

Monday, 4 August 2014

Veterans Today Radio - US UK State backed Genocidal Murderers and maiming children ... Stew Webb Preston James


The Dark Side of the Sun
"Son of the Sun" (Aton)
The Pharaonic Lion and Unicorn 
primarily symbolizes the Cult of Aton 
and Tribe of Judah, both renegade exiles from Egypt

 IS ... RA ... EL

The real "King of the Jews." He was the master of the Levites and of the "12 Tribes" under his dominion. His "biography" is the Bible, his instrument of torture - Judeo-Christianity!

His Cult of Aton was, and is, identical to the pre-diluvian "Brotherhood of the Snake."

His minions are the Vatican, the Illuminati, Templars, Royals and British-Israelites - enemies of freedom and truth, each and all The Atonists have expertly employed their age old symbols to indicate their presence to the symbolically literate. From their bases of operation (Tanis, Alexandria, Rome, London, New York,and Washington DC) and through their lieutenants they control the world, their new Egypt.
Adolph Hilter was a British (or Atonist) agent. He shakes hands with King Edward VII of the Windsor Family who are of German and Venetian ancestry. Sir Oswald Mosley, the leader of Britain's Fascist Party, during the second World War years, was related to the Windsor royals. Gregg Hallet, the author of Hitler was a British Agent, has exposed the connections between the Nazis and the British Crown. In his Mein Kamf, Hitler hypocritically professed hatred for the world's aristocracy. In truth, like the Rothschilds of Frankfurt-on-Main, he was in their employ.

The Nazis and their Masonic-Atonist solar eagle. Hitler, Himmler, and other Nazi agents of the British Crown, never ceased to refer to themselves as "New Templars." Appropriating and misusing the sacred title "Aryan," they distorted and obscured the true meaning of this term that signified the Druids or Elders (the wise and perfected men) of any race.

In Egyptian and Hindi the word Akha (Akhe-naton) means "Eye." The hierogram for the word Akhem or Akha was an eagle. The eye and the eagle are therefore closely related and have long been symbols for royalty, especially Egyptian royalty. The name Akhenaton means the Eye of Aton. Manasseh is, therefore, a cover term and idea for the Atonists, and their conquest of America.

According to the cryptic metaphorical "histories" of the British-Israelites, Joseph's two sons -Manasseh and Ephraim - are the ancestors of the races guided by "god" to found Britain and America. The sons are, however, merely fictive devices. They are just two of many non-historical biblical characters scripted to impersonate the chiefs of the Cult of Aton, who speak only in symbols to the world they stage-manage from behind the scenes.

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