Until we truly realize our full potential and effect, both individually and collectively, we can easily live in a state of semi-conscious discouragement and disempowerment when it needn’t be that way.
Our warfare is primarily spiritual. Yet spirituality manifests in many ways, and much of it is informational. This in turn leads to more conscious awareness and much more conscious action, as well as fundamental non-compliance with the influences of their imposed spiritual and societal construct.
One clear example of the effect of this awareness are the many warnings regarding current events that the alternative community is increasingly sounding. Conscious research is based on news and event trends, accumulated information, knowledge of the occult such as ritual dates, numerology and other esoteric sciences, as well as intuitive, conscious understandings.
And this information is drastically affecting their plan. It’s not easy to quantify, but when everybody’s screaming there’s going to be a nuclear hit on some major event and it gets any kind of serious traction, they may have to push the plan back. Sounding off sure worked in stalling off their takeover plans for Syria. It’s rare we’ll ever know for sure what really goes on behind the scenes, but when Killary Klinton says they’re losing the information war, or Brzezinski says the global awakening is a threat, something’s obviously having a profound effect!
We’re Interrupting Their Vibe and Pissing Them Off
The informational and vibrational side is having a definite impact. Imagine someone having a little pre-planned wave pattern going in at one end of the pool with some designed effect and suddenly a few people jump in and start splashing around at the other end. That’s gonna screw their little plan up, isn’t it? Cosmically it’s much more profound than that, but you get the idea.
Do we force them into other avenues of treachery, or thwart their efforts all together? Something happens. It may not stay the whole war but it can shift battle conditions and put them on the defensive. Which is a big deal and sends a huge signal. “We are waking up and are not about to take this anymore or participate in your insane plans!”
The fact is we’re pissing them off and these lower dimensional bastards are literally having to regroup and reshuffle their plans because of us. Is this presumptuous? Not in the least.
Think about some of the more startling revelations that have come to light. Awareness of multiple false flag scenarios like the obviously planted Syrian chemical weapons attacks, or some time ago the USS Enterprise on its “last mission” to the Gulf ready to be sacrificed like the older ships left at Pearl Harbor were while the newer ones pulled out just before the raids.
And this goes right on up to this staged “Sandy Hook Repeat” shooting in Santa Barbara.
From micro nukes to virus seeding or so-called “lone gunman” rampages, we’re on to them. We clearly know about their weather warfare and mind control tricks. We’ve unraveled their phony education, political, financial and media scams. We’re even well versed in their wicked blood letting sacrificial rites, satanic ritual schedules, and can read their pagan occult symbolism and know their numerological tendencies. We’re not aware of everything, but the Creative Force is sure bringing a lot to light and we’re shining it in their faces!
It’s Not A Pretty Picture Until You Transcend
The Universe is much like an enormous multi-dimensional interactive blanket, or even a water bed. One part moves or changes and everything’s affected. Good if it’s good, bad if it’s bad. The nice thing is the inherent nature of the over-arching reality of consciousness is based in truth, love and creativity. The Universe has a way of mitigating bad vibes as they eventually get swallowed up like backwashing waves in the ocean, only to join the great natural rhythm.
But not without a conflict. And our participation is vital.
This picture is hard to swallow for most. When you realize that some of the more sordid truths about our dark overlords are not just allegorical but literally true, it shakes up your sense of reality. But if that’s what it takes, so be it. Better awake than asleep, like a dormant log approaching the Illuminati buzzsaw as it appears so many are destined to be.
When things like 9/11 truth and other false flags and the reality of the global cabal become apparent to the greater population, a flood of other information follows. And most of it regarding our current world is not good. In fact, it’s so nasty you have to seriously learn to handle it, and rise up above it into a place of greater conscious awareness where the beauty of the grand design overwhelms the negative.
Which happens pretty quickly for anyone in serious pursuit of Truth.
For example, the reality of rampant child abuse is about as far as most people want to go. After you wake up and realize the depths that the elitist Controllers are coming from, you learn that ritual rape, sacrifice and even blood drinking and cannibalism are rampant. They have been for millennia and were openly celebrated in ancient cultures. They’ve just moved their operations underground and “behind the scenes”.
That type of information blows some minds. But the sincere will move on and keep learning and this only adds fuel to their intuitive fires. These sordid realities don’t shake them.
Time To Act
I’ve always been an action person, though not always fully awake. I can’t just sit around and observe. I’ve never been a political activist, it just seemed pointlessly two-dimensional and angry, even though I’ve sympathized with many causes. The beauty of conscious awareness is you understand the importance and power of information, as well as the underlying connected vibrational nature of everything. While the lower density minions operate in the physical with some help from their dark occult forces, it doesn’t hold a candle to working with full-on conscious reality.
Therein lies our strength, and we must be aware of it.
How each of us responds is a wonder in itself. To be told what to do, or await to be told, only feeds the false programming. However, once one discovers the true nature of our individual power everything becomes alive, awaiting our touch of conscious awareness. We realize we each change the very fabric of this morphic field that results in this experience we call “reality”. And our effect in enormous, knowing the connected fabric that underlies all of creation.
To grasp that empowerment is to change everything, ourselves and all that is around us.
Find that place. Anything short of it is next to futile.
Yank the morphic rug a good one as often as you can. It sends them reeling and signals others to do the same.
They can’t operate on a playing field managed by loving, conscious awareness. Their plans will only continue to shake and crumble.
Give it to them! Any way you can!
Much love, Zen
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