

Thursday, 9 October 2014




Ines Radman
I don’t believe in Light workers.
You see, we all carry the light..
We are all equals, we all came here for the same reason



It was many months ago that I came across the website “Prepare For Change”. I believe I had heard about it listening to an interview with Alexandra Meadors and Cobra. As you may know, Alexandra did a series of interviews with Cobra and then suddenly stopped. I have not been able to find out exactly what happened, but I do know that most references to Cobra and the EVENT have been removed from Alexandra’s website



I signed up to PFC at that time months ago to receive a Newsletter, it all sounded really good and I was interested in helping in any way I could as we need all the help we can get here in Croatia. This is how I found out about the letter to PFC from Karen Lacey asking for a sum of money from Cobra’s Organization because he claims they have confiscated a lot of the gold, it was a litmus test for Cobra and he failed miserably. This is the link to the post:

Yesterday I receive October’s newsletter and normally they have a few members write different articles but this time it was titled:


“Open Letter to the “ELITE” Rulers.


“Elites”:This Letter Is Real, Your Attention Is Required

It is a long letter which is not the subject of this post, but while reading through it I read something that just really stopped me in my tracks and made me think.

In a section of the letter titled: “Even Not To Act Is To Make Your Decision”: “To every man and woman totally immersed in your daily routines as this drama unfolds , educate yourselves and awaken. *Not sure what Awaken would mean to someone who is asleep?)
Turn off the television, permanently and escort it from your home (didn’t know the TV was a living organism). In place of urging to live the most superficial life possible, addicted to medical drugs and the latest style, listen to the real news to learn what is happening around you. and are some of your best daily full spectrum globally televised radio and print news and they will wake you up enough to know which others are also telling the truth. Learn the truth about healthcare and how to take care of your body. This will help clear your mind and remove the fog.”

So, what jolted me was the Infowars recommendation of all the thousands of credible Alternative News Outlets/resources, they list ONE news network owned by Alex Jones. Had they suggested even 2 news outlets, I may never have noticed, but this was just so obvious to me they refer only ONE and of all people it was Alex Jones. Doesn’t that seem kind of odd to you, especially since Rob Potter claims to be part of the Truth/Love and Light Movement, you would think he could make a list of News Websites so that the reader can choose from or at least read a few of them and come to their own conclusions.

They partner with and/or promote other disinfo agents (Fulford, Wilcock and Drake Bailey and Keenan) and frequently criticize other researchers, without specific details such as: Personal names, sources, links, in-depth counter arguments.

Alexandra Meadors was very connected with both Rob Potter and Cobra, it’s interesting to me that neither party mentions the other anymore, so there was some kind of rift between them. All is not good in the Love and Light movement. It’s starting to fracture because it was never intended to be for our good. This love and light movement, New Cage Movement was set up and designed to keep us complacent




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