Even though over the past 25 years thousands of individuals throughout the United States and in other countries have reported abduction experiences to UFO investigators and mental health pro-fessionals, the phenomenon appears to be more widespread than anyone might have expected. The fact that a phenomenon defies conventional ex-planation, or even challenges our notions of reality, should not permit us to ignore its existence or prevent us from exploring its di-mensions and significance.
Even psychosocial or cultural explanations, if they were to include all of the major dimensions of the syndrome, would force us to stretch our notions of the collective unconscious to such a degree that the distinctions between psyche and world, internal and external reality, would be obliterated… When Harvard psychiatrist John E. Mack, M.D., first published these astonishing results of four years of intensive research and investigation into alien abduction, he unleashed a firestorm of controversy.
This is a Camelot Roundtable discussion with the producer of the John Mack Movie, Denise David Williams, Rebecca Hardcastle Wright and Sandy Cocoran hosted by Kerry Cassidy.
This is a fascinating roundtable discussion about Dr. John Mack, the story behind the producers efforts to get the movie made by raising funding via Indie Go-Go, and the abduction/contactee dynamic.
All four women share their ET contact experiences and address the importance of getting a movie made that focuses on the life and work of this important man.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD
Facebook -https://www.facebook.com/exoconscious…
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, is the originator of the concept of Exoconsciousness — a study of the extraterrestrial origins, dimensions and abilities of human consciousness.
For Rebecca, the most important thing is the work of researching through science and subjective experience that our human species is created, equipped with advanced abilities to experience ET contact –and that this ability is sourced in our consciousness—our exoconsciousness.
Her research has implications for technology-based transhumanism, brain-based neuroscience, and quantum-based cosmic consciousness. Rebecca maintains that “the study of Exoconsciousness is essential in our culture’s unfolding journey into technology, space, and ET contact—how we define and know ourselves as a human species.”
Exoconsciousness normalizes psychic abilities, once thought beyond human capability, as essential for a 21st century species. Her research focuses on telepathic communication, psychokinesis and the creation of a consciousness craft for space travel. Rebecca’s book, Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind (2008) details the interface of consciousness and extraterrestrial contact. http://www.exoconsciousness.com
Denise David Williams – Producer
Website: http://JohnMackMovie.com
Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/pages/JOHN-M…
After attending USC Graduate School in film, Denise’s first job was at Lucasfilm working in pre-production on E.T. and Raiders of the Lost Ark. She worked as a Story Editor and Creative Executive at several companies including 20th Century Fox, IndieProd and AIP where her job was to acquire and develop motion picture material for both domestic and foreign markets. Denise was Vice President of Kopelson Entertainment when they produced PLATOON — which won an Academy Award for Best Picture. Denise formed her own company, MakeMagic Productions, to produce highly entertaining and provocative films, among them JOHN MACK, the true story of the Harvard Psychiatry Professor and Pulitzer-prize winning author, Dr. John Mack, whose work with alien abductees caused headline-making battles with Harvard over his conclusions.
Sandra Corcoran M.Ed.
Sandra Corcoran M.Ed., is a shamanic counselor, body-oriented psychotherapist and author of Shamanic Awakening: my journey Between the Dark and the Daylight. Mentored for over 30 years by indigenous wisdom-keepers in North, Central, and South America in traditional and esoteric healing paradigms, she is co-founder of the STAR Process: soul retrieval intensives, and a trained dream decoder. Sandy is an experiencer who worked with the late Dr. John Mack and Roberta Colasanti in the more extraordinary aspects of non-ordinary realities.
website: http://www.starwalkervisions.com
Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot
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