The most remarkable archaeological find in the annals of Humankind.
Unbeknownst to most, there is an ancient sphinx located in the Bucegi Mountains of Romania and near the border of the famous Dracula homeland known as Transylvania. .
In 2003, the Pentagon discovered, through the use of state-of-the-art ground-penetrating radar satellite technology, an anomaly within the Bucegi Mountains. The Pentagon was able to secure an alliance with the most secret department of the Romanian Intelligence Service, known as Department Zero. Together, the Romanians and the Americans utilized the Pentagon's secret technology to penetrate a chamber inside of the mountain that was otherwise inaccessible to humans.
What was discovered eventually was a holographic Hall of Records left by an advanced civilization near three mysterious tunnels leading into the Inner Earth, Tibet and Giza. Transylvanian Sunrise chronicles the discovery of these modern-day artifacts that represent the dawn of a new era for Humankind. Peter Moon, whose original connection to Romania came through Dr. David Anderson of the Time Travel Research Center, recognized that such satellite technology would had to have utilized Dr. Anderson's proprietary space-time technology for maintaining satellites in orbit and pursues the matter further. This leads Peter Moon on an adventurous journey to Romania to visit the Romanian Sphinx and a remarkable encounter with his old friend, Dr. David Anderson.
There, he learns of a mysterious association between the time-travel scientist and Radu Cinamar. And his path leads him to meet and befriend a very unusual resident of our planet, a man doing by the pseudonymn ... Cesar Brad. It is likely that we are the progeny of ancient off-planet visitors. Genesis suggests that some of them were giants. In their cultivation of this DNA garden, these farmers of archaic civilizations from time to time probably mixed their DNA with the resident hominid varieties to upgrade the hybrid crop, much as we do with GMO crops today. Cesar Brad, probably a hybrid, was born with a 5-foot-long almost indestructible umbilical cord. which, if umbilical cords are proportional to height, should belong to an individual about 16 feet tall.
Through his association with Cesar Bard, he is allowed to visit an astonishing underground cavern beneath the Sphinx in Transylvania, Rumania, where force fields protect against intrusion, and 6 1/2-foot-tall desks apparently made for 16-foot-tall beings holographically project the ancient history of Earth. More details on what was found in the subterranean cavern and in the tunnels leading to Tibet, Inner Earth, and Giza.
Peter Moon - Transylvanian Sunrise & The Romanian Sphinx
. Author Peter Moon discusses the mysterious underground holographic hall of records found in 2003 by advanced satellite radar technology located at the sphinx of Romania in the Bucegi Mountains (close to the region known as Transylvania). Peter has written and spoken about The Montauk Project, but this interview revolves around his other two books, "Transylvanian Sunrise" and "Transylvanian Moonrise", written by Radu Cinmar (a member of the Romanian Intelligence Service's occult department) and translated by Peter. He tells us how he became involved in these books, his trips to Romania, how the discovery of the sphinx chamber was made and the mysterious characters central to the story. We also discuss Dr. David Lewis Anderson, director of the Time Travel Research Institute. Then, we talk about the Masonic and military interest in the chamber beneath the sphinx. Later, we review some history of Romania, including the Dacians and the Thracians. There are many claims about the existence of the mysterious depths of earth construction in Romania, some of which are known and heavily guarded by the authorities themselves. The way in which these tunnels were made from a technical standpoint is a conundrum. In terms of destination, the most plausible hypothesis is that they are part of the network of tunnels that exist across the planet and make contact with the mysterious world of Shambhala.
Peter Moon - The Montauk Project & Transylvanian Moonrise
This was a completely impromptu interview which developed into a fascinating discussion about the rise of consciousness on the planet and the potential threat that governments are sensing in this respect. Ultimately, with the Romanian government crackdown on Yoga Schools and practitioners seen alongside the book by Radu Cinamar & Peter Moon, "Transylvanian Sunrise" which details the discovery of a device hidden deep inside a mountain a correlation begins to emerge. The device, which may be a time machine or even part of what could be a stargate or ascension gate the possibilities begin increase that something is going on that could affect the destiny of mankind on planet Earth. I encourage you to listen to this fascinating discussion and read "Translyvanian Sunrise" and begin to follow the clues in this investigation. This is certainly not over or conclusive and there is much more here than meets the eye.
CLICK HERE TO READ MORE ABOUT ... Bucegi Mountains, Romania The Mysteries
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