

Thursday 4 September 2014


Yesterday I was accused of failing myself and my mission over the reimbursement issue. I want to make it clear: the Ambassador offered more than once to handle it with his own funds; and I kept on saying that it was up to The Family. He told me again yesterday – yes we talked briefly – that I do not understand how things work in Hong Kong. He’s right; I have no idea. I do, however, resent the allegations by a certain individual that I somehow failed. I have and will continue to stand up for principles that I see as necessary to liberate humanity from the fraud, extortion and slavery of the current system. As long as that system goes unchallenged, we all fail. I am convinced the Ambassador is fighting for us. I am also convinced that it is the will of God for humanity to be liberated from the beast. If I can help any of the powers that hold our assets in trust to see the principles that must be applied, I will succeed. I believe some are hearing me; and I will never give up.

Looking at ALL sides … including Mr Prado’s view … if there is a need for external validation, the work stops being receptive, open and curious.  It is not a question of what you do, it is the question of how you do it. And ultimately it is a question of whether you do it or you allow it to happen. I think this was the message the Ambassador et al were trying to convey. Creativity is a paradox. The more you try to be creative, the less creative you will be. Conscious effort to be creative gets in the way to be creative – that is because creativity flows. A creative person is the one who lives in the moment, understands the context and looks at possibilities. Trust works both ways, especially dealing with the unknown Tao . Just let it flow Ron … Master your Chi :)

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