

Monday 9 June 2014

Benjamin Fulford – June 9 2014: Emergency meetings of Western elite fail to break financial deadlock US implosion now looms

The emergency G7 plus Russia (but not G8) meeting last week has left the corporate government of the United States isolated from Europe and on the brink of bankruptcy. This French Government video of US corporate lackey Barack Obama meeting Russian President Vladimir Putin clearly shows Obama asking for something and being denied.

It now clear to everybody who is paying attention that the United States is bankrupt and is being kept on life support by fraud (eg. tiny Belgium buying all those Treasuries) and by the ongoing rape of Japan. This situation is untenable and the formal declaration of the bankruptcy of the United States of America Corporation is coming soon, according to Japanese government sources.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott of Australia last week suddenly cancelled long planned meetings with US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, IMF head Christine Lagarde and World Bank head Jim Yong Kim, even though Australia is scheduled to host the G20 summit in November. Does Abbot think these US corporate government institutions will not last until then?

The declaration of bankruptcy of the US corporate government would also mark the end of a 2000 year project by the Roman Empire to create a worldwide fascist dictatorship or New World Order, multiple sources agree.

The Nazi/Zionist response to their looming defeat is to threaten to unleash over 10,000 “blonde Al Qaeda,” terrorists on Europe and the US.

The ongoing mercenary attacks in the Ukraine and the recently manufactured China/Vietnam crisis are other snarls of this dying Nazi Zionist beast.

There is also obviously something very unusual going on with the IMF, with Director Christine Lagarde asking in public if she has to “get on her knees and beg.” Ostensibly, the begging is about mistaken IMF predictions for the UK economy but, the real reason is that the IMF is bankrupt, MI5 sources say.

That is also why Lagarde talked publicly last week about moving the IMF to China. The IMF may be shopping for a new sugar daddy but, China has better options than to finance an institution with as dismal a track record as that of the IMF.

Last week was also notable in that the hitherto secretive Bilderberg Group publicly came out and said they wanted to overthrow the current two party system of government in the United States.

William Van Duyn, a person who managed to stay under the radar until now, has now made public the opening speech he made at the recent Bilderberg meeting in Denmark.

In this speech, Van Duyn says it was his ancestors who “made sure the Eye is on the [U.S.] dollar bill.” This is the eye that has NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM or New World Order written under it. He also said “No president, no king, no dictator, nor prime minister dares to criticize my name nor the Bilderbergers, and they know they are the puppets of the powerful Illuminati working from behind the scenes.” This was followed later by “The subject of this Bilderberg meeting is the One World Government.”

Van Duyn concluded that from now own Bilderberg would rule in public and “control every movement within any government…create the rules…decide about nations policy.”

What he does not seem to realize is that secrecy was needed for them to rule and without it, they will lose power. Rule by murder, bribery and brainwashing needs secrecy or else it will invite rebellion.

The very fact they have gone public shows we are seeing the sort of rare information that only comes out at moments of regime change. For example, around the time of the fall of the Soviet Union, insiders revealed such things as the plans to turn the EU into the new Soviet Union, while ordinary Russians learned bad things they had never heard about their heroes Stalin, Lenin etc.

Another sign that it is not business as usual is that the European Central Bank has decided to start using negative interest rates. This means that if you keep money in the bank, it will start to vanish. The idea is to stimulate the economy by forcing people to spend their money instead of keeping in the bank. Also, to prevent people from just hoarding cash instead having their money in automatically shrinking accounts, the banks have begun to limit how much cash people can remove from their bank accounts. This unprecedented move is a public admission of economic desperation in the EU.

In the meantime, indications the Europeans are trying to overthrow the US Nazi regime have become visible on many levels. Most notably, the governments of Europe have now stopped using the US dollar to pay for their Russian or Middle Eastern gas and oil imports. If the largest economic bloc in the world is moving away from the petro-dollar, then the Federal Reserve Board petro-dollar is doomed.

It was also painfully obvious that nobody was going along anymore with Nazi/Zionist lies that Putin had invaded the Ukraine. Instead, the Germans and French have been working with the Russians to put down the Nazionist mercenary armies fighting in the Ukraine.

The Nazionist forces are not going down without a fight. They have compelled their Japanese slave colony to send troops into the Ukraine, according to Japanese Defense Ministry sources. There is also an article in the Japanese language version of the Russian Government Ria Novosti News Service confirming this claim.

The Japanese troops were sent there to put pressure on Russia to agree to a G7 plan for a new financial system, according to a Japan based CIA source.

The Russians are pushing instead to strengthen the BRICS mechanism and say technical preparation for a BRICS bank are well under way. The fact that Argentina is now talking about joining the BRICS alliance is very interesting because this is where Pope Francis hails from, meaning the Vatican could be switching to the BRICS side.

There is also a lot of unreported or under-reported activity going on in Africa. While the Zionist media has been pumping up a publicity campaign around supposed kidnapped schoolgirls in Nigeria, they have been censoring news of real massacres related to the illuminati plan to promote fights between Muslims and Christians in order to create a one world religion.

This gruesome photograph below was censored by U-tube, face book and Zionist media organizations. I post it because ignoring evil is the same as accepting it.

“This is a brutal example of how far the struggle between Muslims and Catholics in Nigeria has reached…and where are the International Human Rights Organizations? Christians are burnt alive in Nigeria: a horrific Holocaust right in front of International indifference!” said Father Juan Carlos Martos, on behalf of the Missionari Clarettiani, via del Sacro Cuore di Maria, Rome, Italy.

The question the world should be asking is what is the US military doing in Africa if they cannot stop such massacres? Are they instead somehow involved? Where are the pentagon white hats? Why is everybody silent?

These are the sort of Satanic incidents the White Dragon Society is determined to banish from this earth.

In Asia, meanwhile, the pentagon is trying to woo North Korea into joining with South Korea and Japan and pay protection money “to keep China in its place,” a Japanese military intelligence source said.
The planned visit by puppet Prime Minister Abe of Japan to North Korea will result in 34 “kidnap victims” (in reality mostly Japanese agents working for North Korea) to be returned in exchange for generous Japanese financial aid, according to a North Korean source. This is a preliminary to a campaign to turn North Korea into a friend instead of a boogey man for the Japanese, the sources agreed.

Another sign that some big event is expected in the Korean peninsula is the fact that North and South Korea are building a joint railroad network with Russia. This is a clear indication that all three countries expect the Korean peninsula to unify in the foreseeable future.

Construction of a tunnel linking South Korea to Japan has also already begun, according to Japanese government sources. This will mean it will be possible to take a train from Tokyo to London. In addition, goods can be shipped from Europe to Korea and Japan three times faster once the rail link is constructed, according to Russia Today.

The recent and ongoing dispute between Vietnam and China over an oil rig in disputed waters is being used by pentagon to ensure Asian countries keep it financed even if the US corporate government goes bankrupt, according to a pentagon source. It is better to feed than fight a big dog.

David Wilcock Comment(s) on the latest Ben Fulford post…

“There are other things in this update that are very interesting and corroborate what I am hearing. Regarding the impending bankruptcy announcement of the USG, the main thing we are surprised about is why it hasn’t already happened.

“The plan for a major new financial agreement is already in place and moving forward. The progress is not always apparent but the mass clean-up of the Vatican financial system this past week [link] is another sign that they are buckling down. And as I said last week, Soros liquidating his Federal Reserve Bank stocks completely is a huge sign.”

Comment by dwilcock on June 10, 2014 @ 2:42 am

I had been reading the previous article, hit Refresh and bam — up comes the picture of charred corpses. Good thing this was before breakfast. I was trying to figure out what I was looking at when it first came up.

Now that I’ve said that, I will go back and read this and give my thoughts. Supposedly the BRICS bank is coming online as of the first of next month. We may very well see some major developments after that happens.

- David

Comment by dwilcock on June 10, 2014 @ 3:02 am

OK… the alleged Van Duyn speech.

I just read it and we have to be careful with this, because to me it sounds like a “straw man”, written by someone on the inside, so that it sounds good to people like us who read about this stuff but can then be disproven.

I highly doubt that this speech took place the way it is written. It is possible, but it would be quite a surprise for an opening speech like this to have openly referred to their group as “the Illuminati” repeatedly. Not everyone who goes to Bilderberg meetings is aware of what is really going on… it’s just another layer within layers. If a term like the Illuminati was openly aired as if everyone was on the same page, it could trigger laughter or potentially even some walkouts.

There are other things in this update that are very interesting and corroborate what I am hearing. Regarding the impending bankruptcy announcement of the USG, the main thing we are surprised about is why it hasn’t already happened.

The plan for a major new financial agreement is already in place and moving forward. The progress is not always apparent but the mass clean-up of the Vatican financial system this past week [link] is another sign that they are buckling down. And as I said last week, Soros liquidating his Federal Reserve Bank stocks completely is a huge sign.

- David



The report then shows the charred remains of many Africans. What the report does not say is that the photo actually shows the charred remains of victims of a tanker explosion in the Congo from 2011! To thicken the irony, uberzionazipsycho Pamela Geller was trying to paint it as a Muslim massacre of Christians back then.

If ignoring evil is the same as accepting it, where does making sh!t up fit on the scale, Ben?

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