

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

ALFRED WEBRE – THE PARADIGM SHIFT and EBOLA : the disease that feeds on media propagated fear


Ebola is an unusual sort of disease.

It spreads by international health organizations and feeds on media propagated fear, it comes with quarantines, starvation and murder, and countries break out with military take overs.
Alfred Webre is a Judge, Radio Host, Attorney, Professional Speaker and so much more.
His latest works include, but not limited, the events that took place prior to 911 and the aftermath.
More importantly, the people involved and why they did this autrocity.
Here is an excerpt from some of the material he has put together for us:
What the global “health agencies” and the UN are doing has nothing to do with health. They are manufacturing disease and attempting to make them as virulent and deadly as possible.
‘Author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS And Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?, Horowitz says the swine-bird-human flu strain, reported to be found first in Mexico in late-March 2009, could have only come from Dr James S. Robertson and his colleagues in association with the US Centre for Disease Control and vaccine manufacturer Novavax, Inc, which was ready to profit from the release he says.
Nobody else takes H5N1 Asian-flu infected chickens, takes them to Europe, extracts their DNA, combines their proteins with H1N1 viruses from the 1918 Spanish flu isolate, additionally mixes in some swine-flu genes from pigs, then reverse engineers them to infect humans, he said.

Paradime Shift and Alfred Webre,

Connecting the 911 dots



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