Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Jesuit belonging to a black nobility family originating from Brzezany, Ukraine, is the mastermind behind the Ukraine conflict.
The plan of the Jesuits is to support the Illuminazi and Zionist factions in their hunger for war, hoping to suck Putin into a direct conflict:
Putin, instead, will just
stand his ground, protecting Russian citizens inside Ukraine in full compliance
with Russian-Ukrainian agreements:
Ukrainian forces in Crimea
have surrendered without a single shot being fired:
And peace in Crimea is in a
process of being restored:
The mild earthquake in
Crimea yesterday was a natural event as the released energetic tension has
caused a slight movement of the tectonic plates, and was NOT caused by HAARP:
The Cabal will no longer be
allowed to interfere with internal affairs of sovereign countries as the
Eastern Alliance is finally making its move:
There is something else
going on on the deeper levels behind the scenes and most likley I will be able
to report about that in my next detailed planetary situation update, hopefully
one week or so from now, when certain sensitive intel gets declassified and
certain operations of the Light forces completed.
Sadly, in Ukraine the
situation is not resolved yet and many people are fleeing the country:
Also, there is a real
possibility of a military conflict escalating in the central part of Ukraine.
The plan of the Cabal is to engage Ukrainian and Russian troops into conflict
in ethnically mixed areas in central Ukraine and then call in a NATO invasion:
Therefore we are doing this peace meditation to calm down
the situation.
is time-sensitive and needs to go viral through your networks!
are all doing this meditation at 9:12 pm Ukrainian time on Tuesday, March 4th
as that is the astrological moment of maximal tension and maximal potential for
release. The astrological chart reveals Mars, lunar node, Venus, Moon and
Lilith in a grand cross, a potential for a military conflict escalation or its
release and resolution:
meditation starts at 9:12 pm Ukrainian time. This equals 8:12 pm in Central
Europe, 7.12 pm in UK, 2:12 pm EST, 1:12 pm CST, 12:12 pm MST and 11:12 am PST.
The timing for many places worldwide in here:
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes
2. Visualize
a pillar of pink Light, coming from the Galactic Central Sun and then
descending down through your body
3. Visualize that Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody involved in the Ukraine conflict, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let that Light then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide, including situation in Venezuela.
3. Visualize that Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody involved in the Ukraine conflict, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let that Light then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide, including situation in Venezuela.
4. Ask the
Goddess presence (divine feminine) to come through your body
5. Ask that
Goddess presence to direct energies of peace and harmony to all unresolved
situations regarding the Ukraine conflict and everyone involved in them. Let
these energies then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide,
including situation in Venezuela. Allow these energies to flow through your
heart and then through your hands into those situations for a few minutes
meditation starts at 9:12 pm Ukrainian time. This equals 8:12 pm in Central
Europe, 7.12 pm in UK, 2:12 pm EST, 1:12 pm CST, 12:12 pm MST and 11:12 am PST.
The timing for many places worldwide in here:
1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes
2. Visualize
a pillar of pink Light, coming from the Galactic Central Sun and then
descending down through your body
3. Visualize that Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody involved in the Ukraine conflict, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let that Light then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide, including situation in Venezuela.
3. Visualize that Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly to everybody involved in the Ukraine conflict, harmonizing everyone and bringing peace. Let that Light then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide, including situation in Venezuela.
4. Ask the
Goddess presence (divine feminine) to come through your body
5. Ask that
Goddess presence to direct energies of peace and harmony to all unresolved
situations regarding the Ukraine conflict and everyone involved in them. Let
these energies then flow onwards and heal all other conflicts worldwide,
including situation in Venezuela. Allow these energies to flow through your
heart and then through your hands into those situations for a few minutes
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