

Saturday, 18 October 2014


Yes, it’s not easy to make sense of the dynamics of world politics. Very little is as it appears. Not much of what we’ve been told is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. A big part of that confusion is the result of differing ideologies of the ruling bloodline families in the East and the West. China has long focused on trade, while Europe focused on conquest, enslavement of people and control of resources. The Family in China acquired great wealth through trade, requiring payment in gold, and became the creditor for the entire world. The Western Illuminati on the other hand, yes, the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, et. al., were the debtors. For all of their world conquests, they had to borrow money from the Family that controlled the gold reserves of the world. This money was never repaid to the Family. The Illuminati are psychopathic liars. The Family, on the other hand, seems to be waking up. What does this mean for us, the people of the world? Hopefully, I can provide a little clarity.

WHO gave any DRAGON the right to take our gold ? Conquest and trade was not done just by the west. The dragon family are still bickering over their materiality ... they are not the rightful keepers. Please give the gold back to WE the people of Mother Earth as it belongs to her and she needs it.

YEAH ... Dragon family paid for the wars ! ! !

Sorry Ron ... but I'm not for sale

IDEOLOGIES - and you're calling for inter faith ... more bickering.
I don't trust any ''DIVINE LAWS'' ... They go by a false god system of “honor”, not Nature’s “law” (Non interference with the indigenous planetary delicate evolving species)

Thank you - Hatter

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