

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

REMOVING THE SHACKLES : The Phoenix That Wouldn’t Rise

The Phoenix That Wouldn’t Rise.

Over the past two years I have spoken several times about the templates that the “cabal” and “Powers that Were” continuously use in all of their activities. These templates play out over and over again in all aspects of business/finance, war, “politics”, “terrorism”/false flags, and “history”. Once you can identify the template that “they” are using, then you can see the entire scenario for what it is and know exactly how it is being played out.

The template that was used for the Colorado theatre shooting, Sandy Nook school shooting, Sikh temple shooting, the Boston Marathon bombing etc… made it very very easy to spot the next “false flag” the moment it was perpetuated. Hence the fact that now when they happen, the alternative media and quick witted people all over the world uncover the lies and deceptions within hours, if not minutes of the incident. Many of us have sat back and laughed and pointed fingers at “them” and said “Oh my god! What a bunch of idiots!! I can’t believe they thought that this would work!!!”, and “How can they be so stupid?!” Yet it’s not actually “stupidity”….



They literally can NOT go outside the template that they have.

Let’s look at the various health “pandemic” template that they have (tried) to use on the public to further their “Martial law”, “population reduction” and “fear and distraction” plans. Norwalk, SARs, H1N1, H5N1, H1N5, H1N7, H7N9……… Not ONE of these “pandemics” worked on any level of what “they” were trying to perpetuate. There was no mass die off’s of the human species, there was no martial law installed, there was no massive panic by the populous. None. It didn’t work. “Their” template was a bust, and yet they can’t break the template so they have to try again…. with the same damn template…

…Enter: The Ebola Outbreak.

“They” had to jump to their last resort “outbreak” out of desperation of a completely failed plan. “Desperation” because, even with 40 years of research and testing, “they” still haven’t managed to weaponize Ebola into the bioterror weapon that “they” have been hoping for.



As I have pointed out in the last two articles I published:

“The Ebola Outbreak: The pandemic that isn’t”
“When is Ebola not Ebola? When it walks off an airplane”
“Their” attempted “pandemic” is a complete failure.

The “Ebola pandemic” was run off of the exact same template as all the previous “pandemics” (because they can’t change the template) using a failed chimeric frankenstein virus that isn’t even coming close to working they way they wanted it to. “Their” last ditch effort was aimed at distracting the public for as long as possible, and hoping that somehow they could figure out a way to at least scare people enough with the “Ebola” boogieman that they could finally get their “martial law” thingy in place….. which also won’t work.



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