Michael Tsarion - History and Mythology of Reptilians
- Between "worlds"
- The reptilian and other entities, which are manipulating
- our world by possessing "human" bodies, operate
- in frequencies
between the Third and Fourth densities.
- These are referred to as "hidden
- and planes unknown to man"
- It is from here that they police our vibrational prison
- the Matrix - and seek to addict and restrict us to the dense physical
senses. This world was once far less dense than it is today and the "fall"
down the frequencies, caused by the manipulation of incarnate consciousness
and DNA infiltration, has made it so much more difficult to maintain a
multi- dimensional connection while in physical form.
- We are now in a cycle
of change when the vibration of this "world" will be raised out
of dense physicality and return to where it once was. In doing so, the
reptilians, ability to manipulate our physical form will be removed and
this is why they are in such a panic at this time to prevent this shift
from opening the vibrational prison door.
- The reptilians and other manipulating entities exist
only just outside the frequency range of our physical senses. Their own
physical form has broken down and they can no longer re-produce. Thus they
have sought to infiltrate human form and so use that to exist and control
in this dimension. They chose the Earth for this infiltration because it
most resembles in vibration the locations from which they originate. These
reptilians are addicted to the dense physical "world" and the
sensations it offers and they have no desire to advance higher. Their aim
in this period is to stop the Earth and incarnate humanity from making
the shift from dense physical prison into multi-dimensional paradise.
- Michael Tsarion's brilliant perspective begins after the destruction of Atlantis, and the plague of the Earth bound Atlantian reptilian predators ....... up to today's Secret Government Agendas
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