

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Secret Space Secret Past


 There’s a scandal going on in the scientific world today involving the suppression of information: Information deliberately held back from public view. It’s a scandal that is cheating you of your ancestry and robbing you of many serious benefits. Misinformation is on a scale never witnessed before. Artifacts deliberately dumped in the Atlantic Ocean… Certain discovery sites banned to researchers who ask embarrassing questions… an archaeologist ordered to deny a major Find: There’s a worldwide conspiracy regarding disinformation that’s been going on since the beginning of time, all 6000 illusory years of it. This conspiracy is about UFO’s , Aliens, Reptilians, Religion, Super Technologies, Evolution and our true past




Take a look at our hidden past. There’s a scandal going on in the scientific world today involving the suppression of information: Information deliberately held back from public view. So what led to this cataclysm , only 3398 years into creation ? The Elite Cabal of the new world around 3398 BC tried an experiment using 2 pyramids one above ground and the other one below ground using slabs of crystalline quartz and technologies and rituals not known today in an attempt to separate themselves from all other life, and create their own separate reality outside the original 3D matrix creation. 

This failed miserably causing universal mayhem and causing a huge catastrophe on earth and the surrounding planets. This caused a disturbance in the vapor canopy high above the planet and the oceans of water it holds soon came crashing down, the volcanic eruptions around the earth and underground water basins also were released that caused the epic deluge and flood. The reminder of the elite had underground cities and basses which most of them had survived ,including some of the technology and hoarded wealth. Evidence of this can be found all over the world especially in South America.





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