don’t know where to begin. With the intent of a much needed vacation in coming to Maui it seems Creator always has other plans. The old saying man plans and God laughs seems to hold water again and again in my life. The connections made on the island have been phenomenal. We have been opening Star Gates, clearing the islands of unseen negative influences, releasing ancestors stuck in-between worlds and personally my own health has been quite a challenge. All the chemtrails, chemical, frequency and psychotronic assaults have taken their toll.
Have you noticed all the whistle blowers, ufo investigators etc. who have experienced an untimely death? Now the bankers committing, “suicide” which were mostly hits on whistle blowers and insiders that knew too much. While the planned opposition, shills, those of lessor integrity have risen to the top and are getting the podium and pres,s we have to ask why? We have to look at some of the major talk show hosts, those at the forefront of ufology and ask why are they missing and avoiding the big picture? Why are they as well acting as censors within the community when they profess to be of noble character defending truth?
I can site several examples for those who miss it. Why perpetuate the lie that we have not already gone to the Moon, Mars as far back as the 60′s with exotic technology? Why are they entertaining spokesmen for NASA etc., who perpetuate the lie and cover-up concerning our own extremely advanced secret space fleet? Why do they continue to give groups air time who claim exclusivity on God and ET such as the Billy Meier spokesman? Why do they have guests like Seth Shostak who repeatedly says there is absolutely no evidence ufos exist or have ever visited the Earth. There is not just a mountain of evidence to the contrary there are momentous temples left behind and artifacts clearly proving ufos have been coming and going for now up to 650 million years.
Why do they perpetuate the lie that all extraterrestrials are good? Why do they perpetuate the lie that all extraterrestrials are bad, which is one I clearly have an issue with due to the fact that the multiverse is much more benevolent than negative? What is the agenda behind this imbalanced message? It is irresponsible to say all extraterrestrials are good due to the fact it opens people in ignorance to contact with what history has proven to be very undesirable entities. Yet to say all extraterrestrials are bad closes one off to contact with the benevolent off-worlders. I can go on and on about the chaos and pandemonium created by these warring and at odds factions, even the commercials they sponsor supporting the powers that were yet it is up to each individual to find their own discernment in these matters.
The question we all need to ask ourselves is — minus the star power, who are these people? Are they of impeccable integrity, do they have an agenda other than truth and most important how do they live their lives off stage. Those that perpetuate the ignorance and deceptions are nothing to worship; in fact, most need not be given any attention at all yet the masses hold them in high esteem. Why? Is it name recognition, fame, notoriety the need to be connected to someone famous to establish self worth?
What is it that allows the masses to throw out all critical thinking and worship those of a dubious past and obvious lack of integrity? Even those with a continuous track record of being wrong channeling extraterrestrials and angels. Is it the association with the angels and extraterrestrials that bolsters self worth regardless of accuracy of the message? When is the insanity going to end.
I can speak from the mind of the off worlders when I say why would any benevolent, spiritually and technologically advanced off worlder want to engage in this nonsense? They also look upon these people who profess to be their spokesmen/women as well as those who profess to be champions of truth shaking their heads in disbelief. They feel the same concerning those who want to worship them. If we want contact with spiritually and technologically advanced off worlders, we need to get our act together and rise to the occasion. This includes our leadership which has become incredibly self serving, greed centered and lacking in any real concern for humanity and the Earth.
The advanced healing and longevity technologies as well as anti/countergravity, fueless energy are all here now. They are waiting for a civilization with the consciousness and courage to stand up for our divine right to live a thoroughly loving, joyous, abundant life in peace and freedom. Now is the time to take a long hard look at the present leadership, their complete failure to maintain your divine rights as well as usher in these new technologies.
Personally, I have seen major intervention by the benevolent off worlders without which this civilization would have ended a long time ago. Has this been acknowledged? Has there been any grattitude? Have you even heard about it and why not? Maybe it is time to hold those who have been keeping this from you, perpetuating fear, war and separation responsible. Be a civilization worth saving.
Be well,
James Gilliland
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