Sunday 12 October 2014




John Allen

Things have been active lately. I feel them in the dark just beyond my sight. Often I squint my eyes to get a better look and I see a shadow move peacefully to one side or the other. When I close my eyes I can see more clearly. The change in the air is intensifying as I watch world events play out on the worlds stage. I am shown that it is not what it appears to be. The Sasquatch people are on the move. There is so much that they do not share with me but just enough for me to ask more questions. 

Most adults are at a different vibration right now. There are only young Hairy Folk visiting me now. Many times they are out in the fields surrounding my house with the exception of a friend passing through my yard and causing the hair to stand up on the back of my neck and for-arms. What I am doing these days is feeling the change with my heart and eyes. When I say feeling with my eyes I mean that I have been shown that things are often not what they appear to be in the vibrational reality that we are most accustomed to. I mean that what we see on TV is what we are meant to believe but not real. 

One thing has been more shared with me from the Hairy Folk than anything else right now. It is choice! Now is a time for us to make a choice. Alright, a choice for choosing what, you ask. The choice of deciding who we choose to be in relationship to the world around us. Where do we choose to go? Who do we choose to be while going there? Where are we going? Why do we have to choose anything? All of these questions are personal and can only be answered by each of us. I do not have the answer for any of you. All I am doing is sharing with you the questions that have been asked of me. 

As the world changes around us, we balance ourselves with that part of this reality that we have been given. It is a beautiful thing. What I am doing with this blog is my choice. It is pretty easy. I simply share my experiences and conversations with anyone that is interested. That’s it. People who call me crazy have made their choice. It is okay and does not affect me because I have chosen for it not to. Besides, who is to say that they are wrong? Ha! Sometimes I feel pretty damn crazy.







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