Amidst the increasing amount of Earthquakes and historical natural disasters unfolding around the planet, comes consistant discussion and warnings over the recent months of an expectation of an ALIEN THREAT, and Threats from outside forces.
With Comet ELENIN just around the corner, Asteroids, and dwarf stars ...
There is a significant amount of Strange Phenomenon being witnessed in the sky and clouds, and strange humming and vibration noises being heard and felt around the earth.
As UFO sightings continue to increase, along with the chemtrails, so does talk of a new world order
This cannot be the moon,as anyone should know-even if it was during a full moon when this was taken,wherever it was taken,it has to be opposite the sun,on the other side of the earth,not near the sun as we see it's not the moon-what the heck is it ?
THIS was a presentation by Mr. Jaime Mussan at the 16th UFO Congress and he decodes a crop circle stating dates in between when something would happen!!
"He says he doesn't know what it means! But we have to remember!"
Well its actually a very close coincidence with the Expected Time of Arrival of NIBIRU!! - 20th of May 2012!!
There would be an Eclipse for 16 Days after the arrival!
Is NIBIRU the reason again!?? Possible!
He says 'NEW FIRE' Is he referring to the Nibiru or the destruction caused by NIBIRU?
and then another date pops up 6th of June 2012!
Is this the time when NIBIRU's affect would reduce??
and then in the second crop circle which was close to the the first one he translates it as the "Return of Quetzalcoatl or Kukulkan (Translated into Mayan) of the Messiah.
There's compelling info that this comet Elenin, MAY be the 'Blue Star Kacina' of Hopi prophecy.
The Hopi seem to believe that it MIGHT be.
They believe that a blue star comes first as a WARNING to create an awakening then later, the Red Star of global disaster to bring in a new paradigm.
Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years.
Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms.
Now these people study their enviornment because their lives depend on it.
They don't have cell phones, cable TV or internet and the land and enviornment is their lives.
Now you would have noticed that the little dipper has moved. The stars have indeed changed.