The hologram of deception (reality) is being unmasked
There were, however, two very puzzling questions. All but one of the artifacts could be dated to the 8th century AD. The exception, known as the "compass" artifact, appeared to be an unusual form of technology, and was found among more typical artifacts like pottery and simple tools. The compass was covered in strange hieroglyphic symbols, some of which were also found on the pottery. Secondly, the pictographs that were found in the area had inexplicably appeared, and they were strikingly different than any of the other native petroglyphs or rock art found in the southwest or the entire continent for that matter.
At the back of this cavern, the research team discovered a well-hidden entrance into the interior of the canyon wall or rock structure of the Ancient Arrow site. There they found a system of tunnels and chambers that had been carved out from solid rock. There were a total of 23 chambers, all intricately connected to an interior corridor, and each chamber held a specific wall painting, series of pictographs, written hieroglyphs, and what seemed to be dormant, alien technologies.
Why would an advanced culture leave their artifacts in such a precise and seemingly ordered manner? What was the message they were trying to leave behind? What were their technologies and why did they leave them behind? Did the creators of this site intermingle with the native tribes or remain an isolated culture? Who were they and why were they here in the 8th century? Were they planning to return? These were only some of the mysteries that challenged the research team.
Was it about opening ever more to divine wisdom from within ourselves, and about moving beyond the teacher/student ordering of the hierarchical paradigm to recognize the divine equality of all beings. Fascinating investigation into our history and what is called The Sovereign Integral process. He is revealing a history here of the human race involving the Anunnaki and our Atlantean roots. Information about the dimensions and the reincarnation prison
The true focus of the fifth interview isn’t the scientific definition of the Hologram of Deception, but rather how we can free ourselves from its pervasive and illusory presence. The Sovereign Integral process is defined in this interview in detail, but you may have to read carefully to hear and understand it. This process is truly the centerpiece of the fifth interview. Whatever philosophical perspective you wish to attach to this information, bear in mind that it is shared in the spirit of oneness and equality, and that the Sovereign Integral process is a decidedly experiential practice.
The five interviews of Dr. Jamisson Neruda are an extension of the Ancient Arrow Project novel. The first three interviews are contained on the First Source disc, the fourth interview was released in November 2002, about a year following the release of the disc, and the fifth interview was released in April 2014.
Sarah skillfully draws out the details of the ACIO, what it’s like to work for a secret organization whose focus is to reverse-engineer recovered extraterrestrial technologies, but then, in the fifth and final interview, a powerful twist occurs—the hologram of deception (reality) is unmasked. For approximately 15 years the fifth interview was withheld, for reasons that were never disclosed, though many people asked about its disposition. James has intimated that the content of the fifth interview was radical, and would be released when the timing was right.
The five interviews constitute an important part of the WingMakers materials in terms of defining the technology transfer program, the cabal behind the government, the hologram of deception and perhaps most important of all, the Sovereign Integral process and the true meaning of The Grand Portal. The interviews are available at the bottom of this page in Adobe PDF format, or can be read in their entirety on the webpage below. In the case of the fifth interview,the appendix includes diagrams and instructions on Quantum Pause. These are helpful to understanding the Sovereign Integral process and practicing it.
Thinking of Flowers
There is a gentleness survives That will outspeak and has its reasons. There is a loveliness exists, Preserves us, not for specialists. - See more at: http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/15301#sthash.aCjOfu4z.dpuf
There is a gentleness that survives
That will outspeak and has its reasons.
There is a loveliness that exists,
Preserves us, but not for specialists
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