

Friday, 3 October 2014





“Another interesting thing these sources had to say was that the Chinese government was thinking of starting up a state religion combining elements of Christianity, Confucianism and Mohism. The aim was to improve moral standards in China and strengthen social unity, they said.”




Dragons’ double-headed eagle symbol


Many are aware of the Occulted Powers’ intention to create a “New World Religion” (in essence, a Global Universal Church), and it’s looking like that religion will be based on New Age channeled material, will draw in people from the various religions by offering their figureheads as “spiritual masters” within the new paradigm (“Master Jesus,” “Master Mohammed,” “Master Buddha,” “Master Confucius,” and so on), and will be centered on a deity called “mother/father god.” So who is this mother/father god (MFG)? According to Chapter 3 of “The New Scriptures of Jesus/Sananda” presented by the self-proclaimed “Official Voice of Mother/Father God,” Kathryn May…

“3. There is One Prime Creator, the One we refer to as The Father of Creation. He does not require that anyone worship him/her. He is the Creator of all Creators, the God’s God, as you might say. He is One, and he is not male or female.

4. Prime Creator is the beginning and the Source of all. He created me, and he created the one you also refer to as your personal God, the Mother/Father God who are the Creators of the Milky Way Galaxy. They are One, and they are both male and female.

5. Mother/Father God have been known by many names: Yahway, Jehova, Allah, Shiva, Alcyone, Mother Sekhmet, Zorra and Saraya to name a few. Notice that most of these names are male. This will change, to reflect the truth of their equality.”

So MFG is actually Yahweh/Jehova (the old god of the Roman state religion)
with a new look and a new attitude…



The fact that MFG = Yahweh/Jehova is further confirmed by another mother/father god evangelist, Sheldan Nidle. In the FAQ section of his PAO website, Sheldan offers this definition…

“Mother/Father God: Supreme Creative Force or Supreme Light of Creation. Consists of three immortal and powerful creative aspects, of which only two — Lord Siraya and Lord Kuwaya — have been revealed. God’s purpose is to unfold Creation according to Divine Plan.”

So Sheldan equated MFG with Source at the time he wrote this definition, but there is little doubt whom he’s really talking about. In his updates (such as this one), you’ll often find the “ascended masters” saying “Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” And the word “hallelujah” literally means “praise Yah” (Yahweh/Jehova).

Seeing the variation in MFG definitions from one spiritual propagandist to another makes me wonder if they are beta-testing them to see which version the public likes best. In fact, I’ve been watching James Gilliland changing his definitions of the Anunnaki in real time. He now states that they were never really bad guys, apparently because the “they have evolved in the last 450,000 years and are now better” line wasn’t working.

Getting to the core of this new channeled theology, though, we are told that Source created MFG (our “personal god”) and MFG created us. This implies that the only path you and I have back to Source is through this god. So, again, we are having someone place him/her self between us and Source. This is the standard practice of these parasitic beings: they maneuver themselves between us and what we need/want, then they demand a price to let us pass. They are a pack of toll-taking trolls. But let’s get back to the structure of our connection to Source….



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