

Thursday, 9 October 2014




She and the people who back her business invented the whole story to get attention. like the many celebrities and new age speakers now a days they are all manufactured by corporations and big pharma such as tolle, bashar, chopra, doreen virtue and many more.. if teal was in that cult she claims she is most likely still in and now being controlled as a spiritual lady gaga.
who will do what ever they can to get your attention, the kardashians have moved to the spiritual circuit.. splash some sexyness and rebelness talk about soul mates and law of attraction aliens 3rd eye, god and goodness.. be more advanced then everyone and special then everyone and play that role until its raw. throw in a jesus complex and you got the next spiritual speaker.
So i wonder how many spiritual speakers do we intend to follow in our life time till we are on death bed wondering what the hell did we do with our life and mind? and just like amma when its big money operation and people go to investigate in person they mysteriously fall off the roof and die. silence that person right away they are making the zombie followers think .. we can not have that happen .. we will lose our precious cash cow.. teal who just wants attention, to be the center of the universe and get lots presents. of course this is exactly what a person does with a 171 IQ and a high vibration right?


The so called Bashar is one of the many forms of the apotheosis of the idiotic confabulation that all of these people are sharing .. It’s quite curious that an ”extraterrestrial entity” called bashar which also claims to come from the future, for some mysterious reasons decides to ”channel” a human being that coincidentally works as a creative for Hollywood .. (and particularly in science fiction movies such as ”star trek into the darkens” and so on) and not rather a guy from Bangladesh or Congo which never and ever read, copied pasted or heard any information about ”abundance”, ”et’s”, ”time travel” and so on.. .. 
Which is also the same entity that when invited in a japanese show requires a japanese translator to interpret the language (evidently aliens and future entities have not the quality to ”channel” through a human being the japanese translation automatically and telepathically).. Which is also the same entity that gives a concept of ”abundance” like : ”abundance is doing whatever one is supposed to do exactly when that person is supposed to do it” (which actually means that if I am Hitler, or a maniac, or an abuser or a perverted psychotic serial killer whatsoever.. then my ”abundance” consists in doing what I’m supposed to do (killing) exactly when I’m supposed to do so it).. 
Just to mention few of the the so many idiocies of this modern psychosis aimed to escape reality called ”new age”.. which represents a complete denial of an inward and deep psychological understanding.. One wonders how people can possibly be so abducted by these mediocrities !


I can give an example just recently i was sent a video of a guy named sasha stone interviewing teal scott/swan on satanic rituals. You can look up the video for yourself on line if you like just type in their names and you will find it. For those who do not know sasha stone is known as wolf in my bali blogs. i know this guy personally and it was not pleasant on how much of a womanizer and hypocrite he is., or how often i was sexually harressed by him. i saw him check out young girls all the time and comment out loud what he would like to do with them then he would say child porn is wrong.. or he would defend his new age leader friends who were arrested for sexually harressing women.
Not to mention he is a big fan of kadaffee who is a blood thirsty dick-tator the way he speaks sounds like intellectual poetry confabulations of nothingness trying to sound intelligent and enlightened, he particularly does this when he wants to show off in this case he was trying to impress teal. and teal was flirting back and constantly looking at herself on her computer and fixing her hair as she talked about shock torture done to kids with a smile on her face as if its amusement to her now.
People talk about these conspiracies and facts in a fake way, in a way where they are the superheros being the good guys wanting to seem so brave we are exposing this, as this kind of content seems to be the trend and all the rage. but what they are really doing is promoting and encouraging such things to go on. As if talking about it exposing it protesting about it by the many would make a difference when people do not care cause they see it as an entertainment and a way to become special to build ones identity and madness complex on.
Like the many i know how follow and talk about this stuff their minds are totally lost in endless illusions the last thing a person needs is a person like teal saying look how special i am, im out of my body all the time, im sexy, im a master manifestor, im more advanced then all of you and often times she says im super smart. more like super insecure and shallow.. but people put her on a pedestal to which people give her more attention but are left always feeling not able to measure or up that they are not good enough or missing something oh i better watch more teal spiritual videos so i can ascend.
And that is what i did i decided to look at another video of hers the next one was teals sex advice. I was really appalled by what she said something like i enjoy rough sex and men girls want you to be rough with them sexually otherwise they will think you are weak and no woman wants a weak man.. im sorry this is bullshit and creating a complex and contradictions in a mans mind and no not all woman want that how can she speak for all of woman? woman who have been raped do not want rough sex or a tough man, nor do they see a man who is gentle during sex as weak. im sorry this just shows how mentally ill, unstable and vain teal is.
It really bothers me when people compare the EOF to teal the EOF is nothing like Teal’s messages where she just talks about shallow superficial things to seem special and better then everyone to escape reality and her past if its really true which i doubt so she can get consensus she uses every trick in the book even claiming to heal cancer and making terrible art pictures saying they activate ones DNA and such but i guess it only works when you buy it not look at it online.. not to mention her partners are business marketing experts.
Then there is the fact that she constantly promotes illusions belief systems and mental complexes with duality and mind invented beings. or her ability to help others manufest uber stupidity in ones life. She has ask teal so you do not think, ask her for her answers cause she is so wise people do not see how they get enslaved by those answers so they never ever think to question teal rather then ask her.
She either has no idea what she is talking about and believes her own tripe cause she does not want to think or be responsible or she is a master scam artist with lots of help. i would not be surprised if she was even funded and backed by the very people she claimed abused her.
Where would she be with out her followers?
How would she fare on a deserted island? i do not think she would last very long channeling her guides there.
I wonder how many people have gone on medication thanks to this new age movement deluded and tricked waiting for a shift that will never come while they hear about illuminti plans and satanic blood rituals and wars going on all around them, waiting for the world to get better but it seems to be getting worse and its after 2012 and no golden age.. its not possible to have any sort of golden age or peace when one is confused and in prison of their belief systems and fake new age speakers whose solutions go nowhere but to a decay of our intelligence.
Think about these things if your tired of this madness bs and being scamed.

Why the Whole Spiritual

Movement is Dangerous

Because i am so concerned about the harm this woman and people are  doing and the many who are too scared and psychological destroyed to speak and instead stay silent.
Then Cameron Clark came to me being the only one brave enough to share with me her story of her time living at Teals house in full detail; it was so disturbing and demented which made it obvious that this Teal is indeed a psychopath that i decided to do a video interview with Cameron.
Cameron had so much to say how ever that we soon had 40 pages of things that we felt others should know especially the people who still live with teal and are totally blind to what is really going on. So Cameron and I decided to make our private conversation public for those who wanted the full story that we were not able to cover in the video as there is just so much.

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