

Tuesday 10 December 2013

ET Visitors and Star Children

Anthropologist specializing in Star Cultures, and certified clinical hypnotherapist, Dr. Richard Boylan shared updates on ET visitors and 'star children.' According to his information, a powerful ruling cabal plans to conduct a fake alien invasion, to divert attention away from their oppressive tactics. The recent UFO sighting in Jerusalem is an example of this, he added.

Humans were bio-engineered by ETs 275,000 years ago, and they continue to upgrade human genetics, with some 96% of grade school children being "star seeds" or "star children," he cited. There are some 1,483 separate alien races who have visited Earth, including two groups that reside here-- the Tall Whites in Nevada, and the Saami people who came from Barnard's star, and now live above the Arctic Circle, he claimed.


Dr. Richard J. Boylan is a Ph.D. behavioral scientist, anthropologist, University associate professor (emeritus), certified clinical hypnotherapist, consultant, and researcher. Dr. Boylan is a consultant to Star Kids and Star Seeds seeking to understand their origin, identity and mission, so as to attain optimal awareness and clarity of identity, inner growth, spiritual development, and future path.

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