

Friday 25 July 2014


Part I.  Tolec concurs & comments on David Wilcock’s 07.22.14 thoughts.
Part II.  A contemporary summary update by Nahiska, Head of Defense, for the Andromeda Council.
With great conscience – I concur regarding David Wilcock’s dream interpretations & assessment of these current times, as well as acknowledgement of some of what Preston James & Gordon Duff are saying.  It is with great personal experience & insight into the ‘inner workings’ of the global financial ‘world’, and very recent meetings I’ve had on the Andromeda Council primary biosphere, I can tell you that change is happening, more changes are coming… and benevolent ET assistance, on the part of many people who hold a variety of roles including within the security & defense structure of the Andromeda Council… continues to happen.
Ridding the Earth of some really bad human ‘lieutenants’ at the top of the power structure [of a Reptilian ruled & operated “Cabal”] is a top priority.  It is also part of the higher frequency decision making & evolvement of Earth’s people.  For why this information is all relevant, please see the web link – “The Hard Reality & A Difficult Truth”… especially the part of this white paper titled – “The complete infiltration, infestation, corruption & control of our global society” – to learn about the global Reptilian infestation, manipulation, power control and abuse of the people of this planet.
Because of my own professional work in the 2000’s, I learned first hand about the kind of gross misconduct, lies, fraud, deceit, outright manipulation & theft of clients money by top global banking institutions [where Reptilian dominance of money, power & greed has had what is likely the worst effect among all top global industries] that has existed at the top levels of the global banking industry for years.  You’ve likely read about this kind of malevolent behavior verified over the past couple of years, including very recently, on the part of the top global banks with them incurring hundreds of millions & billions of dollars in fines due to their extensive, pervasive, corrupt business practices… practices that are mostly hidden in multiple layers of bureaucracy, foolhardy massive leveraging, highly complex trading algorithms, programs & schemes, “dark pools”, toxic securities… and the list goes on. And, because of my personal career exposure to this corrupt mess, and my own ‘high level’ contacts… I have some considerable amount of insight into what is happening right now.
With the coordinated efforts of some aligned, very smart people in developing countries… people who want to help their own people & change the way things are done around the planet… people who are in positions of power around the globe who also recognize the need for change at the top of the power structure of the financial world;  because of these people & their commitment – these changes are happening at a incredible pace… faster than can be imagined in the past… as evidenced by the recent founding of the BRICS Development Bank, now formally named the: “New Development Bank”.  This new bank is an alternative to the World Bank / IMF / BIS ‘system’ whose obstructionist policies & protocols have dominated international banking for years… giving the U.S dollar a preeminent role, a hegemony, in monopolizing global money supply, oil & natural gas transactions… creating interest [profit] for & lining the pockets of people at the very top of the global power structure… when money could have & should have been used to help people in developing countries where money is so desperately needed for infrastructure development [ie. new electric/power sources & grids, clean alternative fuels, clean water, sanitation, roads, housing, schools, etc.]
It is believed that the organization of this alternative development bank is in fact a step forward in creating far greater balance in global finance… in saying ‘no more’ to the corrupt ‘powers that be/were’… who have so dominated global banking for years… where they actually restricted & retarded the growth of the very people they are supposed to serve. The creation of this development bank is just one more step marking the decline of the power of… the Cabal… who was not able to stop the establishment of this new bank… an alternative to the corrupt World Bank / IMF / BIS system.
As David Wilcock said, “…I do believe some form of divine intervention is required to actually clean up this mess due to how entrenched the power structure truly is. …The Cabal banked for a long time (literally and figuratively) on the idea that ETs will only watch what happens but are forbidden to intervene. That may have been true in the past, but the rules changed as of late 2011 when the ETs started portaling out a total of 28 underground facilities that we know of.”
David also said, “…So according to [Preston] James and [Gordon] Duffs’ [of Veteran’s Today] sources, the ETs have given the Cabal a final ultimatum. On the physical level I believe the creation of the BRICS bank not only creates an alternative infrastructure if the Cabal tries to torch the financial system — it also creates consent, on a spiritual level, for the ETs to intervene much more.”
“The ETs need our free-will permission to act.  Until we were brave enough as a planet to step up and fight, and do something as tangible as to create this alternative financial infrastructure, the ETs couldn’t intervene as strongly as they can now that we’ve done the work. …It may still be some time before we understand the degree to which our extended family has assisted us through this whole process.”
Based on my own prior, very detailed reports beginning in the late summer of 2011 –
I first reported the destruction of a lattice networked underground base in the greater Washington D.C area [recorded as an earthquake on August 23, 2011] where the people of the Procyon star system, a senior member of the Andromeda Council, used highly focused, low frequency, sonic compression wave technology to collapse and destroy this underground base networked facility.
Further, I also reported in great detail direct efforts by the people of the Andromeda Council [each time, days ahead of when each action took place] to clear out, shutter, seal &/or destroy, at minimum fifteen (15) major facilities, large scale, Draco & Hydra Reptilian undersea bases. There were other minor ones included in these 15 that were shut down as well.  As a result – specifically with the last base that was destroyed, tens of thousands of Draco soldiers, and over 2,000 high ranking military officers & officials were captured & sent off planet to face an intergalactic Criminal Tribunal on the primary Andromeda Council biosphere for crimes against humanity of Earth… crimes for which they were found guilty, and punished.
So has there already been on-going benevolent ET ‘intervention’… directly addressing the problem at the very top of the “Cabal” hierarchy.  But those actions were specifically directed at the Reptilian’s communications, operations & infrastructure… undersea bases with a military hierarchy & high level officials.  Not human, Reptilian.  And the good news is – it had the net effect of ‘cutting off of the head of the snake’… which created a power vacuum, loss of leadership and extensive in-fighting. This was the beginning of the Cabal’s collapse.
These actions on the part of the people of the Andromeda Council were allowable because it was a direct effort to remove an alien species [Reptilian] – its intrusion, interference, manipulation, control & abuse of the human race on planet Earth… which is a clear violation of all universal spiritual laws.  The Reptilian actions are especially heinous because they have repeatedly, going back 1,000s of years, interfered with the natural evolution of humanity on this planet.
The remaining problem now is with certain ‘lieutenants’ for the Reptilians – Humans, and/or human/reptilian hybrids who for all purposes look human, who have globally held positions of great power in all major sectors of our society, especially in finance, government & media… for years… likely hundreds &/or thousands of years.
However, now in 2014, things are changing. Finally.  Brave humans, employing their own free will, have decided that the long standing corruption of the Cabal run global banking system & the infrastructure that has supported it, needs change, an alternative, as evidenced by the establishment of this new development bank.
Yes, David Wilcock is correct in his assessment & dream interpretations.  And, it is likely we will need continued help [intervention] from a benevolent, higher, “divine power”… to rid ourselves, to clean our global society, from years of an entrenched, malevolent power structure.
Even so, much is still yet to be accomplished.   We as a society must continue to push forward.  We must do more.  We must take added responsibility, initiative & actions to reclaim our freedom, our lives & our planet… for our people, our children & our future.  We must do these things if we are to evolve in a healthy balanced manner in all areas of our lives.  And we must do these things…  so that we may from a perspective of maturity & responsibly… be able to join a greater, intergalactic community of brothers & sisters across the cosmos.  Ultimately, it is up to us.   It is our choice, each & every one of us.  What will you do?
So, for now, please pay close attention to many other aspects of our global society…  as major changes continue to happen across our world, our home planet.  Earth.
Andromeda Council
Part II.  A contemporary summary update by Nahiska, Head of Defense, for the Andromeda Council.

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