

Saturday, 6 September 2014

LOOKING INSIDE PANDORA’S BOX … Bases Project & John Cowie Lecture



Miles opens the 1st International conference for his Bases Project, then a protection grounding by Mirjam Janse.
As a former senior executive with Intel Corporation, John’s original intention was to write a book based on his first-hand experiences in the exciting semiconductor industry. But as he watched the remarkable evolution of the ubiquitous ‘silicon chip’ which initiated the computer and communications industries, he began to link these extraordinary visionary achievements with the human brain.


Regular journeys to work past Silbury Hill prompted him to consider where our knowledge came from and so began an investigation into the enigmatic Silbury Hill in relation to our early anthropology and astonishing evolution, leading to the publication of Silbury Dawning: The Alien Visitor Gene Theory.

This presents convincing evidence that point toward the arrival of extra-terrestrials in the ancient human past. John argues that these extra-terrestrials sexually mixed or genetically experimented with Homo sapiens, changing the course of human evolution and supercharging our intelligence. Why has the big question been ignored:

“Were extra-terrestrials responsible for the creation of humankind and the seeds of humanity on Earth”?



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