Thursday, 31 July 2014


As Aristo sees it, we are engaged in psychological warfare that challenges us to prioritize and focus our energy in ways that are new to most people. Even though we are basically lazy, we are being forced to deal with high-tech weapons and mind controlled zombies created by psychopaths in their long-range attempt to dominate and control the world. It’s a game of chicken using chemtrails, occult magic, and a host of physical and metaphysical weapons. Our ability to network is a counterbalance to this psychological warfare. The return of the dragons into human consciousness is necessary, since dragons are living wave forms. 444, 555, 666, provide a numerical message of the need to ground our energies and evolve in ways that we have not done in the past. As spiritual beings we must get comfortable in our own skin, and we are being given a hands-on lesson in how to accomplish this during these very trying times. The Internet Café was quieter this week than it sometimes is; so I hope more of you take the time to advantage yourself of Aristo’s wisdom as he provides gold fusing Earth and Sky.


Gnostics Cathars and Shamans view on Flyers Djinn Archons and The Demiurge

City of London BANKERS
Two dragons grace the arms of the City of London. The City, or “Square Mile”
Domine dirige nos“, which translates as “Lord, direct (guide) us”

Lord of the Rings – Lighting of the Beacons (LEYLINES SUCCESS)

Veronica Keen says: We were successful


Gabriel: Veronica I’ll do my best to describe what I can see.

Yesterday I could see that a shaft of light had risen to the sky, but there was a shaft descending also. On the outside of the shaft of light there were two spiraling shafts of light, but flowing counter to each other. The colours were predominantly and powerfully White and Violet, but I know that there were other rays there also.

From closer to the base the energy was expanding outwards in 360 degrees, some what like a ‘doughnut’ shape. Even this ‘doughnut’ had multiple colours and intriguing designs, which I cannot put into words, let alone draw. As this energy passed through me I could feel my body tingling and vibrating to it. It was like the expansiveness of this energy was unlimited. It was like a ‘beacon’ that was anchored there at Skellig, radiating out to All.

Again this morning it was the same. People need to know that their combined intentions ‘to do good’ are working through their meditation and that they are responsible for this happening. Each and every one has a part to play, and they must realise just how powerful they are. No one is of insignificance in this plan.

So, let the Fires be lit, ‘Light the Beacons’, so that from here other Beacons throughout the world may be lit and all linked to each other through the Earth power grid.



Veronica now shares that:

“A key to the puzzle has come forward about Skellig: The Dark are attempting to reestablish on this Ley Line what they did back when the Druids were destroyed, bringing in the Darkness. Our connection has started a counter catalist to this event. The Dark came to Atlantis and did exactly the same.”


“The time when our Galactic Brothers and Sisters choose to live with us on the ‘surface’ of the Planet will coincide with the descent of the Superamental Force (the Cosmic Force of Divine Love) that will establish Divine Unity for good on Planet Earth. In SKELLIG ISLAND, we were told that this will be the beginning of a New Golden Age; 2017.”

(I’m reminded that Alfred Lambremont Webre has stated that by 2017 our consciousness level will have risen enough to make it possible for us to welcome our Cosmic Family to our planet. ~J)


Lord of the Rings – Return of the King

Lighting of the Beacons





Of the Omni-Earth, the parallels of Earth, and that termed the Elemental Kingdom. We speak of thyme incredible vortex of Skellig Michael, and of the Firmament anchor of Newgrange. We speak of the land of the Goddess and Fae.

Certain parts of the world have a somewhat differing type of elementals. Only the few vectors on the planet that project what may be termed the ‘full-spectra energy field’ have the full quality & quantity of the entire Fae Kingdom. Fewer still of these have the energetic lens that enables humankind to more tangible ‘see’ and interact with these beings.

Ireland, more than any other area on the planet, has the greatest variety and populace of the Faerie and Elfin Kingdoms, and that those in Ireland are far more interactive with humans. That is precisely why so many rich folklores of the Devic exist in Ireland.



There are indeed rich & diverse pockets of Devic Beings that timelessly inhabit the green hills and river valleys of Ireland. Although much of Britain and parts of Europe and your planet have similar pockets, the Devic Kingdom in Ireland is more tangible, more lucid, more fully expressed than most areas of your planet… and can thus be more vividly experienced.

Long before mankind entered upon the Earth, the Omni-Planet contained within it the natural forces, that termed the Elemental. These material aspects were full spectrum, not just as dense physical matter but rather the complete spectrum of matter and anti-matter… in which the conscious living aspects were projected & diversified, conscious in all manner of what is termed ‘elemental’ life. That then existing within the the five matrixial formats or elements : Air, Earth, Fire, Water and the fifth – Etherium.

Matter exists in spectrums, as does light.

In the earliest explorations into that termed the Earthplane, the soul of mankind entered into the plane in a nonphysical state, a thoughtform state in which mind had indeed the full capacity to mold & form matter and enter into physical matter in full consciousness.

Many souls found expression in what may be termed the elemental kingdom or better said the elemental matrix in those pre physical eras. That is why so many humans relate so powerfully to these Elemental Beings. For indeed many experienced first life within and without them in projected spectra-state within the elemental matrix.



There are indeed many humans who found beautiful expression in what may be termed elemental expressions as light beings of what is akin to the Faerie realm. Such life expressions were nonphysical manifestation of Divine Mind. Many associate this as being in LeMuria or Mu, but this is before the planet was in duality. This then in the pre-human earth of the original Firmament.

At his time did many choose expression in the projection of thought form and experience the Gardens of Earth through the elemental forces that define the earth. These expressions as beings of a semi physical, yet non physical nature allowed many to experience consciousness with realms of air, earth, fire and water. This is vaguely recalled in the forgotten lore of Faeries, Mermaids, Sprites, Dragons, Trolls, Gnomes and such.

Elementals & Divine Intelligence



That which we term the Devic Kingdom, are essentially projected aspects of the elemental, mineral and plant kingdom that find conscious dynamic expression through vehicles of electro-magnetic and crysto-electric energy.

Some Devic forms are more advanced than others. Those of the Fae possess divine intelligence, whilst others of the Devic realm are more like the lower fields of that termed the bird or winged kingdom, in terms of having awareness within a group-thought pattern as opposed to individual consciousness.

The higher intelligence of the Fae will more willingly interact with certain humans, while the majority are less drawn to close communicative interaction, and keep a certain distance…not unlike a sparrow or thrush in ones garden that will fly away if one gets too close.



Not all Devic forms are what you may think of as positive or benevolent in nature. Some are consciousness sourced from electromagnetic fields and as such both positive and negative are required to balance the electrical spectrum you see. Some view mankind as brothers, others do not. Some project the vibratory essence of supreme love, others are somewhat malicious and mischievous, from your perspective. Yet both are electrical l forms of bio-plasmic life, in a manner of speaking.

The Faerie Kingdom is light based elementals generally sourced of air. There are varieties of faeries that are water sourced and plant kingdom sourced. The plant sourced faerie is traditionally referred to in your folklore as pixies and brownies. Both having a very excited positive vibration, often creating a sensation in humans associated with delight and laughter. They are quite real, and exist all over the planet. The Kingdom of Fae tends to mass in areas of higher energy. In those places termed powernodes and sacred sites. But to be clear, such locales are termed sacred and powerful precisely because the dimensional veils are thin in these vectors. All variety of the Fae are particularly drawn to gurgling brooks, small cascades, pools, plants, mushrooms and particularly ferns & flowers.

The Elfin Kingdom



The Elfin Kingdom is Devic Beings that are projected from the earth. These include elves, gnomes, and trolls. The Elfin exist in forests and wooded greens, and aspects of the elfin are particularly associated with Greenman. In a true sense all of the elementals are inner related each aspect being somewhat dependent on the other, plants needing earth, water and light for example.

Edgar Cayce, among others spoke of having very real experiences and interactions with faeries, pixies and brownies throughout his childhood. The channel has shared of experiences on Skellig Michael with faeries and pixies, with prolonged visual contact. The visual being an aspect of the energy field at Skellig and other parts of Ireland in which dimensional fields are concentrated and overlapping in more tangible concentricity.




The Sacred Dragon are benevolent and fully conscious beings. These do indeed exist, and have existed on the planet long before humanity. They possess supreme divine intelligence and are extremely advanced. They are protectors of humanity and of the planet, and are taking a greater role in the Cosmic Trigger. These beings are Masters of what is termed earth-kundalini and as such are involved in engineering aspects of the aptly named dragon line-currents and ley lines which are in fact arteries of life force on your planet. They are now in a greater role, involved in the formation of new energy lines within the crysto-electromagnetic surge of the Cosmic Trigger, or crystallization expansion of the Ascension into and the Earth-Current Leys.

Have not your cultures throughout the ancient world had legends and stories of these beings, even religions in Asia devoted to their worship. These beings are extremely advanced, and fully conscious, and have existed on the Earth since the beginning. We tell you there are benevolent ‘Angelic Dragons’ are among the Ascended Masters.

Do not confuse these with the concepts in myth and lore of evil dragons who kidnap princesses into castles and caverns. Nor with sensational provocative theories of evil reptilian take overs of your planet.

Now, the mythology of your Arthurian stories in regard to fire-breathing dragons as evil beings that capture princesses are indeed myths and the descriptions are distorted and quite obtuse.

We tell you this while in ancient days, pre LeMurian, pre Atlantean phases of the earth, there were dragons that entered the Earthplane from Zeta Reticuli that were not benevolent. These were in fact battled and driven from the earth by the sacred benevolent dragon beings that still reside on your planet. Although much fewer in numbers, they have always existed here, and are great protectors of your planet, and work closely within the energies of the planetary kundalini force.

Now, there are also extra terrestrial beings of a reptilian nature that do indeed exist. Just as humans, some are benevolent and some are warlike. There have been periods in the earth’s unfolding in which reptilian beings have attempted to enter the Earthplane, and not always for benevolent purpose. These are NOT the beings to which we refer.

Even yet the words, dragon, serpent and reptilian cause humans of the western world to shudder in fear and associate them with evil or dismiss them completely as mythological folklore. The metaphors of St George slaying the dragon or variations of this tale are seeded in the Church’s reign to demolish paganism in their crusade to politically reign & dominate. Yet in many other cultures and religions, especially in Asia, the dragon was revered, and considered a source of wisdom, divinity and ‘good-fortune’.

There is a Devic form of ‘dragonesque’ beings that exist in the elemental kingdom, but these are not the Sacred Fully Conscious Dragons of which we speak. Rather are they elementals that are a conscious form of the elemental realm , projections of the Fire element. The indigenous have often used Fire Devics in ceremony, assigning a ‘Fire-Keeper or Fire-Spirit Talker to hold ceremony in vision quests and ritual dances. There are also fire elemental projections considered as etheric salamanders and fire-glyphs.



The fully conscious divine beings of which we now refer abide both in the inner earth, particularly in volcanic regions and others are drawn to magno-crystalline mountains in high elevations. These beings are not of the elemental electromagnetic kingdom, although they are closely aligned to the earth’s electromagnetic and crystalline energies.

Some of these are massive in size up to 50 meters in length , and radiate a golden light . They exist primarily in higher parallel dimension, but do also bodily exist in your physical world. These are beings of golden light, and are actively involved in the energetics of your planet. They are guardians of certain of your interdimensional gates. They are indeed of divine intelligence, both etheric and physical.



In “Isis Unveiled” H.P. Blavatsky writes:

“Spheres unknown below our feet; spheres still more unknown and more unexplored above us, between the two a handful of moles blind to God’s great lights and deaf to whispers of the invisible world…”


Skellig Michael is a Natural Temple, a power-node of terrestrial construct, one created by nature, by the Divinity of Earth. The structure of Skellig Michael is pyramidal in geometry and is particularly aligned with celestial energies.



Atlanteans were very aware of all such nodes on the planet, in collaboration with the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance. Just as Staffa Island is a generator of the Hebrides, (Iona as well as eastern Ireland), so does Skellig perform a similar energy generation and distribution in western Ireland. These ‘feed’ the earth currents of the area not only with telluric energies, but Cosmic or Celestial energies as well. These play a more important role than is currently recognized, though these were fully recognized in the Golden Era of Atlantis. (A time in which the Earth was in full dimensional aspect and those termed the Star Races inhabited the earth.)

Within Skellig is a Master Crystal of Violet Hue. It has been there since the Golden Age of Atlantis.

It has never been de-activated, for it was originally and specifically placed where it remains, and will remain.

It is a key point of refracting that energy you term the Ley, and it up-shifts into the sacred frequency of both the Mary and Michael Leylines.

It energizes all of the Leys in Ireland and in Britain, France and Europe.



PROTEST Re: Skellig Michael – Star Wars – Irish Government Deliberately Dupes Irish Public




SENT BY emilytwomey


The filming of scenes for Star Wars: Episode VII began yesterday on Skellig Michael in Co Kerry. Many have expressed outrage at the underhanded way in which this information was kept from the Irish public until a few days ago. The Irish Independent has learnt that when negotiations began over six months ago it was feared if news of the proposed filming leaked out it could attract opposition from conservation groups.

Environmental Concerns

Unesco has expressed concern over the authorisation for filming of scenes for the movie. The Island in the Atlantic about 12km off the coast of south Kerry was designated a Unesco World Heritage Site in 1996 because of the ruins of its monastic settlement that date back to the 6th Century. The island is also the natural habitat for bird species including the puffin, manx shearwaters and petrels and was designated a Special Protection Area under Article 4 of the EU Birds Directive. Unesco’s Word Heritage Centre has made inquiries about State authorisation for use of Skellig Michael, and a film-set spokesman has confirmed that the international body has asked the National Monuments Service for “information on the filming permission”. Both Birdwatch Ireland and independent archaeologist Michael Gibbons have expressed concern about the impact of a film crew on the fragile environment.

According to Unesco the National Monuments Service has informed them that they were “examining the issue” and said a report would be submitted to Unesco “later this week” – by which time filming is expected to be over.

The Irish Film Board said the filming programme “has been designed specifically to avoid disturbance of breeding birds on the island”. However, Birdwatch Ireland’s Senior Conservation Officer for seabirds, Steven Newton, said he did not envision how this could be possible in the middle of the breeding season for thousands of pairs of puffins, Manx shearwaters and the tiny storm petrels which use underground burrows for nesting sites.
Birdwatch Ireland intends to pursue the matter with the European Commission, and said it would like to see the screening report produced by consultants ahead of filming which would have informed NPWS authorization.

The Irish People Strongly Object To The Israeli Slaughter of the Palestinians
At a time when Gaza is suffering a genocide at the hands of the Israeli government, the Irish government has underhandedly permitted Disney, (a company which is on every boycott list of companies which support Israel), who acquired Lucasfilm in 2012 for $4.05 billion (wiki), to come into Ireland and film on one of our most sacred and ancient sites. The Irish government is aware that there is huge opposition to the genocide in Gaza and that the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Charlie Flanagan has been urged by Cork County Council to summon the Israeli ambassador to Iveagh House to convey the outrage of the Irish people at the response of the Israeli defence forces to events in the Gaza Strip. Earlier this month Dublin City Council passed a motion calling for an end to both the ongoing Israeli attacks on Gaza and the Israeili illegal siege of the coastal strip, as well as calling upon the irish government to push for an arms embargo and trade sanctions on Israel.

An online petition to expel the Israeli ambassador has already reached 22,433 signers and is rising rapidly. If anyone takes the time to view the petition online you will see that there are people currently signing the petition every few seconds.

The Ley Lines

There is a belief among many people, that Skellig Michael, is a very spiritual place situated as it is at the beginning of an energetic leyline. In fact, Skellig Michael is considered one of the key lines in the Saint Michael leyline which extends from Ireland, through Britain and across Europe where it then forks into ancient Judea, Israel and Egypt, and connects to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. The Saint Michael ley line runs across Ireland for several hundred miles, intersecting with various sacred sites in the UK that have been dedicated to Saint Michael. The Saint Michael ley line intersects with another significant ley line at the Skellig Michael monastery and this second ley line goes on to connect to Saint Michael’s Mount in England, to Mont Saint Michel in France and so on. But what is most interesting is that it comes to an end in Israel, at Mount Carmel, where Jesus is alleged by some to have lived among the order of the Essenes.

Because of Skellig Michael’s strategic spiritual location many are worried that there is a nefarious purpose to the presence of a Disney backed film being made on the Island, as Disney is known to be a collaborator with the Israeli government and the Zionist movement.

Paranormal investigator, Veronica Keen of the Montague Keen Foundation has expressed her deep concern that there is some sinister purpose behind the filming on Skellig Michael where a 3km exclusion zone, ministerially approved, is in force around Skellig for the three days of filming, with a naval patrol vessel present and all locals involved in the project are believed to have signed confidentiality agreements for the duration of the film shoot.

Unfortunately, the locals in the area surrounding Skeilig Michael who one would think would be keen to preserve their ancient heritage, seem to have been bought off. Yesterday morning, a film crew and workers employed to help out with the production were being transported to the island by local boatmen from Portmagee who have already received €1,000 each for projected loss of earnings from tourist trips during filming. Unesco has voiced their concern on several occasions about the lack of co-operation of the local boatmen. The World Heritage Centre and the Advisory Bodies are concerned about the lack of progress in implementing the recommendations of the 2007 Advisory Mission. The recommendations were pertinent in terms of addressing the key issues: approaches to conservation of the site and disputes with local boatmen. Access to the island is strictly controlled by the Office of Public Works (OPW) in view of its historical and conservation status and each of the licenced 14 boats are only allowed land passengers once a day. Last year, 13,221 people visited the island.

Locals may be under the impression that this ‘boom’ will be great for their area but they are very short-sighted as the current tourism to Skellig Michael is not one based on the Hollywood industry, but on the spiritual nature of the island. It is quite likely that once the film is released Skellig Michael will be turned into a type of Disneyland centre for those who wish to visit the island on which the Star Wars movie scene was filmed. This can only be detrimental to the sacred essence of Skellig Michael and to the memory of the ancient Irish monks who lived and prayed there over 1400 years ago. Perhaps that is what the locals are hoping for. but is that really what the people of Ireland want for one of our most unique, sacred and ancient sites? We are calling on everyone who thinks that this was an underhanded and unbelievably sneaky move by our government, to come to Skellig Michael and to protest strongly about this undertaking.

We are looking for volunteers to help us to co-ordinate this vital campaign. We are running out of time. The underhand tactics of our government have ensured this.

Please lend your support to this campaign.

For further information please contact:
Emily Twomey Peaceful rEvolution–The Time Is Now
Veronica keen The Montague Keen Foundation
Jean Haines 2012: What’s the ‘Real’ Truth

See also:

[1] The Irish Independent
[2] The Irish Times
[3] The Irish Times
[4] Ibid
[5] Ibid
[6] Irish Times
[7] The Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign
[8] Avaaz Petition
[9] The Awakening
[10] L.A. Times:
[11] Dr. Kevin Barrett, Editor, Veterans Today
[12] Veterans Today
[13] The Montague Keen Foundation
[14] Irish Examiner
[15] ibid
[16] Irish Independent

Wednesday, 30 July 2014


SKELLIG MICHAEL (male principal) contains the energies of the blue ray of truth/blue print. By blazing the violet flame towards Skellig Michael you will receive the codes of the divine blue print. See your energies creating an upwards spiral. The forces of light will provide the downwards spiral
LITTLE SKELLIG (female principal) contains the energies of the violet ray. By blazing the violet flame towards little skellig and seeing an upwards spiral created, you will receive the code of the new essence of the violet ray for the Time to come: LAVENDER VIOLET.
When you have connected to both energies, the blue ray of truth and the blue ray of transmutation, see the energies provided by the forces of light coming down into the Skellig islands combining their energies with the groundcrew, then see these rays flooding the ley lines towards the coast of Ireland and flooding the ley lines towards Tara Hill seeing an upwards spiral created.
The forces of light will connect by providing a downwards spiral containing the codes of the emerald green ray (Archangel metatron). The healing emerald green ray contains the codes of the consciousness of Atlantis.
See the emerald green ray combining it’s energies with the blue and the lavender violet ray and reaching the Glastonbury TOR and creating an upwards spiral again. The forces of light will provide the right codes of the lower heart.
Then envision the rays flooding the ley lines towards Europe crossing Paris and creating an upwards spiral in the Museum the “Louvre.” In Paris, the forces of light will provide the new energies matching this vortex again.
Then we go to Rome and we see an upward spiral shooting out of the obelisks and activating the others worldwide.
We follow the ley line to Giza and combine the energies of Giza likewise — and then we go to the border of Israel and Palestine and connect to the Merkaba Crystal — and see the energies of Michael and Quan Yin reach their destiny.

Then we see that we have collectively cleared this important leyline to enact full galactic disclosure for all of humanity. We envision these energies reaching every being who has a heartbeat.
Connect to the other chakra’s likewise to collectively enact the Rainbow serpent. The correct codes of the reptilian brain. Every Chakra has it Colour/ray/codes to add.
These are the locations that have been empowered :
crown chakra:  Mount Everest (Himalaya)
pineal gland: Giza, Egypt
higher heart (thymus):Tara hill, Ireland
lower heart: The Tor, Glastonbury
solar plexus: Uluru/Ayers rock, Australia
sacral chakra: Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, peru (Andes)
root chakra: Mount Shasta, United States.
Gaia has many chakra’s with the same energies divided over her surface.
Then we look again at the Tesla ball and see this as the sun of hollow earth sending us the blue ray of truth and the violet flame, energetically combining their energies with ours (surface), and we see these rays — NOT STOPPING at the surface, but shooting out creating upward spirals towards ALL ley lines and nodes worldwide.
SEEING/IMAGINING Rainbow colors and gold particles, .and again the forces of light providing the downwards spirals.
A special request to add the golden ray and bring its essence back to the light again. It will therefore clear all metal based matrixes used against us.
Raise your energy by going out in nature or talk to a tree
Remember to send healing to those suffering in Gaza


The Dragon Families : Andrew Bartzis GALACTIC HISTORIAN



The Dragon Families represent different dragon elements. That means that there are thousands of DNA lineages where there are both men and women that allow dragons to come in and live in their body temporarily and/or permanently, in a walk-in, walk-out, basis.

Historical USOs : Unidentified Submerged Objects Sightings


USO sightings were said to have existed since thousands of years ago.

In 329 BC, Alexander the troops called sublime encounter two disc-shaped object emerging from the river Jaxartes in india. According to legend, Alexander was so fascinated with the sighting was that he spent the next six years to explore the river by divers equipment in the world.

Christopher Columbus also called’ve encountered an unknown underwater object. On October 11, 1492, the Santa Maria were boarded by Columbus were passing through the Bermuda Triangle area. Later, they saw strange lights flickering in the water followed by the emergence of a disc-shaped object that immediately fly quickly into the sky.

No one can be sure what is seen by Alexander noble or Columbus. Hundreds of years later, we returned to find many reports of similar sightings. Examples such as the testimonies below:

On June 18, 1845, Malta Times reported:

“At that time the ship brigantine Victoria is about 900 miles to the east of Adalia when the crew saw three luminous objects emerge from the water. Objects were visible for about 10 minutes and fly-half mile from the ship. “

According to the crew who witnessed it, the objects looked like the size of a full moon. This sighting was also reported by other witnesses from Adalia, Syrians and Malta.

On 12 November 1887, near the cape Race, a huge fireball rising from the sea, up to 20 meters, and then approached a ship that was nearby, the British steamer called Siberian. Objects were moving into the wind, then retreat and flew away. This event is reported and discussed by Nature magazine, L’Astronomie, and the Meteorological Journal.

On the night of February 10, 1951 a U.S. Air Force pilot was flying the plane and colleagues from Iceland towards Newfoundland. When the plane is at a distance of about 300 miles from Newfoundland, they saw a luminous object emerged from the sea.

“As we get closer to a shiny object, he turns into circles large white light on the water. Then, we saw a circle of yellow light which was small, smaller than the object that releases light circle, at a distance of 15 miles. When the object flew our plane, we could see a plane that releases domed corona. “

7 years later, an unidentified underwater object back to the subject of the news.

In May 1958, a mysterious submarine seen by the crews of warships Argentina. The submarine, although it can be seen by the eye, can not be detected by sonar, hydrophones or radar. 14 warships Argentina and then chase it with occasional submarine fired a torpedo at him. But do not look for signs of damage and the submarine proceeded to disappear from the radar.

In October 1959 and January 1960, a similar submarine again monitored by the Argentine military. The hunt resumed, but the submarine was again disappeared.

Ray.M Captain Pitts, a submarine warfare specialist who participated in the third race confirmed that the object was indeed a submarine. But he also said that he was forbidden to talk further about the incident.

In 1963, the hunt for another USO re-occur. This time the American submarine sonar was in Puerto Rico capture a moving object with a speed of 150 knots and is at a distance of 20,000 feet below the submarine.

The submarine object followed for 4 days. On day 4, the object suddenly moving at high speed so as to escape observation sonar.
In August 1965, the crew of the Russian Raduga, while sailing in the Red Sea, saw an elliptical object volcano emerged from the water and floated on the surface for some time. Object distance is just 2 miles from the ship. The crew estimated that the object has a diameter of 60 meters and hovered at an altitude of about 150 meters above sea level.

On June 30, 1967, the crew Naviero of Argentina saw a cylindrical object in the water. Objects that give off light blue white and estimated to be about 33 meters long. The strange thing is, the object made no sound at all even though he is moving in the water at speeds high enough. In fact almost no waves created by the movement of the object. When the object was almost hit Naviero ship, he quickly changed direction and dived back into the water.




SATYA : The Peacemakers


Peacemakers deliver the same sermon
Their combined consciousness resides perfectly on a magnetic grid
The energy that it generates is then transferred to your DNA


In 1985 I wrote a poem titled: Head in the Clouds. I was still a fundamentalist Christian then, though I was asking a lot of questions and challenging the claims of what I had been taught all my life. I’m going to read that poem today, something I haven’t done for a while. What kind a rapture are you waiting for; and what are you doing right now, today, to make life better for yourself, your family and humanity?

Skellig Michael – Vortex Energy – Sacred Sites (SPIDER WOMAN) the Ley of the Land … Saint Michael’s Mount in England, to Mont Saint Michel in France and so on. But what is most interesting is that it comes to an end in Israel, at Mount Carmel,where Jesus lived among the order of the Essenes

Skellig Michael – Vortex Energy – Sacred Sites (SPIDER WOMAN) the Ley of the Land

During the Golden age of Atlantis, there was a system of energetic lines, calledleys, which was used to create a labyrinth of tunnels for purposes, such as communication and transport. The Atlanteans made use of these ley lines as energy highways.[i] The Native American peoples refer to this network as the web of the ‘spider woman’. It’s part of the Earth grid.

Star of David, Devil’s Bridge, Sedona, Arizona

Each ley line drops from the surface of the Earth to a depth of 265 ft. At that point,
it makes a perfect 90 degree turn, and then travels in a continual spiral.
This Standing Columnar Wave energy pattern maintains that precise depth, and
then makes another 90 degree turn and comes back up to the surface.[ii]

After the Fall of Man, this system of ley lines was broken in a deliberate attempt to
limit the Human race. But, although the leys no longer completely circumnavigate
the planet, the raw current still does. This current originates far from inside the Earth, and then flows in through the upper polar atmosphere. This forms a complex energy system that connects us to the entire Universe.

This system is similar to the chakras and acupuncture meridians in the human energy body. So, when two ley lines cross, they create an intense magnetic power center called a node. The sub-atomic particles of a holy energy, called tachyon,spiral at that location and create a whirling vortex. Depending on the direction of their spin, these vortexes can either absorb or emit energy.

Tachyons are the particles of energy that make up the protons, electrons and neutrons in atoms. They are the ‘glue’ that holds the Universe together, the pure etheric Spirit that is diffused throughout all of Creation. Nicola Tesla understood this principle and designed a device to measure these particles.

When this current of tachyon energy passes through church steeples and other such monuments that have pyramidal shapes, they radiate Light. Hence the term sacred sites.

Skellig Michael, Ireland

One of the ley lines in this system is called Saint Michael. It extends from Ireland, through Britain and across Europe. It then forks into ancient Judea, Israel and Egypt, and connects to Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

No one supports me against them, except Michael, your Prince. Daniel 10:21

The Saint Michael ley line is largely intact because of the work of the Druids.

During the destruction of Atlantis, these alchemists fled into monasteries in Europe and Egypt. The most prolific of these were the sects in Britain and France who, along with the vibration of sound, used the anti-gravity aspects of ley lines to form stone circles, such as the one at Stonehenge in England.

The Saint Michael ley line runs across Ireland for several hundred miles, intersecting with various sacred sites that have been dedicated to Saint Michael. These sites include St Michael’s Church Brentor, St Michael’s Church Burrowbridge, St Michael’s Church Othery, St Michael’s Church Glastonbury Tor and Stoke St. Michael.

One of the original amplification points of this ley is a 230 metre rock, called Skellig Michael, which stands in the Atlantic Ocean, just off the coast of Ireland. For 600 years since the seventh century AD, it was a centre of monastic life for Christian monks who lived in a monastery that still exists there today.[iii]

The Saint Michael ley line intersects with another significant ley line at this monastery. It is interesting to note that this second ley line goes on to connect to Saint Michael’s Mount in England, to Mont Saint Michel in France and so on. But what is most interesting is that it comes to an end in Israel, at Mount Carmel,where Jesus lived among the order of the Essenes.[iv]

Now summon the people from all over Israel to

meet me on Mount Carmel. I Kings 18-19






Roundway Hill, Nr Devizes,

Wiltshire, United Kingdom.

Reported 30th July


 Miró Surrealism


Vortex Energy

As you walk it, only the path stretching ahead of you is visible at any given point
As we near the end of the journey … things might get somewhat bizaar ‘[=-][‘;’[-0#]‘/';[']


(recorded on June 18, 2014) Mary Rodwell, Founder & Principal of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN) where she utilizes her skill set as a professional counselor, hypnotherapist, metaphysician, researcher and ufologist in preparing the hearts and minds of the human species to accept realities much larger than their everyday grind; those realities being the presence of other worlders (that many call extra terrestrials) living along side us upon this planet.
They are here to enlighten everyday humanity to the greater realities that co-exist alongside ours, assisting us in our communications with them which will ultimately lead us up to our collective and individual innerstanding of our place in and amongst the Vast Multiverse.
UFO Article: “Star Kids” Written By Mary Rodwell ( ACERN )



The real ethnic indiginious people of the BIRTH PLACE OF JESUS "bethlehem" which is in Palestine are being GENOCIDED just like other indigenous peoples of the world.


Bosnian Pyramids And Bigfoot : Life on Terra

From the mysterious mounds of Bosnia where ancient pyramids seem to have been unearthed, to the North American wild where Bigfoot roams, lies the far edges of history, science and the origins and nature of life on Terra.
In the first hour, Thomas Hughes, a man who claims that he has a telepathic connection with Bigfoot. Hughes, who stands around 6’7″ was struck by lightning when he was twenty-two and since then, he’s had an ability to tap into psychic realms, including the minds of Bigfoot. Find out a lot more about Sasquatch and Hughes experience with the mysterious Bigfoot.
In hour number two, Dr. Sam Osmanagich, a Houston based, researcher from Bosnia who has published ten books on anthropology including his two latest, “Ancient History From Beyond The Veil” and “Pyramids Around The World & Lost Pyramids Of Bosnia.” “Dr. Sam” as he likes to be called has been tunneling and excavating through what appears to be the largest pyramids on the planet.

STAR KNOWLEDGE : Sioux Chief Taken Aboard Star Ship : WISDOM KEEPERS


Chief Golden Light Eagle hosts many Chiefs, medicine people, and wisdom keepers

They Are Star People, “We Know Who They Are” Unci Keya

Apache Wisdom Keeper Speaks on Time Travel and Dematerialization


TWO MORE Giant Holes Appear in Russia



Tuesday, 29 July 2014



Green Street, Nr Avebury,

Wiltshire, United Kingdom.

Reported 29th July







The thirteen Cosmic Chakras connects
your chakra centers to the Chakras of Creation,
the Union of the Mother-Father God Principle
13 Sitting Buddhas
13 : Completion and Perfection
13 : New Beginnings
13 represents the Great Mother Goddess
The 13th letter of the English alphabet is M, which finds its roots in the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, “mem” (meaning mother), which was the ancient Phoenician word for water. The ancient Egyptian word for water was “moo.” M is the most sacred of all the letters, for it symbolizes water, where all life began. It is the root of the word “mother,” and relates to the evolutionary destiny … protected by The Chosen Caretakers of the Universe
 A Complex lay in the centre, 3 contra-rotating circles and an outward splay at very centre

The biggest surprises of the 2014 Crop Circles … 555

