
“It has been alleged by insiders that the Top Policy-makers who run the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) are split in their beliefs about what the effect would be on the public if there was complete disclosure of the Secret Space War phenomena and the numerous groups of Alien ETs.
“It is alleged that there has also been a deep split in the Top Policy-Makers of the SSG about what would happen if the public ever found out for certain about the true Agenda of the new Bluffdale NSA base and the attached deep underground base at Richfield Utah.
“Allegedly the “Oldest Ones” believe that disclosure would create complete distrust of the USG forever. And allegedly the “Younger Ones” believe that the public already completely distrusts the USG and coming clean with full disclosure would help restore confidence and trust in the USG if it was done properly.
“But here is the kicker, there may be another off-planet based party that is pressuring the “Younger Ones” to disclose within a certain time limit or they have promised to take direct action themselves in public displays which will create immediate full disclosure.
” It has been suggested that the “Younger Ones” do not share the same NWO Luciferian plans of the “Old Ones” or their memberships in a world wide occult Luciferian Network… It is believed by some that these younger members have not been “infected” with Alien ET genetics which have made them supporters of a most evil Alien ET Agenda…
“This split in MJ-12 has shaken up the control system of the SSG and perhaps you may want to assume that new information that was originally forbidden is now perhaps being purposefully leaked out to create some major world changes for the good to counter the evil of the Older Ones and those behind them.
“The Bluffdale NSA Super-spy center was set up to be operated and controlled by a select group of several Dracos to be used to complete their evil Alien Agenda through there puppets and Cutouts at the NSA Bluffdale Facility using their new state of the art and world’s largest Quantum computer called Vesuvius.
“…there is now a Secret Space War struggle which is now occurring over the NSA Super-spy Center at Bluffdale. Because secrecy is so compartmented, only the very top SSG leaders and several subordinates know who is currently running the Bluffdale Facility. Yes, it is believed that very few know that the Dracos who now control is being systematically challenged by another equally powerful Alien ET Group, but one that is believed to be much more benevolent toward humans, the tall White Nordics.
“NSA can be stopped cold if “We the People” organize and assert massive public pressure on Congress and Government at every level. If we withdraw consent for all this illegal spying and Aerosol spraying of highly toxic nano-markers, it can be stopped. But first “We the People” must wake up and communicate this information to family, friends and associates and stop supporting the CMMM, stop buying Major City Newspapers unless they start printing the truth (unlikely).
“All secrecy in now ending. The Tall Whites have formed secret alliances with several governments and groups, some even inside the US Army and various American Intel related groups. These Tall White Nordics have already downloaded all NSA raw data, as has the Russian republic and you can bet that many very embarrassing and deeply criminal acts of many top USG and Intel Officials and Members of Congress are going to be completely revealed in days and months to come.
“Stay tuned, in days and months ahead you are going to be quite shocked at what develops along several “Plot lines” including the new fact of life, secrecy is ending and everything will be exposed eventually, everything including every dark sin of all politicians and Secret Shadow Government (SSG) members.
Soon the world’s new Populist Motto will be “Bye-Bye Secrecy and Hello Judgment” for Political and government crooks whose crimes against We the people will soon be fully exposed, judged and punished. The newly emergent populism which is a byproduct of the worldwide Internet, the World’s New Gutenberg Press, is like a slow train coming, but it is like a freight train that cannot be stopped.“

Secret Space War XVII: Who Runs the New NSA Facility At Bluffdale [Utah]?
You are not allowed to know what goes on at the new secret NSA Super-spy Center at Bluffdale, Utah, or what goes on at the Secret Deep Underground Base it is connected to.
Nor are you allowed to know who is behind the New Beyond-Black NSA, who actually runs it, or what their Secret Agenda is.
And neither are you allowed to know who runs the secret Deep Underground Base it is connected to at Richfield, Utah, or what their Beyond-black Secret Agenda is.
Read more…

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