

Friday, 10 October 2014

Secret Space War XVIII: Completely Verboten ! … LIMITED DISCLOSURE



Space Station Photo of the entrance to the Hollow Earth at the South Pole ?


It has been reported that the Powers That Be (PTB) who control Secret Space War Units of the US and NATO Space Warfare Command have decided that actual verified Disclosure of the presence of Alien ETs and their anti-gravity craft will be allowed and will be systematically rolled out in an orderly fashion.

However, even with this “Full Disclosure” there are some things you will absolutely NOT BE ALLOWED to know at this time.

This means that some Alien ET/Secret Space War matters will remain secret, undisclosed and completely Verboten, that is, you will not be allowed to know these things for now and this particular matter will likely remain sealed from you for a significant period into the future.

The actual US and NATO Secret Space War (ultra top-secret Beyond-black) Units are hidden from other parts of the US Military and NATO, and are deeply isolated and compartmentalized within various specialized Special Access Program Defense Contractors.

This article is written for US Military and Intel Insiders who have no access to these highly compartmented programs, even though they may have Top Secret, Above Top Secret, SCI, Q or Special Access Program clearances.

Yes, there are some Secret Space War Matters that you will not be allowed to know for certain at this time nor in the near future either.

I cannot tell you for sure that information presented in this article is true and verifiable. But the basic information, but you can use this information and claims to form any belief you choose. You may choose to look at this information and conclude it is nothing but myth or misinformation to cover up certain Space War Secrets or you may choose to believe that it is actually true at face value.

However at this time and for at least a significant time to follow, you be not be allowed access to hard, verifiable (beyond reasonable doubt) evidence to know for certain. Some years back an expedition was sent to verify this information as true by conducting a flyover of a chartered airliner, but that expedition crashed under mysterious circumstances.

Secrecy regarding Alien ET and UFO matters has a long, well defined history going all the way back to the late 1940’s at Roswell and other UFO crash sites in the Southwest USA.

The PTB have a long list of reasons why these Space War Units have been classified at the highest level and have no written financial records or paperwork ever submitted to Congressional Finance Committees responsible for all Defense Allocations.

One reason is that if the Roswell crash was completely disclosed with information about the Alien ET bodies and the one live ET recovered, this would have shattered the public’s confidence in the US Army Air Command. Another reason was that it is considered a cardinal sin by the US Military to ever admit the presence of any defense issue which could be considered a serious threat without knowing what it is exactly.

Other secondary reasons for such a complete secrecy lock-down included a concern that complete immediate disclosure would disrupt the social order, create serious panic in the population and threaten all the basic institutions of government.

Once the initial coverup was set in place, that alone served as the basic reason that it was considered necessary to continue it. That is, a major concern became that if disclosure was allowed, it would expose the USG’s long history of spinning lies and coverups to manipulate public opinion in order to protect their own interests and gain pubic support for programs, budgets and operations they deemed necessary.

Disclosure has apparently been planned to be a well regulated, well defined secret process.

And yet despite all these concerns, disclosure was a process actually started over twenty years ago and implemented in a well limited controlled manner, basically roll-out by fringe elements designed to make is discreditable and also to bring it into the mass consciousness at the same time. Done in this fashion it was believed that suitable preparation was being made for later full disclosure which would come later at a time.

A time when the public would be so weary of USG corruption and illegal, Unconstitutional wars that they would be able to accept the coverup as just another element of a government gone bad. And then the public would see disclosure as a symptom of a general cleanup of USG corruption rather than a carefully crafted plan to buy time to get a complete handle on the Alien ET “problem”.

Space War Parity with Alien ETs has apparently now been attained.

The PTB’s decision for Disclosure actually symbolizes that the US Space Command now believes that it completely understand the Alien ET “problem” and has now reached weapon systems parity with Alien ETs, some of which are known to be aggressive and anti-human.

Here is an excerpt of a NASA movie that was directly downloaded which suggests a plasma canon shootout. It has been rumored that this was an actual space war battle between a US Space Fleet anti-gravity craft and an Alien ET anti-gravity craft.

Disclosure, but well planned, well regulated, and systematically and progressively rolled out.

During the last several years it has been reported by several insiders that the PTB who are control of all Secret Space War matters have been identified as Majestic-12 aka MAGIC.

According to this narrative, several years ago Majestic-12 members decided by a slim majority that the reality of Alien ETs and their anti-gravity craft would be fully disclosed to the public as long as it was done incrementally without unnecessarily disrupting the natural order.

Disclosure with a certain limit.

But for now it seems apparent that this disclosure will have a certain limit applied, a limit beyond which you will just not be allowed to pass. The information below crosses that line, so you I cannot confirm to you that there are verifiable facts that you can use to conclude it is true.

If you interpret the information below in a such a way that leads you to conclude it is true, you will have based this conclusion on belief rather than actual verifiable or verified facts.

You are not allowed to know that the Earth is Hollow and there are Colonies of Aliens (at least at the poles) who have anti-gravity craft.

But you can believe anything you want and if you choose to examine the available information, it is your right to believe that there are “Aliens” with anti-gravity craft living inside the Earth at least at both poles. but you are allowed to believe anything you want.

Billions are spent each year using the Controlled major Mass media (CMMM) to manipulate you to believe what they want and accept these USG dispensed false beliefs as truth, even though they work hard to conceal the actual background fact from you.

The Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) that hijacked the USG in 1913 has been doing everything they can to mislead you into accepting their continually dispensed lies and false narratives as facts when they are actually only mistaken beliefs. But these “false facts” are really just socially engineered beliefs, engineered by the RCC and dispensed by their six major Mass Media lie-dispensers, the CMMM.

What Admiral Byrd encountered when he led a Naval convoy to investigate possible Nazi Colonization of the Antarctica was immediately classified as “Above Top Secret”.

According to first reports published on March 5, 1947 in the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio based on an interview given to Lee Van Atta of the International News Service, Byrd’s Operation HighJump was intercepted by very powerful anti-gravity craft, and thirteen of his aircraft carrier launched fighters were shot down.

In this newspaper article it was claimed that Admiral Byrd stated that there were individuals living down inside the Earth at the South Pole that had high speed, anti-gravity craft with advanced weapons systems and that these craft could travel from “pole to pole” at high speed.

As this narrative goes, Admiral Byrd warned that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the polar regions, flying pole to pole at high speeds.

Some interpreted this to mean the Earth was Hollow inside from pole to pole. There were anecdotal reports at the time that there was some kind of internal light source inside the Earth and various habitats constructed.

So far none of these narratives have been corroborated with hard evidence released to the public. You can assume that Majestic-12 has gained 100% complete knowledge of this. There have been interesting rumors from insiders that both poles have significant UFO activity because they can function as Wormholes or Stargates and the poles do not have an entrance to a Hollow Earth at all. Wormholes and Stargates are rumored to allow instant dimensional travel to super distant galaxies and star systems millions of light years away.

It was rumored that the US Navy went back to Antarctica in 1958 and this time dropped three nuclear weapons on at least one secret underground Nazi base where thousands of Nazi had fled. It was also rumored that after this attack a new treaty was formed with surviving Nazis at this time living in various South American countries where there were additional secret Nazi bases with UFOs. Apparently only the Nazis were targeted at their Antarctic underground base, and the aliens inside the South Pole were left alone.

As many expert historians of WW2 know numerous very large, technically advanced Nazi transport submarines were reputed to have taken large loads of cargo to a secret underground Antarctic base during the last years of WW2. Some had taken secret cargoes to Japan (one contained an ME-262 jet fighter, and another allegedly contained refined plutonium for the Japanese Bomb which was close to development when japan surrendered.

It is known for sure that some of these large subs surrendered or were scuttled, but some were never accounted for at all and were believed by some to have been stored in underground sea accessible caverns in Antarctica that the Nazis occupied. And some also believe that the Nazis under General Kammler who was responsible for all advanced weapons systems, developed Anti-gravity craft and took it too the South Pole to their secret underground base to refine and fully weaponize.


The Argo Tunnel, the Denver International Airport and the Second Whitehouse under the COG Program.

It’s tin foil hat time. According to Stew Webb Veterans Today Columnist and Federal Whistle-blower, there is a lot more to the Argo Tunnel than a stripped out Gold mine about 60 miles west of Denver and 10 miles south of Idaho Springs. According to Stew Webb, the Argo Tunnel is actually the largest tunnel system in the World and goes down into large underground cavern and even into the Hollow Earth.

This Argo tunnel system is allegedly connected to Denver Tech in Denver and the Denver Airport as well as NORAD mountain. It is common knowledge that officials such as VP Darth Vader, and other high ranking or very powerful (Ruling Crime Cabal (RCC) Chieftains such as Darth Vader have been seen taking a secret highly restricted (above top secret elevator down into this Deep Underground Base System (DUMB). During Darth Vaders reign of terror when he was missing, he was alleged to be hiding out at the Adams mark hotel at the Denver tech Center (DTC) which is connected to a tunnel which in turn is connected to the Argo Tunnel System.

DV would leave his presidential type suite, get on the elevator, lift up the telephone, punch in a special code which then makes the elevator go to the secret tunnel under the basement of the hotel where he exited with Secret service Agents and punched in a code to open up a door to a tunnel with a vehicle which drove him to the Argo Tunnel, which is also known as the Western Whitehouse or western Capital. Stew Webb reported in 1994 on Denver TV59 that there was a secret underground base under the Denver Airport. You can watch this video HERE.

This video exposed the location of the Secret Space Command Center at the Denver International Airport. The initial five building that were exposed by Stew Webb’s source in this video were jail cell five stories underground designed to serve as a FEMA concentration transfer station.

During the airport Stew Webb’s whistle-blowing caused a Congressional Investigations of the Denver International Airport and its unbelievably large cost overruns totaling 19.5 Billion more than first estimated. Stew Webb who was secretly working with Dave Minshaw of TV7 discovered that they built a runway that the city claimed was in the wrong location.

However this was a secret runway designed to transport dissident civilians to this secret FEMA transfer station on the way to death camps, their final destination. Dave Minshaw filmed this runway and aired it, and immediately during the night bulldozers were brought out and covered the runway with dirt.

Minshaw landed his TV7 helicopter and crew on the covered runway and Minshaw got out and kicked the dirt off in one spot and it was 4 inches thick. Soon thereafter Dave Minshaw was fired from TV7 for this expert reporting. Afterwards, the City of Denver claimed that the Contractors hired by the Airport Commission poured the runway in the wrong location and wasted over 200 million dollars.

One contractor working on the job later claimed they were building twelve more buildings in the south end of the airport. It was later discovered by Stew Webb that this underground section of twelve buildings became the US Space Command Center for a short period of time. Because of this exposure in this video by Stew Webb the actual location of the US Space Command center was changed.

When these 12 buildings were operational as the US Space Command Center from 1990 until about 2008 when Jesse Ventura reported in Conspiracy Theory TV show that the Denver Airport has an underground base this brought too much attention and the US Space Command center was moved.

The US Space Command center was in charge of H.A.A.R.P. in Alaska and it was used to move the Jetstream 500 miles south in April of 2006 which was reported on numerous radio programs. The US Space Command Center when it was the Denver Airport it controlled HAARP. HAARP was now been shut off in about June of 2013 by a very high ranking Military Man, an America-Firster and stand up man.

This caused massive ice storms over Oklahoma and Texas in April 2006 which ahd never happened before. Three days later they moved the Jetstream back to its normal latitude. HAARP was built by Arco Oil, run by Robert Anderson and owned by Leonard Millman through his buffer King Resources according to Stew Webb. Leonard Millman held the lease on the north Slope Oil where the Alaskan Pipeline gets its oil. This oil lease has now has since been sold to BP. But as before 90% of this Alaskan oil goes to Japan but had been promised to be brought to American by the pipeline which was paid for by American taxpayers.

Approximately 10% of this oil is secretly refined on the Southern California coast and distributed in America. This tax payer ripoff against We the People. There are 6 corporation that receive off the books income out of the Alaskan before BP reports their income. Those 6 corporations are tied to Denver Circle of Twelve(thirteen) aka the Twelve Disciples of Satan”.

The Argo Tunnel System is connected to a Continuation of Government second Whitehouse and USG system in parallel, followed with its own backup just completed at Ozark Arkansas which itself is connected to a very large COG underground tunnel and (DUMB).

Yes, this is the largest subterranean tunnel system in the World, but not the only one. There is supposedly one at Pine Gap, Australia, one in Israel, one in South America in the Andes, and one in Tibet. And guess what has been rumored to periodically come out of this Argo Tunnel System at Idaho Springs? Alien Giants.

That’s right, Alien Giants. Not Alien ET Giants, just Alien Giants, apparently from Planet Earth. But this story doesn’t end here. There is more and it involves beautiful women with very long hair, renown women with extreme intelligence and legendary Psi-powers.

The Vril Girls and Anti-gravity technology.

And of course there is considerable information about the Vril girls who were associated with the Nazi push for high tech anti-gravity craft, developed by General Kammler.

These young ladies claimed to be mediums receiving information on anti-gravity and time travel from an alien race in another Star System. As the rumors go they disappeared and some have now returned over 60 years later working in above top secret Intel Operatives for G7.

Supposedly it was the Vril girls that informed the Nazis that there were ancient artifacts that explained anti-gravity and where they should hunt for them.

And according to this narrative, they also instructed the Nazis that there was an advanced race living inside the Hollow earth receiving light and free energy from the Black Sun.

And supposedly the Vril party morphed into the Nazi party which was directed by Vril girls of the necessity and methodology to make contact with this very advanced race living inside the South Pole which they called Aryans and claimed were the source of the Nordic and Germanic peoples.

Here is the claimed Maria Orsic photos before back in the late 1920’s and now after her return. The Vril girls were known to have very long hair which they claimed served as an antenna for receiving psychic communications.


Their beauty was legendary as was their skill to seduce almost any man, and it was claimed they used it to the max to get what they wanted when they wanted it.

Some researchers of Exopolitics believe that the Vril girls were either Alien ETs themselves, from an inner Earth advanced Alien Aryan race, or Alien ET “Nordic” hybrids with superior looks, superior intellect and notable Psi-power.

Was Wikileaks Editor in Chief Julian Assange seduced by a Vril type operative or was she just another CIA operative used as a “honey trap”. Or was it just a coincidental situation where a sexually agreeable man mysteriously “raped” a couple of very attractive ladies at the same time after they requested that he use a condom as the court charged? Now he sits in the Ecuadorian Embassy in Sweden trying to figure out what to do.

The Swedish government threatened to attack the Embassy and arrest him but so far they have done nothing but spend several million dollars USD equivalent. Julian Assange has allegedly claimed he could never be “honey-trapped”. Hmmm, so much for his willpower.

Or is there something more to this story, perhaps much more? And is this what US Intel now does to Zio shills masquerading as Intel-leakers, but who actually have an agenda to generate chaos and conflict.


As for now even though Majestic-12 has apparently decided to allow orderly disclosure of Alien ET matters including their advanced anti-gravity craft, this disclosure will not include the association between Nazis and the Occult, the Vril Girls or their well rumored association with an advanced Aryan or Nordic type Alien races living inside the South Pole. This is apparently going to remain verboten for now and into the future for a significant amount of time.

What this limit to disclosure probably means is that if there are advanced Aliens living inside the Earth and/or at both Poles, these would not be Alien ETs, just advanced Earth-born “Aliens” with anti-gravity craft and advanced weapons systems. Or Alien ETs that migrated here through a Stargate or Wormhole to leave a dying Planet. However if rumors are true they have probably been here on Planet Earth or inside Planet Earth for many years.

Did they originate here or were they from another race and world that Colonized the Earth to avoid their own dying planet as some believe, or were they the Fallen Ones, the Nephilim.

One thing is obvious, something has been going on at each Pole, especially the South Pole, and Nazis did have a Deep Underground Military Base there accessible by water, a base at the center of Antarctica with no snow and actual vegetation, and a large lake with above freezing water temperatures, probably fed by geothermal sources below.

For some reason, Majestic-12 apparently does not want you to know the secret goings on at Antarctica before, during or after WW2, the Nazi habitation of and the reality of some kind of alien race and very advance anti-gravity craft.

Perhaps it is because the Earth is Hollow, or is a Stargate, or was colonized by Nazis that migrated there during WW2, or has had a very advanced Alien race living there for many years below ground.

It is certainly a lot more benign to allow folks to know about Alien ETs that came from a distant Planet, rather than an advanced Alien race that was here all along.

As far as the missing Nazis who allegedly fled to Argentina and all over South America, we know about those and what happened to them, e.g. Colonia Dignidad. But as far as the missing Nazis who allegedly fled to to Antarctica to live in a secret underground base, so far no convincing rumors have been leaked which provide any clarification about this other than some kind of treaty was made with them.

And only those inside Majestic-12 known at this time if these Nazis joined up with Aliens living inside the Earth at the Poles and if the alleged treaty made with these Nazis included one also made with Aliens living inside the Earth at the poles (if the exist at all).



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