Final Warning been delivered by
a benevolent Alien ET group
a benevolent Alien ET group
“…the briefer, allegedly a very high ranking official in the UN, communicated a very somber message to this group of Super-elite Oligarchs on behalf of this certain group of Alien ETs… that this particular Alien ET groups wanted these Super-elites to understand unequivocally that unless they abated the high levels of corruption they have perhaps allowed and/or produced, 90% in the room would not be there in two years.
“And it is important to note that several top insiders have disclosed to associates that one Alien ET groups is demanding “complete disclosure” of the reality of Alien ETs soon or they will do it themselves. It is suspected this same group, the Tall Whites aka “Nordics” had instructed their Earth representative to communicate a “Final Warning” to the Super-elite Oligarchs who are deeply involved in running Planet Earth.
“And perhaps the recent emphasis in Europe on Dumping the Federal reserve System in America and on the elimination of Israeli Apartheid as a means to get Palestinians back their stolen land and housing is best viewed as the results of some very effective payback covert operations already deployed.
“how then can humans withdraw consent? The worldwide Internet has become the New Gutenberg Press and despite the numerous World Zionist driven misinformation sites, the Truth is still being advanced and spreads like lightning all over the world instantly. truth resonates and once out, its massive dissemination all over the world and diffusion among the masses cannot be stopped.
“We know that the Internet is waking many up all over the world and has become a powerful tool of truth. It is stimulating a very massive emerging populism in many nations all over the world including America. Populism is coffin nails to the Ruling oligarchs evil occult agenda. these evil groups know this and are now responding.
“The worldwide Internet is causing the CMMM (Controlled Major Mass Media) to fail.”
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Alien Agenda IV: Alien Ultimatum or Final Warning?
Has a Final Warning been delivered by a benevolent Alien ET group that the Super-elite Oligarchs running Planet earth must quickly clean house or suffer a Final Judgment/Cosmic Reset?
Several top inside sources, including Veterans Today Senior Editor Gordon Duff have claimed that a very serious message was delivered to Super-elite Oligarchs on behalf of a certain Alien ET group.
As the reports go, a somber military style briefing was delivered during a recent meeting of a certain top group of Super-elite Oligarchs, not the CFR or Trilats, but perhaps a group something like the Pilgrim Society.
It is exceedingly difficult to get accurate information about such sensitive meeting and what goes on behind closed doors with high security in place but Gordon Duff has provided confirmation that this briefing did occur.
Indications suggest that the briefer, allegedly a very high ranking official in the UN, communicated a very somber message to this group of Super-elite Oligarchs on behalf of this certain group of Alien ETs.
The actual description of the details of the message that was delivered by this briefer has not yet been disclosed. It appears the basic idea was that unless these Super-elites cleaned up the massive corruption and evil in the world, a very powerful Cosmic Entity was going to deliver a massive worldwide Final Judgement, perhaps best described as a Complete Cosmic Reset for Planet earth.
This briefer may have told this group of super-elite Oligarchs that this particular Alien ET groups wanted these Super-elites to understand unequivocally that unless they abated the high levels of corruption they have perhaps allowed and/or produced, 90% in the room would not be there in two years.
The Big Trick, a great deception?
Apparently this Alien ET group which has delivered the warning is attempting to point out that the agenda being followed by this interconnected group of Ruling Elite Oligarchs (an occultic Luciferian Agenda) is actually a very big deception and trick. And they are also apparently making the point that if this evil agenda is continued, it will lead these leaders, their own families and the whole world into massive depopulation and terra-forming at the hands of this evil Alien ET group many call the Dracos whose home base is believed to be the City of London.
Actually some insiders believe that this evil Alien ET group has so far completely deceived these super-elite oligarchs into doing their dirty work but providing massive wealth, power and status, but taking a path that will soon lead to total destruction and mass death including 90% of all Oligarchs. This mass death will be part of the secret Agenda of the Dracos to depopulate the earth of humans, terra-form it and repopulate it with their own or their android creations and then mining minerals they value.
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