

Tuesday 15 July 2014


Dedicated to all the “ordinary” people
who turn out to be so extraordinary


Angelic gateways, that were given

to humanity in order to work with celestials.

The Sons of Elohim are the Bene Elohim, who left behind the Annunaki (who were not true Elohim but genetic descendants like us).
The Elohim also created humanity along with the Bene Elohim. The Annunaki chose to enslave humanity because of our angelic [DNA] inheritance. They chose to disempower us so that we would not be the inheritors of our true destiny.The Annunaki believe they are our gods and therefore have all rights to gold and the human beings on the planet as their property.  And they have behaved that way and treated us as slaves to exploit.

All beings are Eternal Essence, none are superior to another embodiment of Eternal Essence. No other embodiment owns another embodiment.

“Researchers think that if humans with full individuality would regain group consciousness, they would have godlike power to create, alter, and shape things on Earth!”
Not only does living DNA communicate with other DNA in the body with these biophotons, it also has the capability of communicating to other bodies, and even other lifeforms.
12 strand DNA is naturally Christ consciousness in its natural state.  The 10 strand DNA is power consciousness (annunaki and others)

Humanity’s DNA is the bridge that unites the two.
LINK  - DNA & the Dance of Darkness & Light

Strap yourself in, for we’re about to take off to a place beyond Never Never Land. Instead of heading to the “second star to the right, straight on till morning,” we’re aiming at the multi-dimensions right in the middle of yourself, straight into Everything.
LINK - A CELESTIAL MYSTERY SOLVED: The Secret to an Unknown Human Power

When American Kabuki said that he would post this mystery of a picture, that had shown up out of nowhere, on his blog and let the “crowd source” (his blog members) bring forth the answer, I had my doubts. But no longer. I will present three revelations that showed up around this picture: What is this picture? And where did it come from? Why the celestials want humanity to know about it’s secret. What is the DNA tesseract? And why is it so important? …
LINK - Solfeggio System Secrets

History Solfeggio Matrix Solfeggio Scales Solfeggio Geometry Solfeggio Matrix DNA & the Solfeggio …
GW Hardin

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