

Saturday, 6 September 2014







Hoeven (3), Holland. Reported 3rd September.
Date: September 3, 2014
Location: Hoeven, Holland
Crop: Maize (full-grown)
Found by: Robbert v/d Broeke (
Photos: Yvonne & Roy Boschman
Report by: Nancy Talbott, BLT Research (



That horse shoe is complete with the toe clench – Hence it is not a hoax (well, who could hoax in a standing green crop?)

The alkhemic meaning is, the same alkhemy of Galilleo, Copernicus, Newton, Nostradamus, Da Vinci, Dee etc used. The ”shod horse” constellation is Sagittarius. There are three other ‘horse constellations’ Pegasus, Centaur and Equulus (Colt or Foal) But it is Sagittarius who wears the shoes. This is a really important date since the Uffington ”White Horse” is also Sagittarius constellation- the large cross of his ”bow” is in the grass, no one sees it so no one keeps it white…



And on the column of St John The Divine Cathedral in New York there is a column which has the astrological signs travelling around with Virgo upside down, Libra has the hanging skeleton of Halloween in Scorpio – but Sagittarius is missing. In its place is The Snake Holder Ophiuchus.



Report by: Nancy Talbott, BLT Research

On Saturday night, August 30th Robbert v/d Broeke and I were on Skype. Just after midnight he suddenly said “I think another circle’s coming, in maize…I see it in my head.” I asked him to draw what he “saw,” more now as a matter of routine than because I have much doubt he could be mistaken. As he noted on his drawing, it was just 6:00am, August 31st in Holland.



On the night of September 2-3, Roy was at Robbert’s apartment. The “restless” feeling Robbert always get before new circles appear had been building up when, sometime close to midnight, he saw the same horseshoe-shape in his “mind’s eye,” this time made out of lights, followed by the flash of a light-ball over a field as the crop circle actually formed. He also “saw” the exact field where the new formation would be.
Shortly after midnight, September 3rd, Roy drove Robbert to the field and as they arrived Robbert saw what he describes as a “pulsating tunnel” in the sky over the field, so he knew exactly where to go. This formation is fairly deep into the field and, since it had been raining for days and the maize is full-grown now, both men got soaked.



The farmers here are both about 6 ft. tall so you can see the height of the plants; also notice well-developed cobs everywhere and stalks along the edge flattened with their root-balls pulled out of the soil. This farmer did allow visitors to a maize formation in his fields in 2013, so he may decide to allow visitors again—watch Robbert’s website for details.



Robbert said that as they got closer he could feel the “energy” pulling him in the right direction and that, in this case, it felt very “gentle and sweet, like a temple.” Because of the rain the last few days the ground was damp and with their torch they could see no mud on the flattened corn or any footprints (other than their own) in the soft soil as they reached the arc. They could also see that many of the thick stalks were absolutely bent over at the base, just above the root-ball—and that other plants were snapped or split slightly at or just above the root-balls and in many cases the brace-roots had been pulled (with the stalk intact) right out of the soil.

For additional photos of this formation & info as to whether the farmer will allow visitors, see Robbert’s Crop Circle Archive:

For many reports (in English) about the wide range of totally anomalous phenomena occurring around Robbert for the last 20 years, see individual reports listed below the introduction on his BLT page:


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