NeoCons Go For Broke With Attempted CZ748 Terror Strike on Hague Nuclear Summit, But Tall Whites Neutralize Cloaking Device
Note: This article is written as interesting fiction for entertainment purposes only. This information is not allowed to be presented as fact because the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) does not allow you to know certain things.
On March 8, 2014 the NeoCons went for broke with their hijacking of Southern Chinese Airline Flight CZ 748.
A sister ship (matching Boeing 777) had also been purchased along with this aircraft to be used in a Deep-Black op, a “bait & switch” False-Flag attack plan to start a nuclear WW3 between Russia and America over Iran, Syria and the Ukraine.
The sister ship was dressed-out and retrofitted with high tech explosive devices and flown from Miami with its final destination the Hague, Netherlands to crash into the meeting place for the Nuclear Summit on March 24, 2014.(1)
Thanks to the Dutch Air Force and some entity that neutralized the special “black box” cloaking devices installed on the Boeing 777, this terror flight was forced to divert from its final attack descent upon the Nuclear Summit Meeting at the Hague, Netherlands.(2)
These infamous “black Box” cloaking devices have been used for many years on CIA drug trafficking flights into America to “take the aircraft involved off of all Radar systems”, that is, to make them transparent to Military and FAA Radar Systems.
The Black-Box cloaking device used involves “Beyond-Black” alien technology.
The technology involved is “Beyond-Black” and one of the most closely guarded secrets of the Secret Shadow Government(SSG). As the rumors go from a former insider deep within the SSG, these Black Box Cloaking Devices were developed some years back by “E Systems” formerly of Raytheon and were constructed with Alien technology gained from the Granada Treaty. Some experts say E Systems stands for Electronic Defense Aircraft Systems and Electronic Warfare Systems. Others have claimed it stand for “Ebe Systems” that, is Beyond-Black” applied extra biological entity (ebe) alien technology for SSG defense System.
As these “deep source” rumors go, a Black Box was installed on another “twin” Boeing 777 aircraft, a sister to the missing 777 of Malaysian Flight MH370 aka Chinese Airlines Flight CZ748. This sister aircraft was “dressed out” to appear as the missing CZ748 and was to be used to fly into the Nuclear Summit at the Hague on March 24, 2014.(3)
The Flying-Bomb 777 was diverted from its target by the Dutch Air Force.
This flight heading directly into the Hague was diverted mid-flight by two Dutch Air Force F-16′s as it entered Dutch Airspace because it started showing up on their defense radar system but did not have any required transponder signals.(4)
Black-Box cloaking device was strangely and unexpectedly “neutralized”.
It is believed that the Black Box cloaking device failed and resulted in the flight being recognized on the Dutch Defense radar System. It appears that the Black Box was neutralized by interference or countermeasures also based on ultra-high-tech “Beyond-Black” alien technology. My view is that this was a direct action by the Tall Whites to back up their promise made to President Putin, “Don’t worry, we’ve got your back”.(5)
Allegedly this staged and failed False-Flag attack against the Hague was all part of a last ditch attempt to save the City of London zionist Central Bankster System by staging a major False-Flag attack against the Nuclear Summit being held in the Hague, Netherlands.
Israelis boycotted the Nuclear Summit at the Hague.
Interestingly enough Netanyahu was not there to represent the Israelis, who do not want to admit they have over 200 nuclear devices stored at Dimona made from plutonium they stole from the US AEC.(6)
And also missing from this Nuclear Summit were the Russians, the Chinese, Pakistanis and Indians. And also interesting is the fact that Israel had stated that if the USG failed to confront Iran militarily, they would go it alone. This statement was soon followed by an announcement that all Israeli embassies were being closed due to a supposed labor dispute, a likely narrative few accept.(7)
Israeli Embassies vacated.
This vacating of Israeli Embassies alarmed some top US Intel and Military experts who believe that Israel has used its Embassies to store suitcase nukes just in case they ever need to exercise their “Samson option”. Of course as the rumors go, new state of the art nukes are a-neutronic positron based which give off no gamma rays or easily detectable emissions, making them difficult or impossible to sense with the normal gamma ray detectors of high fling Defense aircraft, space satellites or surveillance trucks or airport sensors.
Part 2 of the Samson Option planned but disrupted.
Some experts believe that a-neutronic positron nukes were pre-planted and deployed in the elevator shafts of the Twin trade Towers, one every ten stories and detonated from the top down one at a time at free fall speed. The thing about these lithium 7 positron nukes is that they convert matter to anti-matter and turn everything within range to molecular dust. Was Israeli defense serious when it said it would go alone in dealing with Iran?(8)
American Military and Intel is essentially bifurcated, comprised of the old NeoCon establishment and the Newbies. The newbies are the new kids on the block that realize that Israel and the NeoCons staged the 9/11 Gladio-style, inside-job, False-Flag attacks of 9/11/01. These NeoCons are the PNAC bunch who are run by the Circle of twelve, the Denver bloodthirsty bunch that Stew Webb has identified for the first time publicly over the last several years.
NeoCons, PNAC’ers and “dualies” are losing power by the minute.
Slowly but surely the Newbies are displacing and driving the NeoCons out of power. It is now pretty well established that World Zionism (WZ) and its step-child the IZCS are now in their death throes and cornered like a rabid dog. Thus the zios are very desperate and very dangerous, and still control approximately 96% of the US Congress and the Judiciary. But they have lost control of a good portion of the US Military High Command and American Intel.
FBI dumps the ADL and SPLC as anti-domestic terror consultants.
Despite its continued ownership of Congress through AIPAC which distributes massive funds to members of Congress, just recently the ADL and the SPLC have been removed from the FBI’s web site recommending these Israeli espionage fronts as anti-domestic terror resources. And there are now rumors that there have been secret indictments recently made against some top AIPAC officials, signalling a major change in internal US Policy. Other rumors suggest that the football is now under control of the JCS with Potus’s military aid carrying around a pretend one.
Every day more and more Americans find out that the 9/11 attacks were Gladio-style Inside-Job False-flag attacks and that Israel and NeoCon and PNAC Traitors and infil-Traitors did it.
Apparently there is a major struggle to maintain waning power being enacted by the Israeli espionage fronts inside America which include AIPAC, ADL, SPLC, B’nai B’rith and the like who are being exposed big time in the alternative media on the worldwide Internet which is now surpassing the Controlled Major Mass media (CMMM) every day in popularity. The truth about PNAC and the NeoCon Israeli-American dual citizen Traitors and infil-Traitors is spreading like wildfire inside America and the world as well as the belief that Israel is a terrorist Apartheid State that has hijacked and invaded America through its City of London private zionist Central Bankster System.
The whole world is now turning against Israel for its Apartheid against innocent Palestinians.
Right now the whole world is turning against Israel because of its Apartheid State and abuse, murder and land theft against innocent Palestinians, clearly crimes against humanity. And the complete hypocrisy of Israel always playing the “Holocaust” (aka”Fiery Sacrifice”) card against the Nazis while acting just like them is becoming obvious to all.
And now many are learning for the first time ever the truth that the NeoCons and PNAC’ers as well as all the Israeli espionage fronts like the AIPAC, the ADL and the like as well as the private central Bankster Systems of the world are being run by the world largest organized crimes syndicate, the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).
The Alternative Internet on the worldwide Internet is decimating the CMMM which is little more than a propaganda arm for the IZCS, the NeoCons and the PNAC’ers.
Despite the fact that the CMMM is little more than a IZCS propaganda dispenser and propagates massive lies to keep the public believing lies about everything, the public is now learning from the Alternative Media that the IZCS is run out of the City of London Financial District (Rothschild zionists) and by its main action-agent Israel which flies the alien/human hybrid flag of lucifer. The IZCS hijacked America thorough its Babylonian Money-Magick central Bankster System back in 1913 and has increasingly occupied America through its appointed Circle of twelve which is comprised of top luciferians aka satan-worshippers who attempt to do human sacrifice two times a year in Denver in order to empower their own personal “demonic spirit guides” and attain more Psi power.
The IZCS, Circle of Twelve, NeoCons and PNAC’ers are working hard to feed their overlords which are negative energy vampires and cosmic inter-dimensional parasites.
It has been rumored from those close, that the more human suffering and painful mass death they incur upon the human race the more they feed their alien overlord parasites and in turn receive more wealth, status, fame and power. They believe that when they die they will become immortal gods. This is not true and they will be in for a very big surprise when they cross-over, a very big bad surprise for them and a very good surprise for those that follow the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Is the USAF now at DEFCON 3?
And now the USAF is rumored to be at DEFCON 3 Readiness Alert level. The DEFCON System is a five point System with DEFCON 1 the lowest readiness level and DEFCON Five a green light to go. President Obama stated in his speech at the Hague that his greatest worry was a nuke being set off in NYC.
“I continue to be much more concerned when it comes to our security with the prospect of a nuclear weapon going off in Manhattan”(9)
Was 9/11 the first installment of the Samson Option and a means to also advance the NeoCon/Israeli/City of London/Big Oil Mideast perpetual war agenda? It certainly appears that the IZCS/NeoCon/PNAC World Zionist (WZ) group went for broke with this hijacking of Flight CZ748. It seems apparent that this planned Boeing 777 false-flag attack was to be blamed on Iran by use of the phony Iranian Hijackers patsies and was intended to draw America and Russia into a nuclear war over Iran.
It was reported in the Israeli Mass Media that an Israeli Defense spokesman attempted to blame the missing flight CZ748/MH370 on two alleged Iranian passengers who became hijackers, but this was later denied.(10) Was this an initial attempt to set up Iran along with the virtual Iranian patsies inserted on the flight?
Did the Tall Whites neutralize the Black-Box cloaking device installed on the Boeing 777 headed toward the Hague?
It appears that this plan has failed miserably. The best guess to explain all this is that the Tall White aliens kept their promise to President Putin to watch his back.
Addendum for those who have time and interest:
Recently declassified Top Secret Tidbit on the true source of US torture used in the NeoCons and PNAC’ers phony, imaginary “War on Terror”.
I try to include at least one Intel related item most folks are not aware of but would find interesting in my articles. Here is a recently declassified but relatively unknown Top Secret “tidbit” for those that are interested. Ever wonder how the US Military and CIA got so deep into the torture business in their phony “War on Terror? By now most know that Israel and their hijacked/puppet outpost America are the world’s biggest terrorists and torturers. This phony War on Terror created in Israel and exported to America has taken America from one of the world most respected Nations to one of the most despised and hated.
Many think it was a novel practice started by VP puppet-master NeoCon Traitor Supreme Cheney with the help of two CIA Psychologists who were members in good standing of the American Psychological Association and supported by twisted perverted and illegal interpretations of the law by a completely “owned” corrupt US Attorney General “Pawn” and his cloned staff of US Dept of Just-Us attorneys.
Yes, this occurred but was not the origin of the US policy that secret torture was a preferred practice supposed to be kept completely secret from the US public and the world. The real origin of this CIA and US Army torture of many innocent so-called “Arab Terrorists (at least 50% innocent young men and adolescents kidnapped by regional warlords for large US paid bounties) was a a nasty little Intel facility dubbed “Camp King” near Oberursel, Germany during the Cold War. This camp was used from 1946 to the late 1950′s to interrogate and if deemed “necessary” perform serious and real torture on suspected Soviet spies using methods developed by the Nazis.
The real name for this facility was the 7707th European Command Intelligence Center. Camp King was used in one of the CIA’s most closely guarded secrets involving serious crimes against humanity which resembled Nazi war crimes. This should not be surprising to anyone who studies Camp king in depth because soon it becomes clear that the CIA used Camp king to test out Operation MK-Ultra, Artichoke and Bluebird.
As time pass former Nazi Gehlen (who was head of the SS) was appointed head of Camp King’s entire anti-communist intelligence organization. Numerous former SS torturers and murderers started working along side Gehlen and his organization at Camp King and carried on the same old Nazi torture methods. These practices were approved by Dulles, McCloy and Helms, the CIA Director.
This evil was never routed out of the CIA and continues to this very day in various illegal secret foreign black prison sites and on secret disguised black prison ships.(11) As the Nuremberg Trials showed, these are serious capital crimes against humanity and cry out for prosecution and conviction of all those involved.
Despite all the insane and brutal torture used, very little real Intel of any usable value was ever gained but a lot of serious human suffering and death was produced. Only some of the top secret files on Camp King and “Operation Rusty” have been revealed, the others would be far too damaging to the CIA like so many of the deep MK-Ultra secrets that Helms worked so hard to destroy. Unknown to him, the typical bureaucratic practices insured numerous other copies filed away in out of the way USG locations to be found later on by mistake.
Now here is the rest of the story and the strange contradiction. The CMMM typically represents Israelis and NeoCon dualies and zios as arch enemies of the Nazis and hate everything they stand for and all their practices of inhuman torture during WW2. And yet American NeoCons and “dualies” have adopted the exactly same Nazi systems that continued to exist deep within the CIA and the US Army. And in fact more evidence is now coming out that Israel has been functioning like Nazis in their oppression , murder and massive land theft from Palestinians in what most of the world views as an Israeli Apartheid system against innocent Palestinians. Either this is the greatest hypocrisy in history or a complete identification with one’s image of his so-called racial aggressors.
The fact that Nazi Germany was built up by zionist City of London Banksters and their Wall Street Franchisees and Hitler was a British Agent mind-kontrolled at Tavistock Institute in London in 1921-22 might explain a lot. Yes, history shows that City of London World Zionists (WZ) has been the source of Bolshevik Communism in 1917, Nazi-ism in Germany in the 1930′s and Israeli Fascism in the 1940′s and beyond. And because we now know for sure that the WZ’s hijacked America through its zio private Central bank after 1913, it is obvious that the City of London zionist Banksters have been transforming America into the world’s greatest Terror state and aggressor second only to Israel since WW2..
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