

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Interesting comment by Kerry Cassidy of Project Camelot ......

Monday, 01 October 2012 02:46
Written by Kerry Cassidy

Originally posted on Kerry's Blog on September 14, 2012:

Yeah, I know, it gets tiresome. But the background behind the Libyan situation and more... placed at the door of Israel and specifically Netanyahu by Gordon Duff in this article released today... outlines a history of terror and some of its roots.

From what I hear Gordon Duff was set to go live and be interviewed on Press TV. Yes, I have asked him. So far, he has politely declined my offer :-)

The real question as always is 'who's in charge' .... Where is the true seat of power on the planet and what is their ultimate agenda?

What I see, is even the good guys resorting to making deals behind the scenes with governments outside the U.S. in order to accomplish their short term aims.

At the root of this are we talking about a battle between the Rockefellers and the Rothchilds? Or are they just the front men?

Do you really want to see the Hague in charge of the U.S. military? Is that the answer?

Because no matter how these guys are slicing and dicing it we have making deals with the devil being set at our door.

Go ahead make my day... my year.... back some other puppet on the throne and think you've solved the problem. But in the end, meet the new boss same as the old boss. And meanwhile behind the scenes the various ET races orchestrate their version of events.

So who is motivating Netanyahu. I submit it's those tall guys that visit the women at night in Israel, like Barry Chamish was saying. Yes, the ones who throw dogs across the room because they are in their way, and ignore the women telling them to get out of their houses because they are trespassing.

I submit there are groups of races trespassing on our soveriegn planet. The secret space program is going to be the ONE THING that whoever wins this war will want to keep in place... Think about it. They are the ones who have the technology and the keys to the other planets. They are the ones that whichever patriot group who thinks they are so bad-assed and mean is going to have to answer to and deal with. And they won't get those keys believe me.

How do you negotiate with people who are living say 10,000 years in advance of you? We can play this game of musical chairs here on Earth and maybe one side will come to the fore for a time.

But when all is said and done. They too will have to come face to face with the real guys behind the scenes. "All worlds are yours except for Europa", Arthur C. Clarke wrote. By all accounts, someone who was clearly read in from way inside. Why Europa? Who goes there? And what are they doing?

Really. The bottom line is arrests of bankers notwithstanding... What is that gonna solve? A witch hunt? You think that is gonna solve your problems Earthlings? I doubt it.

I for one am not out for blood. That's not what this is about.

Kerry was referring to Barry Chamish's article :

 Shosh Yahud is the treasurer of the town of Kadima. She is down to earth and wants as little to do with her UFO experience as possible. In May, she awoke to see a seven foot, round faced being in silvery overalls circling her bed as if "floating on his shoes." The creature assured her he was not there to harm her and she became relaxed. After a few minutes the being floated through her wall outside.

Shosh thought she had dreamed the incident until she looked out her wondow in the morning and saw a 4.5 meter crop circle in her backyard. The ufologists descended on her home and discovered the silicon and cadmium within the circle.

Next, in June, it was Hannah Somech's turn to be visited by a giant. Hannah lives in Burgata, three miles from Kadima. She was startled to see her dog go flying across the kitchen into a wall. She stepped outside to investigate and her way was stopped by an invisible force. She then saw a seven foot, round-faced being in metallic overalls examining her pickup truck. She said to it, "What did you do to my dog?" It answered telepathically, "Go away. I'm busy. I could crush you like an ant if I wanted to. Go back to your husband."

Needless to say, a 4.5 meter circle crushed out of the grass was later found in Hannah's back yard. Within, the grass was soaked with red liquid cadmium.

By the end of the summer, the credible reports of giants roaming the land persuaded the normally staid television station Channel One, to broadcast a one hour program on the subject. Tsiporet and Shosh appeared as well as the ufologists who had examined the circles of Kadima. To the apparent shock of the host, the viewing audience believed the advocates of alien landings. The result was two more witnesses coming out into the open.

Both were women in their late thirties who lived within ten miles of each other south of Tel Aviv. Clara Kahonov of Holon was most reluctant to be quoted but acknowledged that she had seen a giant being.

Batya Shimon of Rishon Letzion saw far more than one. In early July, two seven foot tall, bald creatures beamed themselves into her seventh floor apartment. They told her telepathically not to be frightened and she immediately relaxed. She then felt they had "friendly faces." They roamed her home, "floating on their shoes" dusting her shelves with a yellow, foul- smelling powder. One being saw her son's aquarium, became very excited and called his colleague over. After a few minutes, they beamed themselves outside. The next night at 3am, a dozen giants visited Batya arriving and leaving the same way.

And if absolute proof that giants were about in Israel was needed, it came in December in the village of Yatzitz, twelve miles east of Rishon Letzion. The giants had opened a new axis after Kadima, a triangle of twenty miles linking Rishon Letzion, Holon and Yatzitz.

Herzl Casatini, the village security chief and his friend Danny Ezra were sharing conversation when they heard an explosion and felt Ezra's house shake. Herzl opened the door and stood face to face with a nine foot tall creature in metallic clothes whose face was hidden in "a haze." He shut the door and called the police. They arrived and discovered deep boot tracks in the hard mud. The tracks sunk 35 centimeters into the ground meaning whoever made them had to have weighed, literally, a ton. Thinking there might have been a terrorist incursion, the army was called in.

Military trackers were totally stumped. The tracks carried on for 8 kilometers. The heel dug in only 5 cm. meaning whatever made the tracks was walking almost on tip-toes. If you can call it walking. Sometimes the distance between tracks was twelve feet, meaning the intruder was a world record holding broad jumper weighing about a ton.

The Yatzitz incident confirmed, even to the deepest skeptics, that giants were indeed sighted and they left proof that was nearly impossible to dispute. The best the Israeli authorities could come up with to explain the tracks was they were left by an unknown cult. It would have to be very unknown for records of cults whose ceremonies include dressing as giants and leaving miles of unidentifiable tracks are undoubtedly quite rare.

The Israeli UFO experience is unique and very complicated. I have touched on just one aspect of it; but it is vital to understanding the Israeli puzzle. Of the seven best documented close encounters with alien beings provably connected to UFOs, six involved giants. These giants were determined to leave evidence of their arrival in the form of cadmium-imbued landing circles, miles of impossible boot tracks and deliberate communication with witnesses. Indeed, the abundant evidence more than indicates that there are giants roaming Israel today. As there were 5,000 years ago and they also left proof of their existence. The giants were descended from the nefilim, literally the fallen ones.

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