

Friday 22 March 2013


VIDEO 1 ... Dolores Cannon - Changes Needed for the New Frequencies

Dolores Cannon, she talks about our bodies changing to adjust to the changed frequencies of the earth, and how we need to adjust our diets.

VIDEO 2 ... Dolores Cannon Presents Moving into the New Earth
Dolores Cannon is experiencing an evolution in her work as a hypnotherapist. Her clients (who are coming from all over the world) are no longer experiencing regressions into past lives.

VIDEO 3... Dolores Cannon 5D Earth is Here!

The crew at Time Monk Radio interviewed past life regression hypnotherapist, Dolores Cannon, who spoke about the changing energies, the New Earth and signs of the New Earth, who will get left behind on 3D Earth, physical symptoms of ascension, becoming a Light Body, what happens to people who get left behind, removing karma, duality on the New Earth, gridlines, timelines and points of convergence, Nostradamus, free will, moving into 5D Earth, why we're skipping the 4th dimension, the waves of volunteer souls, earth changes, the overlapping of 3D and 5D, the sun's relationship with the earth and whether or not the afterlife is a form of the 5th dimension.

VIDEO 4 ... Dolores Cannon - Aliens and the Origin of Life on Earth

In this excerpt from our interview with Dolores Cannon, she talks about the alien origins of life on earth. Filmed as part of our documentary This Sacred Earth.

VIDEO 5 ... Dolores Cannon on Atlantis 


VIDEO 6 ... Project Camelot: Dolores Cannon - Convoluted Universe

Dolores Cannon is one of the foremost pioneers in regression hypnosis, accessing the subconscious mind of her subjects. She believes by use of her techniques that she gains access to the Universal Mind. Her objective is therapy for her clients, and ultimately an investigation to recover lost or hidden knowledge into who we really are.

I had the good fortune to interview Dolores in late February 2010 while at the Laughlin UFO Congress. She is a tireless investigator and fearless chronicler of the vast reaches of the human mind. This interview gives a glimpse into the method behind her approach and some of the secrets she has uncovered in the process of delving into the deep recesses of the mind and psyche. Her clients reveal lives that encompass many states of being including those of various ET races, extra-dimensionals and other denizens inhabiting this vast multi-dimensional multi-verse. - Kerry Lynn Cassidy, Project Camelot Productions


However, unlike most of the news surrounding ET abductions, Mrs. Cannon says that those who have been taken aboard these alien craft were done so as to be given DNA upgrades in order to assimilate into this new Earth. She has even been in direct communication with perhaps the most well known,and most notorious of all the so-called alien abductors –– those known as the"Greys," –– the small, reptilian creatures with large heads, big black eyes and small bodies commonly reported by abductees. 

The Greys, she has discovered are merely the worker ants –– half robotic machine and half living species, that are simply carrying out orders to perform these DNA upgrades on a number of select human beings. In other words, while this may sound quite shocking to some, the Greys are part of the Custodial team and mean us no harm.

Admittedly, this perspective is counter to what has been found in numerous books, movies and television shows about the Greys and other alien species. Primarily because our government and world's elite have been waging a campaign of fear and paranoia since the 1950's, with a steady stream of terrifying news about extra-terrestrials and alien creatures. In fact, Dr. Steven Greer, a respected and highly informed author and UFO investigator, (The Disclosure Project), has stated that the US military has had an ongoing campaign using Grey-like creatures, known as EBE's (which stand for Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entity) to abduct and terrify a number of people since the 1950's. 

He believes these creatures are manufactured in a facility near Provo, Utah and are then used by our military for these abduction purposes. These abductions which have now become very well known to most people on Earth, are meant to build up a false campaign of fear and hatred towards extra-terrestrial beings of any kind, not only the Greys. Ultimately, if there ever is a disclosure of some kind, many people already have been programmed to fear the realization that extra-terrestrials do exist. 

VIDEO 7 ... Dolores Cannon - The convoluted universe

Dolores Cannon is a past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist who specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge". Her roots in hypnosis go back to the 1960s. She has been specializing in past-life therapy since 1979.

This should be used as learning material in all schools and universities! Expand your reality..



1 comment:

  1. I am thinking I will become a vegetarian immediately, with some chicken.
    Thank you Dolores for a wonderful presentation.
