

Tuesday 12 August 2014

SPECIAL SHOW : Origins of Israel & New Mono World Order (BLOODLINES)

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. It's just as well that the infection that rots the brains of millions, was not to be found in Beethoven, Handel or Vivaldi. 
  It sure was not part of Bach, Dali, Escher, Durer, Blake, Rilke, Breughel Picasso or Magritte?  
They were the Shining Ones, the Servants of Truth, and their kind has always been amongst you.  
They walk close to you.  
But you've not felt them as they walk where you walk, smile when you smile, and weep when you weep?  
You don't feel their immeasurable love for you, that can never be expressed in words.
They know all about you.  
How come you know so little about them? 
Albrecht Durer (1487-1528)
The "WAR ON TERRA" is merely the latest move in the great game played out by the Atonist Establishment - the Royals and Jesuit-Masonic sorcerers - who expertly employ the "Ordo ab Chao" (Order from Chaos) methodology to further their very personal aspirations that date back to an old world order that you are not supposed to know about.
So let's get clear on a few things, and remain sane in the midst of growing worldwide insanity. Let's understand that the present day architects of control (those biological and ideological descendants of the Atonist pharaohs of old, and their less camera shy lieutenants) continue plying their vile imperialist trade from behind the visible governments and religions of the world.
Let's understand that the "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict is engineered from London and New York by elites with ancient origins. Age after age, they concoct bogus conflicts to engender an ambience of fear and paranoia, and to ensure that few of you ever become aware of humanity's true enemies. The Islamic "extremists" are funded by the same hidden hand that fund the Zionists and Fundamentalist Christian Evangelists. But that is information given out on a "need to know" basis.
 Many a great thinker has managed to work out what has been going on behind the scenes, and it's time for you to adjust your settings and get the picture, and quick! Next the statesmen will invent cheap lies, putting the blame upon the nation that is attacked, and every man will be glad of those conscience-soothing tactics, and will diligently study them, and refuse to examine any refutations of them; and thus he will by and by convince himself that the war is just, and will thank God for the better sleep he enjoys after this process of grotesque self-deception - Mark Twain
Israel,- the real Israel - has little to do with religious Jews or the Torah, just as the true Christ has little to do with Vatican-style Christianity or American Evangelism. But you have not worked this out yet, have you? No, of course not. After all, you've have been "Mel Gibsoned" and "Pat Robertzoned" to death, and are mentally infected by many a deadly pathogen, to keep you in a state of profound ignorance.
Al Qaeda, your new bogey, is the brainchild of the same Vatican, New York City, London based intelligentsia that once funded Hitler and his Nazis, that concocted the now shelved "Soviet Experiment," and that funded Franco, Pol Pot, Mugabe, Castro, Pinochet, Noriega, and every other inhuman demagogue and tyrant throughout the world.
The heat has been turned up "over there" for ritual purposes, and to expertly distract you from noticing the final demise of your once great country. Yes, for generations the United States has been scourged by its direst enemies - the legions of the British Crown.
Atonist lion heads on the doors of 10 Downing St, London, and Council of Foreign Relations Headquarters, New York City. The number ten (10) cryptically connotes Aten or Aton, the Masonic god of light.
So when you see the leaders of Hezbollah, and of Israel (Zion-Aton), understand that you are seeing actors. They are agents of her royal lowness - Queen Elizabeth Windsor - of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Hapsburg, Hanover, and Guelph - of Venice and Atonist Egypt.
The Bushes and Schwartzkopfs, the Colin Powells and Rupert Murdochs, the Thatchers, Geldofs, Spielbergs, Greenspans, Kennedys, and Giulianis, baby, they bow and squat down on their worthless knees before her silver sword to accept her knighthoods.
What a travesty!

. After all, this is the same diabolical Crown that, two hundred years ago, punished Irish and American rebels and patriots with agonizing death. The Queen of England…made Bush’s military chiefs Colin Powell and “Stormin” Norman Schwarzkopf…Honorary Knights of the British Empire. G. H. W. Bush is also knighted for services rendered 


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