The Ringmakers of Saturn
Dr. Bergrun privately undertake a detailed study of NASA Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 photographs of the rings of Saturn. He has discovered how the rings are being formed by emissions emerging from gigantic electromagnetic vehicles (EMV’s) Electro Magnetic Vehicles possibly being controlled by a form of intelligence. www.ringmakersofsaturn.com
Norman Bergrun’s “The Ringmakers of Saturn” is the inspiration for this video of the mysterious rings of Saturn. The big 3 amigo’s on ATS (mikesingh, zorgon, and internos) have each added enormous effort of personal research on this subject, by gathering up to date Cassini satellite imagery that is showing some very interesting anomalies on and around the ringed planet.
An amazing analysis from these cosmic experts: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread301532/pg1
Besides these motherships around Saturn, they are also seen near the Sun and other places in space.
Alien Spacecraft
A selection of gigantic motherships captured (Lasco-Soho) near the Sun and in Space which are comparable in size to the UFOs of Saturn.
Image taken from the video clip ‘The Ringmakers of Saturn’




A 90 Degree turn in less than 10 minutes!!



EMV - electromagnetic vehicle

Dr. Bergrun also talked about gigantic electromagnetic vehicles (EMV’s) A team (Freiheitsberger, areca81, mitchellgibsonmd8000 and others) examined pictures from the SOHO STEREO EUVI 195 satellites and found huge objects orbiting in the corona of the sun and other details. Zooming in on them you can detect the astonishing shape these objects have and from that OmetaOne created a visualization of how they may look like. Watch video below..
According to James Horak these are EMVs – Electro Magnetic Vehicles. He reveals that they calm down the sun’s activity and it is a force that is ensuring that devolution can not occur in the universe.
James Horak on The Kevin Smith Show:
"In the sun right now what you see is an EMV that's the size of a planet, of this planet. I'll refer to them by the name Dr. Norman Bergrun gave them when he discovered them in the rings of Saturn and wrote a book which he published in 1986, "The Ringmakers of Saturn". Out of deference to him, I'll apply that name to them, EMVs - Electro-Magnetic-Vehicles. They are the EMVs that were in the rings of Saturn that he'd detected before in 1985.
There'll be eighteen in the sun right now. They're task driven and that's the number required. They are all the same but you have to realize they can change size and they are solid. Normaly EMVs are shy but they are making a display for you, for the world.
The EMVs have protected this world up until now but the direction things have taken are considered counter-evolutionary and you're on the threshold. The threshold will be crossed when these people start a progam of global depopulation.
That's humanities call on this planet.
Events have recently happened which are precursor to implementing inhuman and monsterous designs. A number of people already know this, both on the inside of it and on the outside.
These are objects I have an affinity with, I am interrelated with them. They do not have a consciousness like anything like human mind and they react with the sun, they are necessary to providing the planet with what it needs to begin to be a seedbed for life, especially sentient life.
They protect planets from discharges from their fusion-star that have been so chosen for this cycles beginning. Their fusion-star, the sun, is a life-giving necessary component but at the same time it can wipe out any good that's been achieved, in a breath.
And you're protected by them farming the energy in the sun, dispersing it, not allowing it to build up and be aimed towards the planets in our solar-system in the form of coronal ejections which will decimate a planet's side facing the sun when it hits, instantly.
There is 'Anomaly' involved in how we can be in proximity with a fusion star and yet still survive to that lineage that we had to and enjoy the culture that we have reached and have that longevity to survive it.
I can tell you a number of things about the patterns that these objects respond to. I can tell you their energy sources, I can tell you a great deal but the one thing that emboldened me was NASA's images of the objects in the sun. I don't think a lot of people are fully advised to appreciate the magnitude of wonder they represent.
They... if you put this in terms of science today on this planet it just doesn't wash. It can't be examined for what it is, it can only be ignored because conventional science has ignored 'Anomaly' and its meaning for so long. They have their own texture and this just does not mix.
How ETs may specifically refer to the EMVs is depending on the culture but they are observed with awe.
The physics that even ETs observe in many cases are not going to work in mankind on earth's understanding, I mean that's evident. Now imagine something being so far advanced beyond that, that it's just as difficult for ET to comprehend as it is for mankind on Earth to comprehend ET-technology at a certain level.
Now you might comprehend by the crashed vehicles and the attempts to recover technology that they salvaged from these vehicles, you might comprehend that level of technology but there are ETs who don't have crashes. There are ETs that are so much above that, that that level can't comprehend them.
As a species Earth based humans are magnificent and I am sure there is envy and there's a certain amount of fear in communities from other places, people from other places. I sort of object to calling these 'Aliens' and speaking of them as if they were so removed from your reality, they are not, they are people, people from elsewhere.
I was saddened to have to answer that ETs are indifferent, long ago having given up this 'Experiment'. Still there're those among them that display their craft and retain a hope that what they possess will example better things are obtainable. But I found that there are contradictions in what contacts I've had with ETs in the last thirty years, that there is certain ambivalence there, I have commented that they were indifferent but now it looks to me like they are stepping on the side of mankind and offering information that can help save this planet and I was extremely astonished by that.
I have lived here long enough and been through enough to have as much awe and as much respect and as much love for people on this planet as anywhere else, maybe more. My home that I know of has always been with the EMVs. Going back as far as I can I came from some culture, civilisation and was taken and have been for a very long time what I am now. As far as being associated with the ETs, I am not."
EMVs - Electro Magnetic Vehicles in the Corona of the Sun Pt.1
EMVs in the Corona of the Sun and the Rings of Saturn - James Horak explains Pt.2
The first person to really detect these objects in the rings of Saturn was Dr. Norman Bergrun and he had noticed that their behavior was highly anomalous. So what he did, he started paying more and more attention and he found that they were behaving in highly anomalous ways, that they were very large and that they seemed to be concentrating their effort on an unfinished ring at its terminals. His investigation in this ring was completed by then. At this moment even NASA has admitted, are vast objects within the corona of our sun, some always there, now is a gathering of many.
They've protected this planet from countless cycles of coronal mass ejections that would otherwise have decimated all lineage of cultures present on a relative short historical rather than geophysical basis. This is the answer of the greatest of all anomaly, how a life giving fusion star can be so close, yet not cyclicly decimate the life it gives. But at the same time these objects can serve the opposite extreme when what occupies a planet is sentient, turns on its own.
The EMVs have been around from the very beginning, ever since any sentient life has been seeded as they are the mechanical designers of systems that can support life long enough for civilsations to come and go. It is what begins life on a planet. First of all you have to have an engineered configuration of this planet with its fusion star.
The planet has to have a moon around it in a certain proportion, arranged proportion to the planets size to make it alive. This drives the mantle like a generator, the armature and produces features that'll hold atmosphere, provide a gravity, provide whats needed. These are no accidents, this is all engineered. This is no hit and miss or a million to one probability. No, this is created and managed in a wonderous and beautiful way.
They are not under any particular persons command, they're like on automatic pilot, it's pretty well automatic.
If you need some direction, what you say it's 'God' but they are far beyond anyones memory, any ET and they're regarded with awe by ET or all ETs and in speaking euphemistically if not literally, these objects are 'THE HAND OF GOD'.
There was an incident in Utah that opened all that up to me. There is a place in a national forest in Utah, in the La Sal mountain-range, where there is an ongoing operation that is part of what EMVs do. At night these EMVs mine deep Earth and deposits and they remove them and put them in the rings of Saturn. The material is bombarded by cosmic radiation and broken down and then they return Earth's deposits from the rings of Saturn and when it's ready it's completely assimilable by any kind of tissue and has remarkable qualities. They return them so that the Earth can be reseeded and be once again be fertile after a failed experiment is ploughed under. They are like the fertilizer-machines of a farmers field.
The EMVs have nothing to do with the military or with the intelligence community at all, they can not be approached. ET can not approach them. They are regarded with absolute awe by ET and when I speak of ET, I am speaking of people from all over this part of the galaxy.
The EMVs are an energy, they have form but they are blinding, you can't see their detail. There is something very wonderful on the inside of these things. I want to tell you now because in a way everyone has a right to know this. Souls, souls are inside these objects. There is no suffering, there's a community, it's very wonderful, you want to be there all the time, you don't wont to leave, when you're gone, you feel a mournful loss and you feel their mournful loss for you. It's indescribable. You'll be there one day.
Extraterrestrials are sentient species, very, very much so humanoid and have very little differences between us with one important exception, the unified consciousness. They have removed abarrancy from the species, like suicide bombers, like serial killers, like paedophiles etcetera, etcetera, etcetera, because when you have Star Trek- or star travel technology you have placed an potentially in one persons hand the ability to destroy everybody.
The ETs don't have the social injustice that seems to breed it, they don't have a problem with distribution of wealth. They don't have social engineers working on efforts to mindcontrol people into doing things against their own self-interest.
Abarrancy has a source and has a cause. It just isn't just happenstance or genetic and if you've go back, correcting any problem effectively, yes, you can solve these problems.
And well, there are dark sides to everything. I'll say this that the civilisations the ETs are from don't tolerate anything in the way of manipulation or agenda, there are strict rules in place and they are enforced.
EMVs - Designers of the Solar System - James Horak speaks - Pt.3
Humanity on this planet is dynamic, for all its faults. Great writers, poets, artists and performers taking the expression of their genre constantly to new heights. That lineage is too precious to lose but poised above all this are the mindless power grabbers who won't be content until they possess even the souls of those they've already begun to plunder in mind and body.
If you only knew how much effort I've put into averting the madness that would turn a world into a place where no one would wish to live! To have seen it over and over again but like some residue of the past kept it all in this inevitable cycle, knowing full well this is not the way it has to be.
The social engineers, trying to implement a monstrosity, the New-World-Order, are following the Armageddon-scenario, the Revelations, like a script, because they think implementing the New-World-Order, it will lend them power.
The social-engineers opportunize the faithful, they would think that this was the second coming and think their belief in Christ alone is all they need, they would relax and expect to be delivered and resign themselves instead of doing something about the tasks that were being put upon them and that makes them very easily eaten up.
So there're inevitable illusions to everything and Revelations is to be taken with a pinch of salt, it's not cast in stone. Prophecy is useful for shaking people up to look in the direction of inevitability and nothing to be superstitious over.
The important thing is for people is to WAKE UP, to see what's going on around them. The consciousness that can pool just from awareness can make a difference for the populous of the world to see what it is that is really manifesting this evil.
There's so many people that are waiting to come forward and they would if they knew they had the support and protection of people, so that when they risk themselves they'll have the full support of everyone that would be victimized.
Examine everything objectively with an expectation of your own rights being respected and adhered to and with the law being imposed upon all equally, for the social contracts that the people have with their governments to be upheld and that corruption be ended and punished. These are all things you already know.
The level of deception is on such a scale that if you said, "Why don't these other people in other countries who are in leadership roles, know what is going on?", I would tell you that there are plenty of people here in leadership roles that don't know the truth about what is going on. People in NASA and JPL know the truth about what is going on, they are working on agendas that are counter to 95 percent of the people on Earth, counter to these peoples interests, maybe even their survival. They know there is no alien threat. It will help them to implement a feudal system that will run the world to suit the elite.
Well, the H1N1-virus vaccinations were part of it by introducing diseases that can opportunize physical systems in individuals that have already been reduced by pollution, by seeding and by just the fact that your food-supplies aren't safe anymore. All the wrong paths have been taken. Earth-bound humanity is about to devour itself, about to place technology in a mindless attempt to control people, to control their minds, to control their motives, to control everything about them and to eventually interface them all with a computer and this is not allowable and when some of the schemes that've already have been and noted of very powerful policy-makers, begin to take shape and become implemented, this experiment will end.
Until you overcome certain cycles of certain repetitive redundancies that are what are called the wrong path, you are looked upon as not completely manifested, the petri dish is beginning to smell, that sort of thing. You must go backwards to find the right path from the point where the wrong one was taken.
If I could say that I had found one example of correcting the flaw in humanity on this planets consciousness, it would be a whole new ballgame. But I can't. You have no idea how I have tried to find a way to make people try to build a model of unified consciousness and how miserably I've failed. I worked with several people and I've had them to the point where they're fed up with being ambivalent, they're fed up with this weakness, this frailty and somehow they fall back into that ambivalence.
I will say this and I don't care whether people take this metaphysically or literally or as a leap in physics - if you perfect a model of anything, even if it's only in your mind you can manifest it.
Most of all, nothing has any meaning or purpose to survive that has no moral core.
I know I have a history and there is a pattern to it and I've been through this many times before.
EMVs - The Final Decision - James Horak speaks - Pt.4
Interview Norman Bergrun the 91 year old author of "Ringmakers of Saturn". Norman is a scientist/engineer who worked in an above top secret capacity (his level of clearance, way above the President) for Lockheed. Prior to that he was at NACA a precursor to NASA.
Upon leaving Lockheed, he wrote "Ringmakers of Saturn" about the enormous craft spotted in the rings of Saturn and became something of an outcast in the scientific community. This interview covers his views on time travel, the nature of the vehicles that he says are creating the rings and much more... His conclusion is that the Ringmakers of Saturn are now creating rings around other planets and they are on their way here....
Groundbreaking and a real wake-up call for the mainstream scientific community not to mention the World.
Excellent!!! Thank-you for sharing our work. Please feel free to visit our blog and read more in-depth interviews that James has done with myself and other many other great interviewers. I will forward this link onto James and I have known and worked with him long enough to pass on thanks on his behalf.