

Tuesday 10 December 2013

DISCLOSURE : UFO Deep Space Objects Confirmation

Author, Documentarian, Historian Harry Drew has allowed me to use one of his photographs for comparison and confirmation purposes, Harry Drew is a respected member of the community and does Mufon lectures as well, Thank you Mr. Drew for allowing me use of your material and for confirmation of objects

Excellent work by Wake Up America (DarkSkyWatcher74) that I am pleased to contribute to, because it is rock solid proof that confirms what is truly happening here. This is Disclosure you can get your arms around! No hypothetical what if's .. it's real!

Our work is not and has never been planned or coordinated together, our photo/video captures are accomplished at different physical locations, many miles apart. And the scientific beauty is we have a lot more like this that is archived and cataloged.

On the night of Friday December 6, as time drifted on to become 2 AM Saturday December 7, my wife and I were awakened by sounds like 'deep bumps or thuds' and 'cross-talk' in our desert home, which has happened before. We quickly checked out into the night, looking beyond our backyard at what is 35 miles of barren desert, and there, not more than a mile away sat three (3) UFOs that had landed. One was very large. None of them were aircraft, grounded satellites, drones or anything else man made .. and these craft visit here during the day, as well as during the night.

There is roughly 5-6 hours of footage sped up at 64x speed for viewing and analysis

- Harry Drew

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