A myriad of changes are occurring in each body. New cells are being created. The light is penetrating into dark corners of the psyche where it has not been able to penetrate for a millennium of linear time.
Feeling out of sorts, fatigued or even cranky.
These sensations are indicative of the “battle” being fought at a cellular level. Your body, the last hold out against change, is following its natural instincts for survival and is resisting change. The cosmic light even now penetrating the atmosphere, the earth below your feet and your bodies is bringing inevitable transformation to the very cells of your physical body and it (the body) deems this a threat to its existence. At a cellular level, the cells are being sorted out and reconfigured into a state of being hitherto unknown. The physical body is undergoing the real transformation, into a new crystalline pattern.
As with the reconstruction of molecules of water turning to ice, so, too, are the cells of the human body turning into crystal.
You may ask, does this mean that we are turning into rocks?
No… the crystalline structure is designed to hold more light, which in turn will rise up your vibrations and allow you to move into a higher vibrational density, into the Fifth Dimension. There the body will not hold a heavy density, but will be made of light and be able to be changed with thought and intent. The appearance of physicality even on the level of the third dimension is an illusion. In truth, the body is made of swirling vortexes of energies. In the higher dimensions, you will be able to form and reform these vortexes at will, to suit your development and that of the collective in which you find yourselves. So if you are feeling fatigued and achy these days, know it is for a good purpose – transformation is in progress and will continue to intensify as the time of the Shift approaches.
A golden seed qas placed within the high heart chakra of the Adamic body when it was created so long ago. This body was to be the new hu-man, a perfected vessel to carry the soul home when the cycles were right. Through the movement of people, through the agency of change, the sacred genes of this Adamic body have found their way into every corner of the world, bringing mutation to the indigenous peoples as well as to the galactic colonists who settled upon this planet during the days of Lemuria and Atlantes.
Now, every incarnated soul upon this sacred planet is wearing the Adamic body and carries within it the sacred seed, the potential for reconnection to Spirit and Creation. It is within each drop of water the desire to be reunited with the Ocean. So it is with the soul; it yearns. It can do nothing else.
The seed of Love is growing in each heart, seeking out for reunion, first to their twin flame, separated at the moment of creation, and then to the Source from which they came, the Realms of Light.
It is here that you will be reunited with your guides, your twin flame and your Higher Self. It is here that you will begin to create your New World, to reconnect with your galactic families and to find your feet firmly on the Path of the Return. It is to this place you must go as the illusion of the third dimensional world is dismantled around you. This is the place of communion (coming into union) from which you can begin to touch the stars, reaching out to other people, to your galactic family, to the angels, your guides and to the Realms of Light. It is here that you will discover you are more than you could ever imagine.
The secrets of the Universe will be revealed to you, at first not in a fashion that your waking mind can comprehend, but as the ties to the illusionary 3D world are loosened, the understanding will take the form of bursts of en-light-en-ment as your mind begins to comprehend beyond what words can convey. At first, this process will feel more like osmosis. Like a thirsty cell, you will suck up knowledge without having the requisite understanding. However, when the moment is right, the knowing will be there, as if a packet of light or information has been unzipped and the contents revealed. Comprehension and delight will be yours when you begin to understand and comprehend who and what you are, as well as the many possibilities of the new life unfolding before you.
As the outer events occurring worldwide are designed to distract you, to keep you separated and in fear, you will find an inward focus will bring quite the opposite effect. There you will discover a new world of peace, joy and a feeling of being welcomed Home. This feeling of Home is the closest understanding of what Love really is as the highest vibration of Light within this Universe. It is experienced as a feeling of complete unconditional acceptance of all that you are, have been and will be.
The Shift is happening. It is happening right now.
Be at peace ... in the eternal Now
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