I would like to know from the hairy folk: How can we start to “feel” you around us. Many of us are aware of the sacrifices our earth brothers and sisters have made for humans. Many of us are sad and angry at the same time; that this is happening. But more important, many of us are interested in learning from the hairy folk. You can teach the humans that want to know and learn the ways of the olde ways. Are there some teachings you can offer for us to open our hearts so that we can finally meet in the woods and learn?
My name is TuKra.
I come and join this conversation for this question. So many of you
hve forgotten how to feel. I always hear from humans that they do not
know how to feel. Most give up trying to learn how to feel. Why, humans,
do you do this? What else is there than FEEL? See? You want to see? You
“SEE” things all of the time and you still do not know if it is true or
not. You fight and argue over what you “SEE.”
Feel! I teach you
how to feel but I can’t teach you how to get up and do it. Turn off TV.
Take off shoes. Feel the mother beneath your clean soft feet. Close
your eyes and picture your body. Go around every part of your body with
your imagination and feel your skin. All of you can do this. Now here
comes what is new. Feel your energy next. What?! What is my energy?! So
many of you ask. Everything is energy! Why you get goose bumps in the
woods when you sense us around? ENERGY! We stand right behind you and
you feel our energy but you spend all of your time trying to “SEE.”
Close eyes.
Relax. Feel your skin and look at yourself from a different point on
your body. Not your eyes. Look at your eyes from the stand point of your
toes. NOW. Move out further. See and feel your energy. Feel how your
energy mixes with the energy of all that is. Feel the energy between us.
NOW FEEL US. Now you can see us with your eyes closed. We are all one
in the same energy with different points of reference. Next day, Humans,
do this again. Keep feeling this way and you will find what you are
looking for.
. Hi, this isTah-wee-nah-say. Our planet is beautiful. We have learned to live with every being in harmony together. The same way with our ships. They are also living beings living in harmony with us. I travel everywhere at a moments notice. Your whole planet right now is within a biosphere. Soon you will see the un-importance of how long.
I will leave you now. I am pleased that some of you are already aware of the Andromeda Council. The council keeps me very busy. Until next time.
What the Sasquatch are doing are clearing up distortions. They are simply clearing up distortions and we humans have many. Has anyone ever realized how our thoughts make matter? Do you realize how often we humans say something and mean something else? Have you thought about the thought that started the contradiction? Can you imagine how many macro and micro distortions that humans have on a daily basis?
Change is happening right now and change will happen later. Choose your change or change will choose you and maybe you do not like what change gives you. Homeless is without a home. Gaia is our home. Change is going to change your home. Are you going to let change decide what your next home will be or will you choose? You have the power to be you when change comes. Who do you choose to be?
ToGrahnu – No human can kill me.
I’m ToGrahnu. Do not fear for us. We know what we do. How will you
humans wake up when someone not there to show you. Do you know how many
dolphins and whales die for you? They don’t die! They sacrifice so you
will wake up. That is what life is. When you see us we show you.
We part of all that is. All that is is
here for a long time. We come from a different planet that is not there
anymore. We went to other planets too. Some times you look up and see us
not just in woods. It is only humans that can not see not that we can
see more. Humans use all the wrong tools for everything. See with heart
not with eyes. Feel with heart not with fingers. Hear with heart not
with ears. Know don’t think or believe.
Gaia is shimmering out like we shimmer
out of sight to the hunter. Gaia is shimmering out to the human that is
asleep and afraid. What is left for the sleepers is not Gaia. Gaia is
our mother. She take us with her. Gaia kiss other children good night
and let them sleep a little longer. They will wake up someday. Where
Gaia leave the sleepers is that part of Gaia that is not shimmerd out.
It is another place that looks like Gaia. Other place is sleeping too
like sleeping humans. They will sleep together for a while. We stay with
our mother with humans that choose to stay with mother. Only humans
will see us with their hearts. On other planet humans will still look
for us with their eyes.
Try to realize in your imaginations
that Earth is a prison planet. It’s humans are the prisioners. The
prisoners are kept blind to all that really matters. All that you choose
to see with your eyes is not real. It is a mixture of your collective
imagination and the wall of the prison that has held you for quite a few
thousand years. We are trying to get your attention from beyond the
glass windows that surrounds you.
Remember, the next time that you look
at the animals of earth look at them closely. They can see us. They are
not the prisoners. You are. The animals of your world, and I also mean
our friends the Hairy Folk, are trying to show you the way home. Many
humans do not think that animals have a soul. Most humans slaughter and
eat animals. And all of you think that animals are not as important as
humans. The entire universe is watching you. We love you. That is why so
many of them come back lifetime after lifetime in order to show you the
way. Salute their sacrifice.
We are busy right now. Gaia is changing
for us too. We are preparing for a shift in consciousness. What we have
been used to is about to change. We are about to come face to face with
you again after many years. You are going to learn that it is not us who
are alien.
Getting ready. And we are helping to get
you ready too. It is good for us to have you back the way that you used
to be. You have been gone so long that most of you don’t remember
anything. You are all so blind. We can stand right in front of your face
and you look right through us. We allow you to see us sometimes because
we love to be among you. But you have grown numb. It hasn’t been all of
your fault.
Just hang on and soon you will know. Some
of you will anyway. All of you will in the end. But most of you are not
ready. The shift will open many eyes and close some more. Feel us. We
feel you. The moment that you begin to feel us is when you will be
Ready to go home.
We love your company when you come to see
us. Sometimes we even let some of you see a little. But your still not
ready for the big surprise. You are going to see a big surprise and it
will change you. Who do you think that you are? You are not who you
think you are. We know. We never forgot like you did. But it is not all
of your fault. We are like you in many ways. Some of us are so mad at
what you have done to this planet that it is better not to seek these.
But there are many of us like me who have human friends and family.
But there is a lot that you do not know.
It will come to you soon. Find us. Feel us. We are all family. You
humans just don’t know how big your family is. We come from somewhere
else a long time ago. Most of you came from somewhere in the beginning
but now you are different. You think that you live your one little life
and it is over. It’s not that way. All of your lives that you have lived
are like one big life. Each life carries in to the next. Some of you go
for many lives and sleep the whole time. Some of you have been awake
for many lifetimes. Then you come back here to help. Sometimes you go
back to sleep. We Hairy Folk do not sleep our lives away. No! We blend
with all that is. But it is not all of your fault so we are here to help
you. Do not think that we are here only to help you but we will if you
ask. Do not expect anything form us because we are not asleep. We know
what you really want. And we always know what you need.
No need to tell you. Already here. Tahjee
told you already. We can be right in front of your eyes and humans don’t
see us. Humans don’t see change like humans don’t see us. Humans always
looking and looking but never see. Humans don’t know that they can’t
see feelings. Feel the change if you want to. Don’t look for it. Never
find it that way. I’m going to tell you something, you need to feel your
way through this change. I’m waiting for you.
I know that you know. You feel it. You
know what is there. But it is not there it is here already. Big change
coming. Soon there will not be a cover over real life.
If you want to see what I can see than you
have to feel to see. You know this! Our mother is changing but what you
see with your eyes is not what she really is. Many of us Hairy Folk are
helping humans to change. We send thoughts and feelings. We watch you
and protect you sometimes. Humans have made this mother so dirty that we
do not like to step on her with our bodies. We do not want to step on
glass on the beaches. We shimmer so our bodies are protected from you.


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