

Thursday 18 October 2012


Earth is uniquely a locus or spiritual training ground for the full development of the heart center, and that beings of other systems and galaxies lacking such opportunity covet the experience to be gained from the lessons of earth-consciousness ... apparently lacking deficiency in the development of the heart center with respect to ''beings” of the 4th density astral. We may have a conceptual difficulty understanding how a being of a higher density (especially one which is represented as involving the value of Love itself in its basic lessons) manages to acquire its status without benefit of any basic heart-development. 
Such beings (of a positive character) have achieved the necessary intensity and developmental alignment adequate to 4th density polarization, through conscious decisions based on recognition of the abstract propriety and promotional advisability of peaceful values, cooperative characteristics and strict adherence to identifiable divine law. Their apparent “coldness” or objectivity in even the warmest, most “psychically alive” of astral-like circumstances does not prevent them from registering any inadvertent distress they might be causing their “captive”, and modifying their approach accordingly ... accepting fear, for example, as a legitimate “tool” of deliberate spiritual “teaching”. 
There is also the distinct, burning ember of ego, the persistent glow of an intellectual pride which refuses to be counseled when the counsel seems to touch too close to truth, for any suggestion that his entities are plain evil seems to cause him to clutch his experiences the more covetously, and guard their interpretation jealously from any who might have a revealing word (which would in effect displace their proprietorship onto the overlapping circle of another ego). 
The free will to plunder and impose their influence wherever possible is furnished in a minimal aperture through which to vent its impulse, the random and ideally infrequent “holes” in the kaleidoscopic webwork of the 3rd density human-sphere. Disturbing, particularly for all those who believe that their day-to-day “niceness” is enough, a kind of talisman like the universal sign of the cross that automatically “repels” negativity and sends it to the door of the less deserving. 

The “physical” disturbances that may be said to contribute to a disruption of the Earth Shield such as underground nuclear testing or atmospheric detonation of nuclear devices, the negative employment of certain “secret” superweapons of a scalar or etheric-energy type, the devastation of the ecology through petrochemical mismanagement etc may actually be understood as perceivable manifestations or concrete “symbols” of a psychic orientation toward great negativity, with a concomitant “calling” requesting the most powerful means or knowledge of exploitation, dominion and enslavement. To this call, the Negative most obligingly comes ... as above so below . 


This distressing situation accounts for the alarming increase in the incidence of non-ordinary or invasive negativity of a conscious type (an increase of which we are just becoming aware, as if it’s steadily percolating to the surface of mass apprehension from the subconscious shadows and hypnagogic half lights where for many decades of sinister incubation it has lurked. 

It’s one thing to accept that some Santa Claus-countenance might be beaming down upon our blindered peccadillos with a disapproving cluck of the all-forgiving Tongue that, after all, resonates to the Divine Word, it’s quite another to have to confront the prospect of some basically malevolent intelligence, of a purely conscious and calculated, predatory wisdom far more than just a match for any homegrown 3rd density mentality, moving freely with catspaw quietude through the porous fog of the dimensional interstices, gliding surreptitiously around and through the concrete objects that so peremptorily outline our limits, sliding next to us—invisible shoulder to quite vulnerably-solid shoulder—and whispering hemlock sweet overtures into our defenseless ear  ...
... overtures that ooze with subliminal ease into the ongoing complex of our motivations. There is a clear decision to lurk and prey behind the overt holism and ecstatic oneness of reality, using that spiritual love-continuity in fact as a camouflage through which to install themselves by stealth, becomes self-evidently by the option of ...

the psychotic control freaks of Chanelled Entities and their  


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