

Friday, 3 October 2014

TANAATH : the Silver Legion TELLS The LORD OF KARMA Demiurge the ‘Light’ TO GET LOST


I saw Cameron Day’s article ‘Why I Am No Longer A Lightworker’ shortly after it came out, and loved it. I also really loved his article ‘Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2‘. If you haven’t yet read them, I suggest you go do that now. They’re great. They echo some of the things that I and others have been saying all along about hierarchy and control. The dichotomy between ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’ as presented in the pageantry of the Demiurge is a false construct. This planet has had a paradigm of hierarchy and control shoved upon it. We’ve been given two false choices between being hierarchical ‘bad guys’, or being hierarchical ‘good guys’.




Both are ultimately bad guys, because they are predicated on the notion that there is always someone above you who must be obeyed. Often, this ultimate figure which ‘must be obeyed’ is represented to you as ‘god’. Sometimes the adherents to the paradigm try to claim it’s actually Source. WRONG. The fact that this duality is a false construct does not mean that there aren’t objectively bad beings and the Demiurge and its forces shouldn’t be opposed. All parts of the Demiurge are bad, and definitely should be opposed. Even their false ‘Light’ side. Various spiritual and extra-dimensional actors have been a part of this system of control. This includes a lot of ETs that have presented themselves to you as saviours and figures of power. This includes ‘archangels’ operating within spiritual hierarchies of angels, ‘ascended masters’, or anything else that claims to be part of any hierarchy. This includes a lot of the critters that are channeled, and pretty much anything out of any religious institution ever – with a few exceptions. There’s been a lot of power and effort invested in building, maintaining, growing, and expanding this system of control, and there’s a lot of beings involved in the project. None of them are your friends. None of them want anything good for you.




What they want is your obedience and for you to feed their machine. Don’t do it. If anything should come to you claiming to be your saviour, tell it to get lost. There are no saviours, because the act of being a ‘saviour’ presupposes the loss of agency and sovereignty of the ‘saved’. We are obligated to act on our own behalf and not to wait around for someone else to do it for us. If anything should come to you claiming to be set above you in any way, tell it to get lost. This includes beings claiming to be relatives or servants of ‘God’ or claiming to be ‘God'; beings claiming to be divinely ordained, assigned, ordered, mandated, and the like as an authority figure; or beings claiming to be more intelligent, powerful, wiser, more ‘evolved’, and the like. If anything should come to you demanding your obedience, tell it to get lost. The only things that demand obedience are things in service to the Demiurge. Even Source does not demand obedience.




If anything should come to you claiming that it is higher dimensional and therefor has a right to do anything to you, tell it to get lost. Nothing has that right. And you have a right to defend yourself against anything that tries. If anything should come to you and tell or demand you to follow an alleged contract or previous agreement, tell it to get lost (after you tear up/rescind the contract). Many of these supposed contracts were done under false pretences, for the purposes of enslaving you. You have the right to reject them and to refuse to be held to any of them. If anything should come to you and attempt to dictate your identity to you, tell it to get lost. Your identity is your business and nothing and no one has the right to define it for you. You are the only arbiter of your identity. You, and you alone get to decide who and what you are.

READ MORE HERE!tanaath-silver-legion/c1u0s



1 comment:

  1. listen to tanaah....she backs her work...and knows a hell of a lot more than most..........tom
