (the year of Erdmann’s UFO sighting) to enable human offspring to communicate with Grey EBEs.
The conversations with Greys Spock and Bones sound far too Galacticese. Komarek, however, concedes on page 234 that “….it’s almost a hopeless task to find the signal in the noise. What the reader is seeing is a benefit of my life’s work in a nut shell….”
Interestingly, Komarek warns that researchers can become possessed by false claims: “…they will be duped and defrauded by a noisy swarm of false contactees and whistle-blowers and their deluded promoters seeking attention.” (Page 253). “Some cases may be true, but a lot of it is pure BS, and it’s only going to get worse…”
The chronologies of the early 1954 UFO/humanoid cases prove intriguing, reminiscent of the late Aime Michel: 1954 certainly seemed to be a significant year. Humanoid reports seemed a conglomeration of diversity and similarity, often reflecting major productions. Three motion pictures of that period were (1951) The Day Earth Stood Still and (1953) War of the Worlds; in 1953 there was the movie Phantom from Space.
Komarek quotes Major George Filer on his belief that the early
Sumerians had ET contact and that the late Carl Sagan shared this
belief: “Tell the story of extraterrestrial visitors and how they
brought civilization to Sumer. They explain the visitors taught them to
build ziggurats.”
Komarek believes DNA studies lend to ancient sacred texts that tell
us that “fair” extraterrestrials mated with daughters of men (Genesis
6) (Page 272). The case of “Mr. Khoury”, an abductee who retained alien
pubic hair (and passed a polygraph test), seems intriguing: the hair
indicated it came from a tall blonde female whose skin didn’t need color
as a form of protection from the sun, referred to in the Orient as ”sun
Michael Hill quotes the late Gordon Ceighton as he alludes to an
extraterrestrial message: “One of you says, ‘I saw a torpedo-shaped
object.’ Others report, ‘disc-like objects’, some of you say ‘spherical
objects’, or ’platter-like objects’,” says a UFOnaut, “you are
reporting correctly and accurately what you saw, and in most cases, you
are describing the same sort of vehicle.”
Tall-blond-human-descendants appear to have a link from ET, and
there may be at least several species of extraterrestrial humans, some
very similar to our selves, says Komarek. Some are biological robots.
Again, Komarek warns his readers to avoid “irrational
disinformation – indexed delusionary beliefs” about ET stories (Page
281). One comment, however, about “magnesium UFO fragments” might be
questioned as the UFO tale comes to light in OCRUGEIRO Magazine on May
14, 1958, shortly after Olavo T. Fonte’s story about magnesium UFO
fragments in Ubatuba, Brazil in 1957. Komarek said that he constantly
has to fine-tune his ‘spam filter’. This may be one case were some spam
may have slipped through.
The author says “quantum entanglement” explains a lot of the
happenings in UFOlogy. He speaks in terms of a “human collective”,
sharing “multi-universes” “beyond what we can possibly imagine” (Page
The writer adds an interesting chapter 9 on possible ET battles,
going back to Scriptures and various Hindu texts all the way to the
present. With so much warfare (and the descriptions seem to be
accurate) one wonders why there are not more remains of warfare around
the globe, despite military retrieval.
Chapter 10 delves into Trickster Agents, also known as “Jinns”.
“The scariest thing our American Intel tried….to get in contact with
Jinns to learn the secret of ‘portal’ openings and trans dimensional
transportation.” Muslims refer to these as a “third race that is much
older than the human race…existing before mankind…” Also called Djinn,
they are “spying on us by pressing against the membrane that divides
their world from ours.” Some are “very dangerous and uncontrollable”,
and some “can choose between good and evil.”
These descriptions blend with other legends, such as Richard
Shaver’s and Ray Palmer’s Hidden World of the subterranean Tero and
Dero. In Persian legend, says Komarek, Djinn lived on earth at one time
and possessed “powerful…..technology” greater than modern technology.
Powerful Djinn who refused to be ruled by Allah became imprisoned in
bottles, rings and “great caves” around the planet. The Majisal-al Jinn
of Oman is chronologed in The Vengeful Djinn.
Various business and government consortiums have experimented with
such “portals” as a means towards “teleportation”, a case in point was
the Utah Skinwalker Ranch and Bigelow’s NIDS.
“It’s obvious to me that modern psychology and psychiatric practice
has a long way to go,” says Komarek, “in understanding the human
condition and the nature of the really big picture…..” (Page 319).
Komarek clearly believes there are “psychic predators and parasites that
inhabit our bodies.”
A discussion about Globalists entails David Rockefeller, the
Bilderberg Group, MJ 12, General Electric, the Rothschild’s, and expands
into the warring factions, even amongst the globalists. Komarek quotes
former Canadian Minister of National Defense Paul Hellyer: “The world
financial system is a total fraud. It is a gargantuan Ponzi scheme, no
better than one Bernie Madoff used to swindle his friends and neighbors,
and thousands of time worse…over countless generations…persuaded
generation after generation….to provide legislative protection for
their larceny..”
Komarek describes how banks “have turned the homogeneous pawn
shop….a world system where all the money is created as debt is a
perpetual disaster in the making. It is like a giant balloon that the
banks pump full of debt….any monetary system based non debt creation is
totally insane.”
The Federal Reserve Bank received sole custody of Congress’
Sovereign Constitutional Right – the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
Komarek quotes Baron Stamp: “But if you wish to remain the slaves of
bankers, and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to
create money.” Komarek adds: “It’s all part of the boom-bust cycle
inherent in our infinitely silly monetary system…..the same can be said
about Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and myriad countries that are
really puppets of the International Financial System. In each case the
real interests of citizen voters is subjugated to the demands of
international finance.”
The author looks ahead to a time where hidden facts forge together
with technology (Page 356): “….the deepest mysteries of the universe are
found in the evolving field of consciousness investigation and research
and we have yet to even scratch the surface of the really big picture.”
The way these programs were run was that various companies who were contracted to build the Hidden technology: we’re given specific designs and specifications but they had no idea what the technology that they built was being used for. Clearly some of the more advanced scientists at the head of these programs were overseeing the entire process and understood what was going on. These top dogs knew how these various products would join together but this was a small and elite group of scientists. In other words, certain parts were made in New York other parts may have been made in Florida, further, and others could have been made in Texas, California and so forth. (Statement from anonymous Cartel scientist)


Richard S. Shaver
How do they fund this stuff?
These projects have been funded through many different avenues
including $50 nuts and $1000 bolts and 25 thousand dollar toilet seats
that were part of a standard overpricing policy. These deliberately
inflated costs allowed funds to go into underground bases and secret
labs of which the famous Area 51, S4 Dreamland are probably only a tiny
part! According to Alex Collier the USA alone had over 900 underground
bases, which ranged from a quarter of a mile to 3 square miles each in
size! It is alleged that these bases have run between 400 yards to 5
miles under the surface of the planet.

At the deepest level of many of these bases contained joint human
and ET facilities. Both hostile and benevolent ET’s have been working
with our worlds secret governments for over 50 years. It is clear many
members of the secret military themselves are confused and not sure what
the various alien agendas were or are for that matter. These were very
expensive to build and to maintain even if you own a money printing
press. …Which they do own!
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