

Monday 28 July 2014


Louis Jean Francois Lagrenée –
The Abduction of Deianeira by the Centaur Nessus – 1755

About Niara Terela

I have been a spiritual seeker from almost the cradle up. After discovering a disturbing three-month block of missing time in 1980 from my time as an enlisted airman in the U.S. Air Force – during which I had only the most general of memories – I underwent hypnosis to recover some of that missing time and to investigate other earlier memories and strange dreams from my childhood. What I discovered was staggering and life-altering, turning life upside down for me for a good many years, launching me into more study and research to find out what had happened to me, why, and in what context, and to heal from the ensuing emotional fallout.
As an experiencer of extraterrestrial abduction/contact and strange milab-type experiences while in the Air Force, I’ve gained deep insights into the workings of our world and the roles that different groups of extraterrestrials may be playing in it. Today I work to raise public awareness about the reality of extraterrestrials, to shed light on the machinations of the “shadow government” and re-frame it all in a life-affirming and hope-filled vision of where we may be headed as a species from my own life-long spiritual experience and perspective.
I bring to my work as well many years of self-study over a variety of disciplines. I’m a writer, artist and body-centered life coach, and founder of Durango Exopolitics, a local discussion group and, which has become widely read over the internet since its inception. It is no longer updated frequently due to work on my book.
I feel a personal sense of mission to present all the solid testimony and evidence I can to help people understand that extraterrestrials are real, are visiting our Earth and that contact with spiritually advanced and benevolent extraterrestrials could reshape our planet and society in ways that many of us have dreamed of – a world of peace, cooperation, sustainability and deep caring for each other as we move into an era of free energy and the ability to resolve our environmental crisis and move beyond economic slavery. What we must discover and create is the common energetic ground upon which this meeting can take place.
Niara enlisted in the Air Force back in 1979 and became a surface to air missle/anit-aircraft artillary radar specialist based at various bases around the U.S. She was based for aprpoximately one year at Nellis Air Force Base working out at the Tonopah Test Range. And that is where these incidents occurred.
Although her experiences are hard to believe, her down-to-earth way of relating the information if anthing, underscores how very real they were and the depth of depravity and cruelty implied in her treatment brings to light some very sinister dealings going on that include a race or races of ETs and the military, that if true, couldn’t be more scandalous.
If and when government disclosure ever becomes a reality this is the type of story that will be very hard to explain let alone acknowledge by those coming forward at that time.


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