

Tuesday 26 March 2013



There are several interesting convergences happening here.

The significance of Obama going to Israel while Biden went to Rome for the coronation of the new pope... 
I went on Mike Harris's radio show on Friday and released some shall we say, controversial information.

Here is an archived copy of that show.  It is an important show.

hr1 :


However, in the meantime, I came across something so compelling and mysterious that I simply have to put it out here now for those of you with, as they say, eyes to see and ears to hear.  Take it for what it's worth.  I am not saying it is certain.  But I am saying that it cannot be ignored.
Some of you will be familiar with the scholar John Hogue.  He recently wrote this article:

And he is not the only one to recognize that this Pope Francis, who took the name of Francis of Assisi (who was also called by the name "Peter") ... is Peter of Rome spoken about in the Malachy prophecy.  However, what he then tells us is the prophecy of Nostradamus... where it says clearly about this pope also known as "the last pope" and "Peter of Rome"... 
He will make a promise to the enemy,
Who will cause great plague during his reign.

In Hogue's article he goes on to interpret these 2 lines from the quatrain but he neglects to realize that when the writer says "He will make a promise to the enemy" that the "enemy" might be from off-planet... non terrestrial.
Basically, my point here is this.  We have a TV show THE EVENT that is now remarkably similar to the prophecy surrounding the new pope.  And the recent disclosures by at least 2 sources.
This is where it gets very interesting because... in THE EVENT the race of humanoid beings who have decided they have no choice but to move their entire people here to Earth.  And they say, there are 2 billion of them... requiring them to then decide they need to exterminate about 2/3rds of the human population to "make room for their people".   The way they decide to do this is with a Plague... or virus.  This is discussed, in case you are interested, in the Event episode entitled, "Cut off the Head".
 The Event TV show is available on Netflix and also some episodes on Project Free TV as well as on NBC... here
Now back to supposed real world events.
I am told that those in power planning to give Africa to a race of humanoids who supposedly need to move their people here (this is a real world scenario according to at least 2 different sources)... the number of people they want to bring is 2 billion.  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  And in the meantime, I am also told it will require exterminating a large number of the human population currently inhabiting Earth.  And how do they plan to do this?  A virus.  Again, a coincidence?  

What is also very interesting is this article indicating this Pope is right on board with the whole alien is my brother and child of God concept.  Putting him in the perfect position to ride out the coming disclosures. 

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