The giant Homo Sapiens from the planet Nibiru (the Anunnaki) rocketed to Earth 450,000 years ago. They came to mine gold to transship to Mars then rocket back to Nibiru to create a gold-dust shield for that planet. 300,000 years ago in Zimbabwe, these giants adapted their genome to Earth, adding a bit of copper, clay, and a few genes from Bigfoot’s ancestor, Homo Erectus to make us slaves, then bred with the slaves to create a class of slave-overseers . With slave help and the giants’ sonar technology the Anunnaki built huge stone landing platforms, astronomical observatories, smelting plants and palaces.

Michael Tellinger displays Anunnaki
sonar control devices from South Africa
. sonar control devices from South Africa
They built a grid of structures on Earth’s ley line. They built first in the Middle East and the south of Africa, then Egypt, India, Europe, China, Cambodia and the Americas.
They transported whole stones with sonar technology and made concrete out of stones they liquified, poured into forms and hardened.
After the Anunnaki and other ET builders employed tools with drilling and cutting capacities beyond any we yet possess (unless our clandestine military has such tools) they pushed the stones into place from their craft or by a 3-foot long sonar device shaped like a ice-cream cone.

Preah, the half-Anunnaki who created the megalithic launch pad at Angkor Wat, Cambodia, used a power tool and weapon of mass destruction our ancestors called a “sword.” His sword “thin as a feather, not of metal, but of light “more blinding than the sun.” With his “sword” he cut stone. With it, he could cut a ceramic jug so finely down the middle that the water only ran out when the two halves fell apart. Our ancestors called Preah’s laser or a plasma beam tool a “sword.” A plasma beam bunches charged particles that glow as they cut through everything as they respond to targeted magnetic fields. Ancient Chinese called the beam a yin-yang mirror.

The archway that leads to Pumapunka from Tiahuanacu on Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, “was patched up with a super concrete that had the original stone as one of its components and could therefore make a molecular bond instead of a chemical one like modern cement does.

The Anunnaki Council of Enlil, Commander of the goldmining expedition from the planet Nibiru to Earth, exiled Marduk–once heir to rule Nibiru–from Egypt to North America in 8670 BCE for his attack on their forces.
Marduk and his cohorts, 7-10 tall, blond and red-haired people, thousands of so-called “Mound Builders” built pyramids, effigies, fortresses, tunnels, energy-capacitating chambers, astronomical observatories and megalithic cities.
The Anunnaki mined gold and copper and used electromagnetic and sonar energy to move huge stones along many mile-lanes of magnetically-charged rocks like those Marduk’s father, Chief Scientist Enki, developed in southern Africa. Anunnaki sites in North America yielded iron implements, cuneiform writing, incised designs, woven fabrics and evidence of advanced metallurgy.
Anu, King of the planet Nibiru, inspected the Earth goldmining facilities and the spaceport at Tiahaunacu. There, he pardoned Marduk for his attack on Commander Enlil’s forces.
Marduk (now called Ra) returned to Egypt, where he and his priests from the city of Thebes warred against his half-brother Ningishzidda (Thoth) who ruled from Heliopolis and Memphis. After 350 years of strife along the Nile, Enki (aka Ptah), Lord of Egypt, Seas and Africa, ordered Ningishzidda to cede Egypt to Marduk.

Ningishzidda moved on to build a stone observatory-planetarium at Lagash in Sumer and an observatory-astronomical computer in Britain before he moved on to build similar structures as well as tin and gold-processing plants atop the Andes and in Central America.
In Britain, around 2900 BCE, he selected a site on the Salisbury Plain to build Stonehenge I, a stone observatory and astronomical computer. Ningishzidda, with Middle Eastern and Black Olmec crew from Central America, rebuilt Stonehenge II and III from 2100 and 2000 BCE on the Salisbury Plain in Britain (80 miles from London), among people who had inhabited the area since 30,000 BCE.

by Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
In parts of the Bible, the ET called “Yahweh” is Enlil–where Yahweh hates Earthlings, wants them dead, and teaches them to hate women, obey blindly. Yahweh is Enlil when he orders his branded followers to murder any among them who honored other Nibirans. He sends them to kill followers of his rivals. Bible authors also allude to Enki as Yahweh. Other places, the Bible, calls members of Enlil’s lineage–Ninurta, Adad and Nannar Yahweh.”
When, in 1393 B.C., Israelites captive in Bablylon, wrote Genesis, they fused well- known writings of how Enki, Ninmah and Thoth made us and thwarted Enlil. Bible writers spun the tale to justify a national religion that glorified Enlil–the Nibiran Expedition Commander, who forbade us reproductive ability and wanted us all drown in Noah’s flood–as Yahweh, the one and only god. The clay tablets and stone engravings, before Genesis’ authors distorted them for their propaganda, show “two Nibiran brothers, Enlil and Enki, always at odds with each other. Enki, with his half-sister Ninmah, created humans and was always favorable to them. Enlil had reservations about Earthlings and dominated them with severity.”
Freer wrote: “Our species’ internecine violence, a product of Babel-factoring for crowd control that has carried through to great wars and the religious mayhem of crusades, jihads, inquisitions and persecutions and not intrinsically of human nature.” The Bible’s compilers “make Enlil their single monotheistic deity. Religious, military and political controllers “suppressed the knowledge about the alien presence.”
The Old Testament called god Adonai (Enki) when he did good things to or for the Hebrews. When god murdered, Bible writers called him Yahweh (=Jehovah, alias Enlil), whom they worshipped in fear. They “sublimated Enlil–a disagreeable, harsh, peevish individual, cruel toward humans–into a cosmic being. The establishment, fundamentalist Jews, Muslims and Christian fear the more efficient explanations Sitchin and the Vedas cited by Cremo [2003, Human Devolution] and Thompson [Alien Identities,1993], for they would undermine research monies, social control and sinecures they treasure.” [Freer, 2004, Sapiens Rising}
Contrary to Genesis, literature written 4000 years before the Bible’s propagandists made their spin on the tale, Enki, his son Ningishzidda, and half-sister Ninmah, created our Nibiran/Erectus hybrid ancestors to resolve Nibiran astronauts’ strike in the goldmines. The hybrids replaced the astronauts in the mines. Each generation, Enki mated with the prettiest females born to the hybrids; he multiplied the ratio of Nibiran to Erectus genes in our stock. He gave his part-Earthling son Noah a computer program that showed him how to build the submersible to save the bloodline and to save and rule humanity.
Robbing myths from MESOPOTAMIA
BY Sasha Lessin, Ph.D. (Anthropology, U.C.L.A.)
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