

Sunday 10 August 2014



Awakening people have come to hate the hierarchical structure of the Matrix we are coming to see as a beast engaged in human slavery, an extortion racket and corporate fraud permeating every structure of human society. That is the Hierarchy from Hell. As with everything in a dualistic world, there is always a flip side. I believe this is also true of hierarchies. If we can see the cruelty of hell’s tyranny, can we not also see what is coming on the horizon to change all of that? Yes, if something false can exist in our experiential reality, so must its opposite. There must be a Hierarchy of Heaven too. The Most High God reigns! The Goddess of Heaven and Earth hears the cries of her children. We live in a time of revelation, a time of apocalypse, a time when hidden, occult mysteries are being revealed. This is not only a game changer; it heralds the birth of the New World, the new humanity. It will have structure, just as our lives need structure. The rule of Truth and Justice that will bring Peace on Earth must begin within each of us as we face the lies in our individual lives; and as it takes root in us, it is changing the world.

Well said Ron, you have a lovely heart  … “something really, really, really big” is happening …  they are indicting about 1,850 US Judges, although they don’t have the money … if the Amnassador could funnel some funds their way so they can move forward with this … thanks
Also could the Dragon Family help Veronica Keen in building a centre in Ireland … … she needs help with money,  Andrew Bartzis is helping the fundraising campaign to enable the building of the Centre.
Namaste Hatter


The Ambassador and other Family members view my videos and read comments. I even get feedback at times. I'd like nothing better than to see the corrupt judges arrested, stand trial and do time when found guilty by honest juries. I'd like to see many things funded that will turn the tide.

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