

Friday 22 March 2013



Disclosure as far as telling people the general outlines of what's going on. Gordon Duff, a senior editor of Veteran's Today, with a working relationship with the group that used to be known as MJ12... is telling it like it is...

We are talking prep for Blue Beam or so-called alien invasion. There is a war going on above your heads. No matter how they characterize it. They are already here. But new visitors are coming. NASA is an agency for defense of the Planet. That is their charter and always has been. However, their main public face has been concentrated on becoming a dog and pony show for Rule By Secrecy.

The recent Mike Harris show with Gordon Duff as guest spilling the beans on a supposed "deal" with an off-planet race of humanoids that are said to come from Alpha Centari and are headed here (nearly a billion)

These visitors apparently look remarkably like the ideal Nazi.. big. light haired (some say even albino in coloring) muscular and so on... The story goes, they are in need of a large amount of real estate to settle their people on, having lost a war with some unfriendlies on not just one of their planets but two!

This is the tale that a contingent of MJ12/psion or whatever name they go by now-adays is spinning. What they are saying is that the secret government has made a deal to bring this group here in exchange for technology (big surprise) and another planet (or planets) where the human race is said to be given rights to terraform and move their own to in the event our Earth cannot sustain us... or them.

They are planning to give them, pause for effect, Africa! A whole continent. And governments worldwide know this and have agreed. I don't think that will go over well with the current inhabitants. Yes I know it sounds just like the movie District 9 and The Event.

Only, these supposed humanoid beings aren't really humanoid... They are of course reptilian and even a form of 'praying mantis' parading as human so as not to upset the locals.

The ghost cities in Angola being built by the Chinese are supposed to be built to house their "caretakers" -- that is, the Earth humans who will mind the place.

The recent asteroid over Russia was a craft full of yet another group of 12-14 inch beings with an extra apendage... in addition to 2 arms and 2 legs... And they are supposedly not 'friendlies"....

Diabolical plans for the African continent by the secret government have long been hinted at but no scenario such as the one mentioned on the Mike Harris show on Rense with Gordon Duff was forthcoming...

Given scenarios such as these, it's no wonder they needed a younger Naz/Jesuiti in the office of Pope.

Some think this Pope is planning to bring the worlds together and that he is working for the good of humanity. Time will tell.


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