

Sunday 3 August 2014


I heard once where an ET was shocked that humans had to pay to live on the planet of their birth. Supposedly that in an anomaly in the universe. I tend to believe that’s true, though I can offer no proof. What I can offer is a follow-up to the video I recorded last week about money and value in which I pointed out that value does not come from money, but from resources, creativity and work. Did you know that in the current system, everything is already pre-paid. Did you know that you, as a human being are a traded commodity based on your ability to work and produce? Google “Birth Certificate Bonds” and you might be surprised. Yes, your value is traded on the stock market and all your bills are pre-paid based on your value. Of course those controlling the matrix forgot to tell you that. I’m telling you. When you “borrow” money, the loan is already paid by your bond. We are all millionaires with unlimited potential. I can imagine living in a pre-paid world, Can you?

Do you not realize that choosing the money system, you are choosing to go with Lilith, WE the people of MOTHER EARTH have goodwill, which is our credit  and therefore our labour … WE the people don’t need to ask for money from the Dragon families any more … No more contracts … WE don’t follow the Divine right to rule … WE are not part of their Harvest … OUR souls are freed from the bloodlines … I see there is no mention that WE are of Adamic origin … and OUR birthright is SOVEREIGN. WE are not interested in the 5 stars of ROY-AL FEDER-EL DRAGON reigning blood kin of EL. Money has been cursed … luck cursed and debt cursed … WE don’t fall for the seal of SET because WE are sealed by EARTH’S FATHER ADAM and MOTHER EVE … THE DIVINE COUPLE and humanity’s allies are ending the monetary system once and for all … ET aren’t shocked, they knew all along.

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