

Monday 9 June 2014

LADA RAY : Words Spells and Linguistical Traps

Video call snapshot 78


 By Lada Ray, M.A.: comparative linguistics and history of languages
This post is about the fascinating world of linguistics and how language can help us uncover the truth… or spin a lie, thus shrouding the truth and creating a far-reaching confusion, depending on the intention of its user. What we will talk about is very timely for this revolutionary decade when old distortions are poised to be revealed.

A word about how linguistics works: the language evolution follows certain laws, which linguists study. Those who are in the linguistics field also tend to have heightened intuition about the language truth. Just because a word seems similar, doesn’t mean it is related to another coincidentally similar word. On the other hand, some words that don’t seem as similar to a layman’s ear, come from the same root.

Sometimes the word with the opposite meaning comes from the same core root. A good example of that is “rose” vs. “rude” or “crude” – all three come from the same root! As a matter for fact, the root “ros,” “rus” or “ru” is so important in human development that I will have a whole article dedicated to that soon. Stay tuned!

This is how language develops – words and their meanings shift. Substitutions of sounds, spelling and meaning happen depending on the tragedies, confusions and triumphs any given culture experiences throughout its history. And yes, as always there are malicious manipulations and deliberate substitutions based on ulterior motives, too. Much of the manipulations that were safely hidden away, are coming to the surface as more and more discoveries are made based on new revolutionary methods.

Russian linguistics school was always superb and I am happy that I had the opportunity to study under its wing. They taught me think and see the hidden connections, but of course, I had this talent since I was young.

Russian mathematicians and physicists have been famous throughout the 20th century. It is on the cross-section of these three sciences that many new discoveries are being made. These discoveries are so earth-shattering that very soon the history of the entire planet will simply have to be re-written.

I promised that I would start talking about all that soon, and I will. Today, I want to give a primer demonstrating how language works, and how it doesn’t; how important language is to preserve our history in order to avoid past mistakes; how important the language is in uncovering the truth. Let’s consider it a sneak peek into the big adventure still to come.


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