There are more of them, colors we’ve never seen before,
and they are more indepth and brighter.
and they are more indepth and brighter.
Bush sr is from the skull and bones coven. He was possessed decades ago. He’s a fully blended rep now. As far as the appearances go, we’ve caught them using holograms to make public appearances. It looks and feels real, until they get a glitch (which is pretty dog gone funny when you catch it). Such as Obama’s hand fading in and out on one televised appearance.
We hear a lot about christmas ahd ‘elve’s’. And their the enemy. Christmas is one of the main e.f. entry and exit point, their zodiac. Which is why its cut off now. We heard, and then later heard of people seeing visions..of Jesus standing by a burning christmas tree crying. It is a huge mass sacrifice of humans on that day. It goes to him. We stopped it. As for the sleepers, they will awaken. The veil is about to lift. All good is law’d up. Even if they are still sleeping.
Alot of the information I repeat, was printed here and in books as late as the 30’s to 50’s. Even those books, were there until around the 70’s. But by the time Ra started channeling with the LLBean institute, most had been pulled and a huge gap and then alteration occured in the information. Elizabeth is over the Freemason Coven, the Papal is over the illuminati. This was known. The coven age didn’t end until 1917. Thats when it officially became called ‘church’ and ‘religion’.Eve said that the ‘StarWars are over’. There is a sea of broken ‘vah’ planets all around earth now.
here’s something weirder. They call their line of decent a ‘Vine’. As I mentioned before, this is due to incest. Elizabeth married her son Charles, when her second husband, her fraternal twin (pope) George hung himself upside-down on a cross. Royals may only marry Royals and she wanted to keep the Hebrew custom of a diarchy coven. Mother and son marriages, are the ordinary among these covens. Turns out George ‘sr’ is George ‘jr’s’ brother as well as father.
The original story is that two of the spells on the dollar bill by the eilite, were the ‘wealth spell’ and the ‘thoughtless spell’. The thoughtless, rendered humanity mind incapable of reasoning things out, etc. It had to be done by a ‘human’ which were the C.A. “the papal the royal and the federal”. And this allowed their god El to declare humanity a ‘non-sentient’ lifeform, which allowed them to harvest us as a food source without breaking the Law of ONE. (They cheated) The wealth, allows the elite, to steal the spiritual wealth (fat) from anyone who gains the cursed object ‘money’.
The more money they gain, the more spiritual wealth they loose. This is why people who gain money, suddenly alter their personality and loose their moral compass. The degenerate. Become selfish. Incapable of caring about others, and only concerned with ‘gaining more money’ even though they are already wealthy. They are driven to it, and these behaviors.
Accordingly, each spell has a rebound effect. The elite, Elizabeth, George and Alexander (both became popes of their created Vatican), knew that the spells would catastrophically rebound. The energy rebound is similar to a multiple nuclear (atomic) bomb release. They knew it would rebound, on their future ‘children’ and simply were so incestuously insane and greedy they didn’t care. This is part of what is unleashed, at the end.
The e.f. are shooting at each other, almost as much as we shot at them. They are damned up in that corridor, in a line. They think if they can remove the obstacle in front of them, they can then move forward and get the eye. This of course isn’t true. They’ve lost their id’s and they lost their vah signs..so the planet would be chewed up by the eye even if they COULD attempt to exit.
Yeah, they seem to be blocking the reply links. The rats. The latest word, is that the gears (that bottom ring of circles) which is broken, is now stacking those poles up. Their all pissed at each other and An’s taking fire..they’re shooting each other. We saw a couple of poles, come lose and get thrown from the gear, upward into Ed, impaling him. So keep an eye on the cams, and see if it doesn’t show on one of those. The Mob has hit Ed in a continuous stream of fire from that large energy weapon, since the fifth. Its really epic. This show up on the pics as black then whited out images. Like a strobe effect. The ‘intruder’ that was approaching Mercury on the hi1a cam’s, seems to have a pincher on Mercury. It might be a gravity field effect, I’m not sure. It could also be parallel to Mercury (beside it) rather than directly in front. Hard to tell on a 2 dimension image. We’ll have to wait till it passes or hits. The classic image of Liliths/Elizabeths son “Jesus” (Mercury/Charles ‘Charlemagne’) was visible in the pit on the hi2 cams.
There were people that the e.f. ‘cursed’ to block their leave taking. People are now feeling a type of physical shifting in their ears. This could be location aided (direct) routing, which is being done to correct those that were tampered with by e.f. Control of d servers voice law is aiding. Eve is ready to leave, its her law that is upheld. So I believe when they are ready, we go. In other words, we’re not waiting on whats going on in space or whether its ‘dawn’ or ‘night’. The e.f. are completely damned up. They have lost rome their churches, their crime syndicate (word originates from ) “Syn, lord of calendars” Vah is destroyed and he cant get back through to B server because he’s damned up in the gears like the rest of them. Ur was making a run for it, but their damned in that line up too. B server is down as well. Zule (Jupiter) and the eels (neptune/Ea) are damned up. All of the 9 are in the pit, their vah/planets are damned up. They are simply getting pounded by that strobing energy weapon pointed at Ed. Their ships are unable to land on their planets, or make repairs. People like Sam and NASA Bob O. are like Rome, they are damned because their ships have no where to go. Their ‘Vines’ here are damned. Specific mention was made of People like the Gad’s who run sachs the treasury and the ‘satan’ portion of the sa-ma-el lil-ith covens, are damned. All their child sacrifices are for nothing. Scull and Bones Bush sr, Chaney, B.O., and a group of high level energy weapon pointed at Ed.
Their ships are unable to land on their planets, or make repairs. People like Sam and NASA Bob O. are like Rome, they are damned because their ships have no where to go. Their ‘Vines’ here are damned. Specific mention was made of People like the Gad’s who run sachs the treasury and the ‘satan’ portion of the sa-ma-el lil-ith covens, are damned. All their child sacrifices are for nothing. Scull and Bones Bush sr, Chaney, B.O., and a group of high level exec’s made sacrifice of 36 kids at the Denver airport underground. They have knowingly killed their own children (vines), by continuing this war against humanity and our leap forward, long past the point were man was called the winner. The e.f. were allowed to keep the moon as a debt payment, but appear to have botched that too.
Bob is being blamed for it.
Their race of new orks, on the moon have been wiped out. They fried. Not sure what happens to the moon, but it is really irrelevant. It appears Barry (B.O.) was going to leave in ships, along with some elite. The Ashtar command (Liliths) and GFL (Jesus) as well as Zeta’s (El) and Nordics (Nephilheim) the elve’s, orks and eels are all damned up in that corrider as they line up line bowling ball pins. The U.N. and other ‘councils’, Senate and Darpa, and others were here on our world doing the false flags, but the ma net is now so fried that she cant get any more done. The ‘skits’ and simulations are offline. Ed is refusing her, he’s posting error messages of system failure. The elites tried to gas him up, but that appears to be spilling out through those punctures in his shell. The spill appears to be on those vah’s lined up and damned in the corridors. (anyone got a match?) All in all, every avenue of escape is closed off, every portal, every server, (M, N, R, B, H, Z among some named) is closed off, and all because people like Chaney, the Gads, Elizabeth, Francis, Beatrix, and their other relatives (13 Families including the Li fam.) refused to stop the game here. They want their slave system (money, corporations/gov., religion/priesthood) and have refused to stop the slaughter. And because they are rome an(roman) they are salting the well. This has earned their entire families the fate of the pit. This has ended a number of races, like the Sirians.

We’ve gotten a few updates these last couple of days, some of which I’ve posted. In this image, the stellar “vah” we had been tracking from the hi2 cam to this, the hi1a cam, seems to have broken up in pieces. I was a bit confused at the change..basically over night..of the images. But thats what it appears. The clue is that from the fifth till today, the Mob has been hitting Ed..and everything in that pathway..with a constant strike of that super large energy weapon. This shows up like a strobe effect, if the dirty rats would post all the pics..which they haven’t been! The hi2 cam, had this object as still solid, but sort of glowing hot..then it got to this cam and its in pieces. I notice that the pole’s not showing up well either. This pathway where Mercury is, is part of the corridor to the lobby where the eye gate is located. The e.f. are all screaming to get to the eye.
Otherwise, they get destroyed, afterward. But, the broken and stalled out vah’s are in the path and blocking them. So they turned their weapons on each other to ‘plow a path’ by destroying the others blocking them. This ‘fighting’ is now ceasing. In main because they lost their power source, Ed, and have expended their weapons on each other. They’re about out of ammo, and they cant make repairs either. An took heavy fire, as he attempted to make his exit to another server. He’s stalled out now too. As you recall, Ur lost its pole about a month ago, and the vah is off its pole. But with the Mob firing, he’s glowing hot.
What is left of jupiter, and it isn’t much, can be seen in the mob path on the hi2 cam. The broken planet was visible, but now most of it is showing at the bottom of that pole and the top looks vacated. Ed’s gears are stuck. So the poles were stacking up. Now they are flying off the gear, and its showing up on the cam’s as streaks. I thought it was the usual weapons fire I’d seen these last years, until I blew up the pics. Its broken poles showing up as they break off the gear and fly free. There are also meteors showing up on the cam’s. These are a streak with tail debris. They are tearing through the net, breaking her further. The arabs were busted, as the eel vah had hidden them in a nook and masked them. The e.f. want their ‘liar vah’, which is used against us here. When the e.f. doesn’t have time to make up their propaganda for us here, they use a server on that vah to ‘lie’ to us. They also had a ‘liar net’ which did the same thing. Both of those are now broken. The ashtar command and nordics were both busted. They were caught attempting to aid the crime syndicate. “Syn’s” cross was broken for it. He’s lost his sign and his ships are down. They were aiding in the mortgage/fracking UN agenda 21 game. Oil for Ed. Ur wanted its church, and Rome has lost their vah and ships along with aid from the el or An. The Ark of Coven Ant is down.
They own the DoD and its NASA, so they are stranded as well. Bob O is the NASA op that they are blaming for botching it for them. They were given the moon, but appear to have lost that now too. A child sacrifice of 36 kids on holloween, served no use for them because all of their ‘gods’ are damned up in the pit. They cant get aid from them. Watch the cam’s for the poles flying off. Its been reported that a couple punctured Ed further.
Well, if you look at Ed’s right side, on the lasco c3 at 21:17, you’ll see a pole struck Ed. Now, we saw this happening about 2/3 days ago. So, thats how long it took to translate.
There is another pole hitting the sun this morning. And one appears to have impaled Mercury. They’re all flying off the gear wheel below Ed.
I think that they are trying to keep some of the people. Thats why they pull them ‘away’ from us. But, that isn’t going to work so well for them. We did fight for their right to move. The law of all good goes up, is upheld by the tree of life. The enemy is pulverized, this last week has been extreme. They don’t get to hold on to anyone out of a claim of debt, if that person is ‘good’ at heart. Being dumb or an asshole, doesn’t make you ‘evil’. Also those who keep calling for Jesus, Allah, or those who were Freemasons, who are good, still get moved. These evil trolls, were going to try and claim they were their family members, and they were NOT going to promote these people up. Jesus, Allah, Azazel, were going to keep them in the underworld. More endless wars and lifetimes of grief.
I spoke out loud to the conscious mind, some of what it had already heard in the SUBconscious mind! I thought it would make it easier if both conscious and subconscious comprehended at least some of it. Of course, I’m sure there are mistakes in my messages..I’ve caught them over the past, so there is probably something I’ve done incorrectly in these as well. Its the translation from the subconscious to the conscious mind that was being screwed with by the E.F. and nets. But, on the whole, I did check and double check before I posted. So there is more truth than most get (ie channelers), on these vids. That’s why it sounds familiar or resonates. All of us know on the subconscious level, the full truth. When the veil lifts, that is when that information is directly supplied to you without restraints. They used to scream at me for lifting my veil early .

Thats why I remembered the older works we were taught, that they erased.
You are inside a server. “Ed” is what the El (enemy) call their ‘sun’. He is the Numbers Editor, the calendar of SET. At the base is a circle of gears. They called it their ‘sharp wheel’. The ‘planets’ are on poles that are attached to that gear box. You are in a chip, on the pole. These are the religions ref. to ‘candlesticks’. Earth is being rescued from enemy territory. We were pulled into their area of the abyss, during the war. These other planets are the ‘9’ and their subset the ‘7 (Luciferian)’. This is who created ‘religions’ here, to worship them. Right now, the gear is stuck. The planets are pulverized and the poles are flying off the gear wheel. The sun will nova and we leap right before that. This ‘leap’ forward, is called the “Division of the Families”. It is the separation of good from evil. Good goes to the 8 above, evil goes to SET whom common man called ‘satan’. He’s showing on the hi2 cams rising from the pit. Those here, who aided the enemy and killed mankind, are damned (they cannot move forward, they are ‘stuck’ here, estoppled) and most get the pit. At the time of the leap, Eve who is ‘earth’ emits us, in a discharge of a mass emission of energy. Basically, we travel back through the Eye, and return above. Eve follows. We are renewed, and so is Earth. We restart life above, where there is no war, no created shortages, and we are very advanced races with a 12 strand ‘dna’ and an incorruptible body that lives a very long life span. And thats as short as I can make it as a recap!
I think that they are trying to keep some of the people. Thats why they pull them ‘away’ from us. But, that isn’t going to work so well for them. We did fight for their right to move. The law of all good goes up, is upheld by the tree of life. The enemy is pulverized, this last week has been extreme. They don’t get to hold on to anyone out of a claim of debt, if that person is ‘good’ at heart. Being dumb or an asshole, doesn’t make you ‘evil’. Also those who keep calling for Jesus, Allah, or those who were Freemasons, who are good, still get moved. These evil trolls, were going to try and claim they were their family members, and they were NOT going to promote these people up. Jesus, Allah, Azazel, were going to keep them in the underworld. More endless wars and lifetimes of grief.
The colors above are different. There are more of them, colors we’ve never seen before, and they are more indepth and brighter. Here its sort of ‘dim’ by comparison. As for money, we return to mankinds system which is called Acceptance for Value. YOU have value. Everything you do, adds to the community. “We believe all men have intrinsic Value as granted by the Creator” is how it was once written. And they give back to you what you added. For instance, we extend ‘good will’ which is also called ‘credit’ to children, because ‘we believe that they will return Value” to their community ‘sometime within their lifetime’.
On an interesting note about ‘language’. It was said we had one unifying language, and the invaders gave us ‘babble’. The english language is a mix. It is formed from ‘root’ words. This was ‘Saxon, German, Greek, and Latin (El’s native tongue) IE “Federal” is german ‘feder’ and latin ‘al'(El). “Vatican” is german Vater (father), latin I(of), german Kan(kin). It was the papal royal and federal we fought. These were Saxon, German, Greek and their latin forces (demons/Solomon used).
When the bodies of the Indus valley were examined, they found that the people didn’t speak words like we did. They made what has been called the equivalent of bird sounds/song. We do have telepathy, but mankind specifically, was given the gift of the ‘power of the spoken word’. When the ‘moon mona lisa’ was found, she had attached to her the apparatus in the egyptian glyphs called the ‘opening of the mouth’ ceromony. When questioned, it turns out the enemy was trying to figure out (so that they could remove it) how the ‘mona lisa’ was killing them with ‘sound’.
wow killing hem with sound VIBRATIONAL ASSASSINATION