

Sunday 10 August 2014

COBRA : August 1 2014 – Interview with COBRA by Rob Potter


Welcome ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the Victory of the Light radio show. I’m your host Rob Potter. This is a pre-recorded interview with Cobra, voice modulated. I want to thank you all for your patience for this show. Cobra has been in Taiwan for a long time. We had to post pone the interview ti the first of August. There’s a lot of technical things that have to take place for this to happen. It takes time for the transcripts and we’re getting this up as fast as possible. . I think you’ll find it an interesting show. It will put things in perspective for those of you who like to react. For those of you who like to sit in the horror movie and then every time someone gets scared look to see what Cobra says. This interview is designed for those of you light workers to remain calm and to have the knowledge of what is going on and to begin to provide the solutions.

Rob – Yes, ladies and gentlemen, here we are again with our emissary of light, Cobra who has just returned from his Portal activation in China. I hope you had a good trip. Was the activation successful?

COBRA – Yes, the activation was very successful but it wasn’t taking place in China, but in Taiwan. Taiwan is not part of mainland China but a separate state.

Rob – OK, but I thought it was still considered China even though it’s call Taiwan.

COBRA – Well the culture is similar but their political and their economic system is different.

Rob – OK, you mentioned before the Taiwan White Dragon society is fractured. When you were there before, did you meet with any of the White Dragon society members?

COBRA – It’s not just the Dragon’s in Taiwan. The whole Dragons community is fractured and yes I had contact with a few of those people. It is very clear that some healing is needed in that area.

Rob – Yes, it’s pretty similar all over the world and a lot of them have been involved in criminal activity before. It’s the same all over the world. I wanted to ask you specifically. A lot of people sit on pins and needles in regards to you and your personality. I want to make this clear, I’ve said this before to people. I want to make this comment: Cobra, you are a very beautiful person. You certainly have no agenda. You are not any dark cabal member #1. #2. You are an unassuming personality. When people meet you, you never ever look for personal adoration or for people to rely on you in a personal way. That’s correct yea?

COBRA – Yes, that’s correct, exactly.






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