

Tuesday 26 March 2013

JIM MARRS : OUR OCCULTED HISTORY ... cutting edge of research

Jim Marrs steps once again to the cutting-edge of research into conspiracies and hidden truths. In Our Occulted History, Marrs goes beyond the revelations of his classic Alien Agenda and illustrates how human civilization may have originated with non-humans who visited earth eons ago...and may still be here today.

Jim Marrs - Secrecy is Terrorism: The ET Truth Embargo 




Dr. Steven Greer has written, "It appears that the fear and ruthless control exercised by these projects (i.e. Unacknowledged Special Access Projects - USAPs) around the world has effectively kept the matter [of a government imposed truth embargo regarding the extraterrestrial presence] off the public radar screen. In our view, the propagation of such controlling fear is a genuine form of international terrorism. 


Its effects are devastating: it has neutralized democratic processes and institutions, engendered paralyzing fear, hijacked the future of humanity, impoverished billions of people and decimated the environment of earth in the span of one human lifetime. Indeed, the harmful effects of such rogue secrecy exceed by orders of magnitude the consequences of any terrorist organization operating today." At the center of the extraterrestrial truth embargo lies the fundamental relationship between the American people and their government - the social contract. Is the truth embargo now endangering that relationship? 


Come hear the opinion of a man who has spoken with members of Congress, the Department of Defense and a host of other entities in Washington over the past 11 years. 


This workshop offers an opportunity to ask questions of one of the most controversial figures in America today - a successful physician who committed his life's work to challenging his government's decisions regarding the most controversial event in human history - the engagement of the human race by extraterrestrial beings.



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